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Semantic Web -

Sameer Totey

01/10/23 CSCI 7818 - Web Infrastructure, 1

Services, and Applications
What is Ontology
 Branch of Philosophy that studies
nature of existence
 Specification of a conceptualization
 Document or file that formally
defines relations among terms
 Shared understanding of some
domain of interest

01/10/23 CSCI 7818 - Web Infrastructure, 2

Services, and Applications
Acrobat Document

01/10/23 CSCI 7818 - Web Infrastructure, 3

Services, and Applications
01/10/23 CSCI 7818 - Web Infrastructure, 4
Services, and Applications
What is Ontology for
Web ?
 A Taxonomy which defines classes
of objects and relations among
 A set of inference rules
 (Classes subclasses and relations
among entities)

01/10/23 CSCI 7818 - Web Infrastructure, 5

Services, and Applications
Why Ontologies?
 Lack of a shared understanding
leads to poor communication
 Disparate modeling paradigms,
languages and software tools limit
1. Interoperability
2. Knowledge Sharing and reuse

01/10/23 CSCI 7818 - Web Infrastructure, 6

Services, and Applications
 Usually Ontology structure is represented as a 5 Tuple
O = (C,R, H, rel, A)
 Disjoint Sets C and R are concept identifiers and
relation identifiers respectively
 H is the concept hierarchy. Also called Taxonomy.
H(C1,C2) means C1 is subconcept of C2. H is a
directed transitive relation.
 Rel is a function that relates concept non-
taxonomically, rel : R  C X C
 A is a set of ontology Axioms, expressed in an logical
language like first order logic.

01/10/23 CSCI 7818 - Web Infrastructure, 7

Services, and Applications
Ontology Engineering
 The task of developing an
ontology is a typical knowledge
acquisition task involving
1. Kickoff
2. Refinement
3. Evaluation
4. Maintenance

01/10/23 CSCI 7818 - Web Infrastructure, 8

Services, and Applications
 There are several representation languages in the AI
(machine learning, natural language processing, knowledge
representation etc) community based on FOL like
 Frame Logic
 Loom
 Ontololingua etc.
 Web needs XML based language : defining a
language on top of XML syntax
 SHOE (SHOE is an HTML-based knowledge representation language) Simple
HTML Ontology Extention.
 XOL (Ontology Exchange Language)
 OML (Ontology markup language)
 RDFS (Resourse description framework scheme language)
 OIL (Ontology Interchange Language)

DAML (DARPA Agent markup language)

01/10/23 CSCI 7818 - Web Infrastructure, 9

Services, and Applications
 Tools that help create ontologies
and metadata that can be used
by multiple agents:
 Protégé
 WebOnto
 OilEd
 ONTOEdit

01/10/23 CSCI 7818 - Web Infrastructure, 10

Services, and Applications
Related issues:
 Higher order logic based inference engines – Needed but
not feasible
 First order logic based inference engines – feasible but
limited expressive power, FOL is semi-decidable some
inferences are computationally intractable
 Interoperability
 Bremer Semantic Translation project
 SKC (Stanford Scalable Knowledge Composition) project

01/10/23 CSCI 7818 - Web Infrastructure, 11

Services, and Applications
 http://www.fzi.de/wim [Development
and applications of Ontologies]
 www.sematicweb.org
 www.ontologyworks.com

01/10/23 CSCI 7818 - Web Infrastructure, 12

Services, and Applications
01/10/23 CSCI 7818 - Web Infrastructure, 13
Services, and Applications

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