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• The hotel pioneers discussed set the groundwork for

many of the designs, services, and amenities
considered commonplace today.

• Criteria for identifying hotels are based on:

size location product type

Hotel Sizes
• The industry use the following to determine a
hotel’s size based on its number of rooms.

Classification Number of Sleeping Rooms

Small 1 to 150
Medium 151 to 400
Large 401 to 1500
Mega 1501 and over

• Management salaries increase as the number
of guest rooms increase.

• A larger hotel will theoretically be harder to

manage (due to a larger staff, more outlets,
and a greater amount of meeting space).

• Larger hotel sizes will also necessitate a
greater number of specialized management

• A large-size hotel many have a front office

manager as well, but reporting to him/her
may be the following: (assistant front office managers,
front des managers, valet manager, concierge manager, PBX
manager, bell captain, parking garage manager, numerous
supervisors, and so on).

Ownership & Management

Classified by the types of ownership:
independent, chains, franchises

Independent lodging property is a single-unit

business not connected with any other
business. Usually one owner.

The owner could be a single person, a

partnership, or a corporation.

Hotel Chains
• Chains are multiple-unit businesses that have
the same brand name and the same

• A franchise is a unit of a chain that has been

purchased by an outside owner. The outside
owner runts the franchise in the way required
by the chain owner.

• Advantages of chains in brand name.

• The chain owner also work to develop brand

loyalty. One way is through frequent guest

• Ex.: Whenever you stay at a unit of the chain,

you earn points. Like health club privileges or
free nights stay.

• Central Reservation Center is one office that
handles the reservations for all the units in the

• A guest can call one toll free number to

reserve a room at any hotel in the chain
anywhere in the country or the world.

Hotel Management
• Hotel Management is the day to day running
of the hotel. Hotel management is often
called hotel operation.

• One person (or company) can own the hotel,

and another person (or company) can manage

• As far as customers are concerned, they
identify the owner with the brand name on
the hotel.

Hotel Development and
• Franchising and management
contracts are the two main
driving forces in the
development and operation of
the hotel business
• Began in 1970 by The Ritz Carlton
• A concept that allows a company to use other people’s
money for growth rather than financing
• Franchising is used to rapidly expand business
• The franchisee is granted the rights to use trademarks,
operating procedures and other business procedures
• Franchisor means the company that allows an
individual to run a location of their business
• The franchisor owns the main company, trademarks
and product but gives the right to the franchisee to run
the franchise location in return for an agreed upon fee
• Benefits of franchising to the franchisee :
- Standard set of plans
- National advertising
- Centralized reservation system
- Participation in volume discounts
- Listing in franchisor’s directory
- Lower fee percentage charged by credit card
• Drawbacks of franchising to the
franchisee :
-High fees
-Central reservation system accounts
for about 7-26% of reservation
-Must maintain standards
• Pros and cons for franchisor
Pros :
-Increased market share and recognition
-Up front fees
Cons :
-Careful in selection of franchisees
-Difficulty maintaining standards and controls
• Organization that operate properties owned by
others. (Agreement between the owner of a hotel
and its operating company)
• Little or no up front financing or equity involved
• Allows the hotel company to manage the property
for a period of 5, 10 or 20 years (long term basis)
• The company receives a management fee (a
percent of gross and/or net operating profit
usually 2-4.5% of gross revenues)
Hotel can be classified based on the following
criteria :
• Size of the hotel
• Target market
• Level of service
• Quality ranking (Star rating)
• Location
1. Commercial Hotels
• Located in the heart of the city
• Near shopping areas
• High rates
2. Airport Hotels
• Set up near airport
• To cater transit guest
• Taxi or limousine service
3. Suites Hotels
• Offer room with compact kitchen
• Suitable for executives during a for longer business stay
4. Resort Hotels
• Located at the sea shore or hill station
• Places used for relaxation or recreation, attracting
visitors for vacations
5. Bed and Breakfast Hotels (B&B)
• An European concept
• Range from houses with a few rooms with overnight
• Owner lives together and serve breakfast
6. Casino Hotels
• Hotels with gambling facilities
• Rooms and food and beverages may be quite luxuries
8. Convention Hotels
• Have large convention / meeting facilities
• Cater people attending MICE
9. Extended Stay Hotels
• Similar to suite hotel
• For travellers who intend to stay 5 days or
• Require reduced hotel services
1. World Class Service
• Luxury hotel
• Provides upscale restaurants & lounges, exquisite décor,
concierge service & luxurious meeting facilities
• Guestroom contains furnishing, décor & artwork
2. Medium Range Service
• Offering mid market services
• Largest segment of travelling public
• Staff level is moderate
3. Economy / Limited Service
• Budget hotel
• Focus on meeting basic needs of the guests
• Provide clean, comfortable and inexpensive rooms
The star category is given by the committee of
the Hotels and Restaurants Approval and
Classification Committee (HRACC)
• Hotels in Malaysia are rated according to
the star rating system designed by the
Ministry of Tourism & Culture
• The system assigns points from 1-10 to
six different criteria in order to
determine the star rating of the hotel
• Criteria 1 : Appearance and Cleanliness of Hotel
Common Areas
• Criteria 2 : Presence and Quality of Hotel
• Criteria 3 : Quality and Ambiance of Bedroom
• Criteria 4 : Quality and Variety of Services
Provided by Hotel
• Criteria 5 : Safety and Hygiene of Hotel
• Criteria 6 : Professionalism of Hotel Staff
1. City / commercial hotel
• Located in the heart of the city
• Near shopping areas
• High rates
2. Suburban hotel
• Located in the suburbs
• Have quieter surroundings
• Moderate rates
3. Airport hotel
• Set up near airport
• To cater transit guest
• Taxi or limousine service
4. Motel
• Derived from motor hotel
• Located on highway
5. Resort hotel
• Located at the sea shore or hill station
• Place used for relaxation or recreation,
attracting visitors for vacations
6. Floatels
• Hotels floats on water (luxury ship)

Kriteria dalam skim Kedudukan

1.akses WiFi untuk semua tingkat
2.menggalakkan lebih amalan Malaysia
3.menghantar maklum balas membentuk bentuk dari tetamu yang lurus
kepada kementerian

Hotel 1-2 bintang

4.saiz kecil dan sederhana
5.perabot dan ficillities adalah asas
6.menyediakan tv dan telefon di dalam bilik tidur
7.terletak berhampiran tarikan yang mampu milik dan mempunyai akses
mudah ke pengangkutan awam
Hotel bintang 3-4
1.hotel rasmi dengan kawasan menyambut tetamu pintar, perkhidmatan
kaunter dan perkhidmatan bellboy
2.valet tempat letak kereta, pusat kecergasan dan kolam renang sering
3.julat harga RM150 sehingga RM450

Hotel 5 Bintang
4.Hanya menawarkan tahap tertinggi penginapan dan perkhidmatan
5.lokasi hotel boleh berbeza-beza dari lokasi yang sangat eksklusif kawasan
pinggir bandar ke tengah-tengah pusat bandar
6.kumpulan-kumpulan pelobi hotel yang mewah, bilik-bilik lengkap dengan
perabot bergaya dan linen berkualiti
7.menyediakan restoran 5-7
8.julat harga 500 dan ke atas
• Akomodasi adalah suatu yang disediakan untuk
memenuhi keperluan, misalnya tempat menginap
atau tempat tinggal sementara bagi orang

• Akomodasi juga merupakan suatu komponen industri

, kerana akomodasi merupakan suatu tempat atau
bilik dimana orang-orang / pengunjung dapat
beristirahat /menginap / tidur, mandi, makan dan
minum serta menikmati layanan dan hiburan yang

1. Akomodasi Komersil, iaitu akomodasi yang dibangun dan dioperasikan semata-mata untuk
mencari keuntungan yang sebesar-besarnya.

2. Akomodasi Semi Komersil, iaitu akomodasi yang dibangun dan dioperasikan bukan semata-
mata untuk tujuan komersil, tetapi juga untuk tujuan sosial (masyarakat yang kurang

3. Akomodasi Non Komersil, iaitu akomodasi yang dibangun dan diopersikan semata-mata untuk
tujuan non komersil, iaitu tidak mencari keuntungan atau semata-mata untuk tujuan sosial
atau bantuan secara cuma-cuma, namun khusus untuk golongan/kalangan tertentu dan juga
untuk tujuan tertentu.
Akomodasi komersil

• Hotel suatu bentuk akomodasi yang dikelola secara komersial, disediakan

bagi setiap orang untuk memperoleh pelayanan dan penginapan berikut
makan dan minum.

• Hostel (Youth Hostel), adalah bentuk hotel yang disediakan bagi remaja
atau pelajar dengan tarif relatif lebih murah (youth hostel di Indonesia
dikenal dengan istilah pondok wisata remaja).

• Cotagge, sejenis akomodasi yang berlokasi disekitar pantai atau danau

dengan bentuk bangunannya terpisah-pisah atau berpondok-pondok, serta
dilengkapi dengan fasilitas rekreasi pantai atau laut.
• Bungalow, sejenis akomodasi yang berbentuk rumah-rumah berlokasi di
daerah pegunungan, yang disewakan untuk keluarga/rombongan karyawan
untuk seminar /lokakarya, dan sebagai tempat peristirahatan padawaktu
• Inn, sejenis akomodasi yang berlokasi di daerah peristirahatan
menghubungkan dua buah kota, menyediakan penginapan, makan dan
minum, serta pelayanan umum lainnya, serta disewakan untuk umum bagi
orang-orang yang mengadakan perjalanan dan singgah (beristirahat) untuk
sementara waktu (kurang dari 24 jam dan jarang sampai 2 / 3 hari).

• Guest House, sejenis akomodasi yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan, instansi

pemerintah / swasta yang diperuntukan bagi para tamu-tamunya yang
menginap dan mendapatkan fasilitas makan, minum serta pelayanan lainnya
yang disediakan secara sederhana dan gratis atau ditanggung perusahaan /
instansi yang mengundangnya, tetapi bila guest house ini dimilki oleh
perusahaan swasta yang dibuka untuk umum maka sifatnya sama dengan
hotel yaitu bertujuan untuk mencari keuntungan hanya pelayanannya yang
secara sederhana.
• Apartment House, sejenis akomodasi yang disewakan untuk ditempati
sebagai rumah tinggal ( dalam jangka waktu lama ) untuk 2, 3 atau 4 keluarga
secara terpisah.
• Logement (Losmen), sejenis akomodasi yang menggunakan sebagian
atau keseluruhan bangunan rumah untuk penginapan dengan atau
tanpa makan dan minum bagi setiap orang yang datang untuk
beristirahat sementara waktu. ( saat ini kebanyakan losmen menjadi
hotel melati ), dengan fasilitas dan tarif yang lebih rendah dari hotel

• Floating Hotel, sejenis akomodasi yang berada di atas kapal-kapal

pesiar yang menyediakan fasilitas kamar, makan dan minum serta
fasilitas pelayanan dan hiburan seperti hotel, namun berfungsi pula
sebagai alat transportasi laut.
• Pension, sejenis akomodasi berupa hotel kecil yang menyediakan
pelayanan penginapan, makan dan minum tamu-tamunya dengan tarif
relatif rendah.
• Mansion House, sejenis akomodasi berbentuk rumah-rumah besar yang
ditempati/disewakan kepada beberapa keluarga atau satu keluarga besar,
ataupun kelompok karyawan yang ditanggung oleh suatu perusahaan.

• Ryokan, akomodasi khas Jepang, yang memiliki sarana dan fasilitas serta
pelayanan khas sesuai dengan kebiasaan orang-orang Jepang.

• Marina Boatel, Nautel, sejenis akomodasi yang dibangun/berada di atas

sungai, danau atau laut yang dapat berfungsi juga sebagai
penambatan/bersandarnya kapal-kapal pribadi dan kapal-kapal kecil yang
melayani wisata bahari.
• Holiday Flatlets, sejenis akomodasi yang dilengkapi dengan peralatan
rumah tangga, peralatan rekreasi, dan peralatan olahraga yang
disewakan secara mingguan / pada hari-hari libur dengan pelayanan /
pemeliharaan dan pembersihan ruangan secara minimal.

• Lodging House, sejenis rumah yang menyediakan tempat menginap

untuk satu malam saja atau untuk waktu kurang dari 1 minggu sekali
datang menginap.
• Boarding House, yaitu suatu bangunan atau bagian dari bangunan yang
menyediakan tempat menginap untuk waktu singkat seperti lodging
house, hanya ditambah dengan makan dan minum.
• Condominium Hotel, suatu kompleks bangunan yang dimiliki oleh
bebrapa orang pengusaha, atau bangunan tersebut dapat dijual untuk
beberapa pengusaha dengan perusahaan yang berbeda jenis usahanya. 

1. Graha Wisata Remaja

2. Asrama Mahasiswa/Pelajar
3. Pondok Pesantren
4. Rumah Sakit
5. Home-Stay
6. Rooming House
7. Holiday Camp
8. Camping Ground/Camping Site
9. Wisma
10. Penginapan


1. Mess (yang dimiliki instansi pemerintah/departemen)

2. Guest House (dilingkungan Istana,khusus bagi tamu negara)
3. Rumah Panti Asuhan
4. Pemondokan
5. Villa (yang dimiliki secara pribadi)
1) Provide lodging accommodations
2) Revenue centers
3) Cost centers
4) Serve and enrich society
5) Create profit for the owners
1) Provide owners with a reasonable
return on investment
2) Keep guests and employees happy
3) Responsible for performance of hotel
and employees
4) Responsible for the hotel’s level of
• Make all the major decisions affecting the hotel
• Made up of key associates who head major departments :
1) General Manager
2) Director of Human Resources
3) Director of Food and Beverage
4) Director of Rooms Division
5) Director of Marketing & Sales
6) Director of Engineering
7) Director of Accounting


Director of Director of Director of

Director of
Human Marketing & Food &
Room Division
Resource Sales Beverage

Director of Director of
Accounting Engineering
• In most hotels, the rooms division generates more
revenue than other divisions
• Consists of following departments :
1. Front Office :
a) Reservation
b) Guest Service
c) Concierge
d) Communication
2. Housekeeping
3. Security
• The hub or nerve center of the hotel
• Responsibilities :
1) To sell and up-sell rooms
2) To maintain balanced guest accounts
3) To offer services such as handling mail,
faxes, messages and local and hotel
• Department is headed by the Reservation
• Objective is to exceed guest expectations
when they make reservations
• First contact for guest who made reservation
• Handles all room booking either for individual
or group
• Important to hotel because of the potential &
actual revenue realized
• Uniformed staff is headed by a Guest
Service Manager
• Consists of door attendants, bell persons,
and the concierge
• Greet guest as they arrive at the hotel,
escort them to the front desk, personally
allocate the room, and take the guest
and luggage to the room
• Typically in a luxury hotel
• Handles guest needs
• Should have knowledge of the city
• Assists guests with restaurant
reservations, directions, tickets to
show and etc.
• Management of in-house, guest
communications (pagers, radios),
faxes, messages and emergency
• Operates 24 hours a day (3 shifts)
• Largest department in terms of staff
• Responsible for the cleanliness, appearance and
condition of the entire hotel
• Scope of housekeeping department :
1. Guestroom maintenance
2. Maintenance of public areas
3. Maintenance of linen and laundry service
4. Washing, repair and inventory of employee’s uniform
5. Installation, cleaning and maintenance of fixtures and
6. Provision of special services like baby-sitting, polishing
shoes and etc
• Security division personnel are usually
screened from in-house personnel, security
officers or retired police officers, across
certain physical skills and prior experience
• Functions of the security department :
1) Patrols the property
2) Monitors supervision equipment
3) Ensures safety and security of guests,
visitors and employees
• Includes :
-Security officers
 Make regular rounds of the hotel premises
 Walkie-talkie, CCTV’s, smoke detectors, fire
alarms and electronic key cards and etc
-Safety procedures
 Guidelines for the staffs and the guests to
ensure their safety
-Identification procedures
 Identification cards with photographs to all
Advantages of Lodging
• Nowadays, people usually stay in other city or town and away from their home for some certain
period of time. Lodging is the only place for them to stay during that time. Besides that, the
advantages of lodging are that the guest can put away their stress on doing housework such as
cleaning and laundry because in the lodging, those services are provided. Other than that, leisure
places such as gymnastic room or swimming pool is another attraction for the consumer to make
their choice staying in a hotel. In additional, lodging in hospitality industry on the economics
angle is the ability to provide products or services of superior quality and reasonable price.
Besides that, the company can provide a lower cost which can provide a lower price for the
customer than the competition offers. Therefore, the hotel must always update their guest about
the latest promotions and also the event organized from other competitors.
• Furthermore, localization is the advantages of the lodging in the hospitality industry. In
localization part, hotel can be divided in two types which is the conference hotel and hotel that
nearby the vocational locations. Conference hotel is mainly targeted on businessman and it is
located in the city or a conference area of the certain country. Then, the hotel which is nearby
the vocational locations is hotel which is located near beautiful such as beach resort. Besides
that, these hotels also located in a tourism area and mainly targeted on family. This kind of hotel
is very free during the peak working hour but will be very peak during the holiday period.
• Moreover, the environment is another factor of advantages in lodging. The strategic location of
the hotel that can allow the guests to view nice and beautiful scenery. The guest can have a
memorable view and release tension by just looking out from their room. Other than the lodging,
customer also concern about the quality of entertainment such as pub, snooker center, golf field,
casino and theme park. For guest who wanted to release stress and seeking for entertainment,
this is the best attraction to them.
Disadvantages of Lodging

• In large hotels, there are a large numbers of rooms, facilities and wide choices of
dining to be chosen. All these are the advantages of lodging but it also the
disadvantages of lodging. In large hotels, a long queued line at the reception area is
the common things in most of the large lodging. The main reason that causes this
problem is the failure of the management. As a hotelier, we must have a further
planning in handling critical situation because we can't ensure that the guest will
check out on time and won't causes the next guest to wait a period of time before
they can check into their room.
• Furthermore, the most common problem that will be happened in large hotels is lack
staffs in working. This problem can cause the guest to get angry while waiting to be
served. Besides that, the insufficient of the staff may also cause another staff to suffer.
This problem can cause a big problem and complains from a guest as they waiting
something from the staff while the staff is busying handling another guest.

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