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In this report I will be explaining all the key components that are
needed in client workstations, and this is all required for these client
workstations to connect to the network so they can access the
networks resources such as files , protocols and other data. these key
components . I will be explaining will be hardware and software I will
be explaining how they work with the network and the kind of
connectors or cabling needed.
Network Devices

network devices also known as communicating devices are critical

components required to make sure computers connect with each other
so data can be transferred between them, this is normally done via
Local Area network however other possibilities are available. without
these components networking wouldn't be possible. Some of theses
components . I will explain below and keep in mind that some are
more critical than other and work their way up the diagram.
workstations are normally desktop computer terminals
which are much more powerful than casual computers as they are
capable of doing more things hence this is why they are used for
graphic designers, big businesses, engineering and scientific companies,
architects etc.
these workstations are normally connected to a local area network and
can run multiple users on the same or different operating systems
that's why good internet connectivity is required for these. One of the
main features about workstations is the amount of performance you
get with them especially in certain aspects such as CPU, GPU and
memory(RAM) as they can have 2 of each and 10x more powerful and
high speed than a regular PC Part.
servers are necessary for any kind of netwroking and are normally
hardware based but can also be physically based. With the sever
connected to other devices it can provide them functionality for them
to request and share data, the devices connected to the server can also
be known as clients. Servers were created for big businesses normally
hosting and storing files and resources such as websites for example
some of these can be google, amozon, etc. Just like workstations,
servers can also be highly powerful because of the hardware inside of
them. There are many different types of servers and they can be linux,
Apple or even windows based and can serve hundreds of clients at a
time, that's why these are commonly used.

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