Osteochondroma of Scapula

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Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman

D-ortho student
Dept. of Orthopaedics,BSMMU
Particulars of patient:
Name :Nuru
Age : 35 years
Sex : Male
Address :Boraigram,Natore
Occupation: Farmer
Hand dominace:Right
Date of Admission : 11.10.2022
Date of examination : 15.10.2022
Presenting complaints:
Rihgt sided swelling over uper back region for 2 years.
History of present illness:
 According to the statement of the patient he was
reasonably well 2 years back.
 Then his family member noticed a swelling over right side
of scapula on superio-medial aspect
 The swelling increases in size slowly.There is no
fever,pain,weight loss or any other constitutional
symptoms during this period. He has no this type of
swelling anywhere in his body.
 He has no difficulty in performing his daily activities with
this swelling.
History of pastillness: he has no history of
hypertension, diabetes, ishchemic heart disease ,asthma
Treatment History:Nothing significant
Family Hisotory: No other family member has
such type of deformity
Prsonal History: Non-smocker
General Examination

 Appearence : Normal
 Body built : Average
 Co-operative
 Blood Pressure: 110/80 mmHg
 Pulse: 80 beats/min
 Other vital parameters are within normal limit. : Nothing
Systemic Examination: revealed no
Locoregional examination

Look :
 There is a globular shape
bony swelling over superio
medial aspect of right
scapula measuring
approximately (3*4*3)cm.
 There is no overlying dilated
veins,scar mark.
 Skin condition is normal.
Feel :
Locoregional examination
Temp : Normal
Consistency :Bony Hard
Overlying skin is free
from swelling.
Fixed to underlying bone
Distal neurovascular
status : intact

Regional lymph
node:No palpable
Cervical &axillary
lymph node.
There is no active & passive movement restriction of
shoulder joint.
Thers is no winging of scapula.
Provisional Diagnosis:

Benign bony tumor involving right superio-medial aspect of dorsal scapula probably osteochondroma.
CT scan of Right Scapula:

A Case of 2 years old Pedunculated Osteochondroma

over dorsal right scapula on superio-medial aspect in 35
years old right hand dominant male.
Unit Plan

Extraperiosteal resection & histopathological examination

and follow up.

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