AAA Service OSRAM AD838L Update 09062009

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Globetronics AD8930UV
outstanding issue update
Tony Lui
 Buyoff :
 Clear OSRAM AD838L CTM OSL before 9/9
 Clear OSRAM AD830R OSL

 General support:
 Solve Globetronics AD8930UV(April 06) hard disk corrupt cannot startup
 Solve Inari AD830, AD838 OSL
 Multi-chip verify in Inari AD830

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OSRAM AD838L CTM Outstanding List update
SW (CTM stated payment deadline 9/9) ---------SW 7.00.29 will release on 9/9 4:00p.m.

 Epoxy search boundary display

 Available, however displayed boundaries stay on screen and display position shifted
 Panel exist sensor SW
 If 1st slot panel exist error during loading magazine  upper platform pusher not return, align pusher not on
 Clear track more than once sometimes hold up at testbond screen (9/3)
 1 die wafer search

 Global align angle message not close after Change wafer

 Stamping module crash issue
 After upgraded to 7.00.27 and go to stamping position page, temp. solved if LF data page refreshed
 Dispense LF map enable scenario is reported by A.H.Tan, solved in 7.00.25
 Access level amendment request by CTM in ww35: technician mode need to able to access exit

 (New) Magazine tilt sensor, if tilted, track not clear next time, 2 LF jammed afterwards.

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OSRAM AD838L CTM Outstanding List update
 Polarizer light box
 Setting test: Loose threshold settings under new panels mass run on Helios sampling
 Dust, scratch and epoxy can be detected
 0 wrong reject other than the above items in single panel 784 units
 YT Lee Released new OPR of 01-67133-02, 01-67132 for the rest 4 field machines
 Chan Koon Man released new DI for 2 new machines with the polarizer

 New Vacuum cleaner (S/O:90543A01):

 Hidy sent out on 9/8/2009, pending tracking number from Hidy
 4th generation elevator guide(S/O: 90091):
 9/9, Vincent Chan in-house modifying, 9/10/2009 will sent out
 ESD material elevator rails (S/O:89338):
 Originally 9/4/2009..pending
 750um stamping pin (S/O:85263C01 for 2 new MC, S/O:90340 for field MC cancelled, S/O:90999):
 9/11/2009..manufacturing issue..pending delivery

 Operation, PM manual received on 9/9/2009 Open items

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AD838L Polarizer Rejected case log verification on pre-bond
substrate inspection settings



 Comment:
 using 90% polarized blue ring light, 8 exposure, very loose setting,
 Results positive, No over wrong reject inside the 10 reject unit1 panel test (784 units)
 The rejected units were main scratch, Foreign material
 Follow up: called 4 sets (01-67133-02 and 01-67132 ) in OPR and 2 sets in DI

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AD838L Uplook verification
 Condition:
 7.00.15 SW, (7.00.27 unable to unlock uplook menu)
 5x5 FOV uplook optics (conventional uplook optics is 3x3 FOV)
 6x6 FOV bond optics
 Local alignment
 Calibration done on uplook:
 Zoom auto Calibration
 Aligned uplook theta with Bond Arm X, Y axis (best align with substrate, however only BA is available for align)
 According to Hei Man Previous report, Extra tighten the mounting screws and adjustment screws to verify
 Post bond Results

Post bond results X SD, range Y SD, range T SD, range Uph
(um) (um) (degree)
Without Uplook 1.710, 8.960 2.360, 12.140 0.073, 0.36 6.7K
With Uplook 2.185, 9.650 2.279, 10.810 0.090, 0.44 5.8K
 Comment: no significant changes in SD, ranges, UPH decreased 0.9K
 Moreover, Y mean is shifted from -2 to -33 um after enabled uplook
 Requested OSRAM side to measure in smartscope, pending results

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Measurement result by smartscope
 Smartscope measured with better results for uplook camera

Smartscope results X SD, range Y SD, range T SD, range Uph

(um) (um) (degree)
Without Uplook 6.7K
With Uplook 5.8K
uplook self test

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Results with/without uplook
 Without uplook

 With uplook

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Panel crack reported by production 9/7/2009
 2 panels cracked on Blizzard LED machine in 9/4
and 9/7 respectively
 According to report by production
 Kicker jam happen
 2 Panel is jammed together during output

 Observation
 2 Panels crack at left border, 1 at top right corner and middle
 Jam sensor working, if jam happens, system unable to continue
test run unless home kicker
 Magazine tilt error will left substrate in track and no kick out
after tilt error
 Suspected reason
 SW
 Action
 Suggested record down operators action on the first jammed
substrate next time

 Request SW debug for

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AD830R OSL issues
 Epoxy on die issue
 On site SW verify on 9/7/2009, intermittently disconnect / block air tube 5 times with missing die/ BH clog
error generated normally, results positive for SW signal checking
 Flow Signal tracking, suspected signal instability, results shows large bond delay has
 S/O: 90419 flow sensor UGK sent from AAA on 9/7/2009
 Plan install on 9/10
 Meeting on 9/9/2009

 Post bond 2 new stop mode SW test

 Received SW on 9/8 night, plan to test 9/10
 MC #51 SO board burnt for “no blow” solenoid, need replacement,
 Plan to install on 9/10

 UPH <12K in single row package issue

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AD830R epoxy on die issue
 Symptom
 Epoxy on die happened in every 50K
 3 mode of epoxy on die
 Epoxy climb up at side of the die
 Contaminated collet
 Stacked die at bond side
 Suspected reason
 Epoxy too thick at epoxy disc side
 Collet shift, collet decay
 Machine unable to detect or alarm user after missing die/ BH clog
 SW detection timing
 Sensor Hardware sensitivity
 Pneumatic stability
 Mis-operation after missing die/ bond head clog

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 Collet is delicate
 Collet is deformed from 5mil to 4mil ID (flow from 112 to 91) during
 Die not at collet center
 Found at 9/7/2009 morning, collet picked a die but missing die error
happened due to die shift and air leak
 Wafer optics was found zoom in /out will shift ¼ of screen which is >30mil
 Ejector hole is shifted, rotation of die also solved after adjustment
 Ejector up level is too high
 85um thick die is using 200um ejector up level
 160 up level can pick up without missing die
 Suggest to use 160 ejector up level

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AD830R epoxy on die issue flow signal study
 Flow control signal monitoring on 9/7/2009 on MC #51

 About 65 ms after vacuum on again entering stable state

Solenoid signal
Release overshoot
overshoot state

Flow sensor
Ideal Flow signal signal

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Effect of vacuum flow by BHX, BHY, BHZ motion
 Turn on vacuum and dry run BHX, BHY, BHZ
 No observable difference on vacuum flow when BA is moving x,
y, z  no blocking inside BA pneumatics

Testbond with
Idle state enable vacuum enabled

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 Test condition
 BHX, BHY, BHZ, BH valve turn on only without actual picking die
 Wave Form
 Bond delay< 22ms release vacuum overshoot is joining the refill vacuum overshoot
 Bond delay >22ms

delay Bond
22ms delay

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Suggested actions
 Suggest use

 Regarding to Trace the vision failure cases with the error log
together to know error generated or not during bad units

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Globetronics AD8930UV Hard disk corrupt issue
 Clone hard disk finished on 9/5/2009
 Machine is able to initialize and modules configuration is customized for the old AD8930UV
 Machine passed to technician for setup bonding

 Output LF deform issue reported by technician

 Before hard disk corrupt, the machine was found deform LF said by technician
 Reasons: 1st slot position, column pitch, elevator column pitch not fine tune and rotation of
output elevator cassette, elevator missing steps
 Action:
 Finished fine tune position, pitches
 Results:
 can output for every slot without deform, occasionally Y missing step happens and need reset to restore
 Suggested action
 For missing steps of MMU elevator motors, suggest do PM on the machines, temporarily
can reset elevator once to restore missing steps

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Inari AD830/AD838 CTM Outstanding List
 AD830 Piston for better epoxy level detection (Penang SO#: 250002017, S/O: pending):
 Received, need demonstration to CTM on epoxy level detection
 AD838 Window clamp for avoiding 1 st row hit collet (S/O:89925A02):
 9/9 delayed, pending new delivery date
 AD838 Fix clamp for avoid Substrate bring back(S/O:89925A02):
 9/9 delayed, pending new delivery date
 AD838 vacuum hole anvil block(S/O:89925A02):
 9/9 delayed, pending new delivery date
 AD838 wafer cover (S/O: 88539)
 Cancelled

 AD830 Multi-chip feature debug… need verification with Process Cheah by A.H.Tan
 AD830 SW standardization, (all AD830 should be capable to use latest SW, will do after multi-chip debug finish)
 AD838 LF mark implementation… pending Tse Kai Yin, Tang Liang Hong

Internal discussions
 Epoxy too large issue
 Reset elevator magazine jam intermittently issue
 SW: AD838 Clear bond track without clear memory intermittently.., cannot repeat in field and in-house, suggested Ronald demonstrate the issue to Tang
Liang Hong on 9/9

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Inari AD830 epoxy dispense too large issue
 Symptom
 Dispensing epoxy coverage too large for their package
 Even take epoxy filled nozzle to stamp without pressure, epoxy is already too large
 Target coverage and dot size
 4 side coverage without hitting border
 In practical, around half die size epoxy will give a pass coverage, i.e. 300um dot size for
600um dies
 Observation
 Dispense epoxy shows normal coverage but already exceed pad border
 For Sumitomo CRM 1295, the viscosity is lower than other package ablebond 8-41 epoxy,
300um epoxy ID nozzle will generate 400 um epoxy, which is too large for their 600um die
 Inari Process Cheah feedback there was void inside syringe during material coming
 Suspected reason
 10 mil nozzle is too large to handle the CRM 1295 epoxy and to fulfill the small coverage
requirement in this package
 Suggestion
 CTM has 8mil, 10mil nozzles, suggest use a 8mil nozzle instead of 10mil to test

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Parameters for 0 pressure “stamp” after nozzle
filled with epoxy
 Pressure 0.003MPa, vacuum -1.0kPa
 Pre-sqeeze delay: 50ms
 Squeeze time: 3ms
 Exhaust time: 3ms
 Post squeeze delay: 3ms

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Picture demonstration on Dot size large issue
 Epoxy Filled Nozzle with 0 pressure “stamp”
 Epoxy dot shape
 Only the nozzle ID area has epoxy and already too large

 Coverage
 Normal coverage, just able to cover die corners
 Epoxy too much and exceed the pad border

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 AD838L OSL follow up
 Continue checking panel crack issue
 Global epoxy setup
 Uplook smartscope measuring results
 Installation and testing of 4th generation elevator guide (Sent out on 9/9)
 Installation of vacuum cleaner x 5 on all field AD838L (Sent out on 9/8)
 AD830R
 Repair SO board
 Test AD830R new post bond mode SW
 Epoxy on die issue
 Upgrade HW flow sensor on 9/10

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