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The Principles of Baking

Mixing Methods and Techniques

The techniques used to mix or combine ingredients
affect the bakeshop good’s final volume,
appearance and texture. Mixing accomplishes some
of the following
Even distribution of ingredients
Breakdown of fats and liquids, causing them to
blend or emulsify
Activation of the proteins in wheat flour , causing
the formation of the elastic structure called gluten
The incorporation of air into a mixture (aeration) to
help rise and develop a light texture when baked
Mixing Methods and Techniques
 to combine a fat and liquid into a homogenous
mixture by properly blending ingredients\

An elastic network of proteins created when wheat
flour is moistened and manipulated; it gives structure
and strength to baked goods and is responsible for their
volume, texture and appearance
Mixing Methods and Techniques
To incorporate air into a mixture through sifting and
mixing; to whip air into a mixture to lighten such as
beating egg whites to a foam

Standard term used throughout the industry for a
bakeshop recipe; formulas rely on weighing to ensure
accurate measuring of ingredients
Mixing Methods and Techniques
Beating Vigorously agitating foods to Spoon or electric mixer
incorporate air or develop with paddle attachment
Blending Mixing two or more Spoon, rubber spatula,
ingredients until evenly wire whisk or electric
distributed mixer with paddle
Creaming Vigorously combining Electric mixer with
softened fat and sugar while paddle attachment on
incorporating air medium speed
Cutting Incorporating solid fat into Pastry cutters, fingers or
dry ingredients only until electric mixer with
lumps of desired size remain paddle attachment
Mixing Methods and Techniques
Folding Very gently incorporating Rubber spatula or
ingredients such as whipping balloon whisk
cream or whipped eggs into
dry ingredients, a batter or
Kneading Working a dough to develop Hands or electric mixer
gluten with dough hook, if
done by hand, the
dough must be
vigorously and
repeatedly folded and
turned in a rhythmic
Mixing Methods and Techniques
Sifting Passing one or more dry Rotary or drum sifter or
ingredients through a wire mesh strainer
mesh to remove lumps,
combine and aerate
Stirring Gently mixing ingredients by Spoon, whisk or rubber
hand until evenly blended spatula
Whipping Beating vigorously to Whisk or electric mixer
incorporate air with whip attachment
Mixing Methods and Techniques
The Importance of Gluten
 Gluten is tough, rubbery substance created when
wheat flour is mixed with water. Flour does not
contain gluten, only a dough or batter can contain
gluten. It is formed when the proteins in wheat flour
are moistened.
 Gluten development is affected by a number of
factors including mixing time and the presence of fat
and moisture. Generally, the longer a substance is
mixed, the more gluten will develop. However,
extreme over mixing in industrial equipment can
break down the gluten structure.
Mixing Methods and Techniques
The Importance of Gluten
 The type and balance of ingredients in a formula
also affect gluten development. Fats coat the protein in
flour, inhibiting the formation of the gluten bond. A
high-fat cookie dough that contains very little liquid
bakes into a crumbly or friable product.
 Firm bread dough that can be kneaded and shaped
before baking requires a higher protein flour than a
tender cake. When this dough is made with water, it
bakes into a product with a solid structure. When whole
milk is used in the same formula, the product is more
tender because the milk fat weakens the gluten bond
Mixing Methods and Techniques
The Importance of Moisture
 Moisture in the form of water, milk or other
liquids, as well as the moisture in ingredients such as
fresh fruits or eggs, is of great importance to the final
result in baking.
 Moisture is needed to dissolve ingredients such as
salt or chemical leavening in a product. It helps
hydrate ingredients such as flour or starch in a
formula. And is necessary to activate compounds such
as yeast or chemical leavening.
Mixing Methods and Techniques
The Importance of Moisture
 Baked goods are made from dough and batters; the
moisture content distinguishes between the two.
Dough - has a low moisture or water content. Usually
prepared by beating, blending, cutting or kneading and is
often stiff enough to cut into various shapes. Some common
dough are yeast bread dough, cookie dough and pie dough.

Batter – generally contains more liquids, fats and sugar than

a dough. A batter bakes into softer moister products. Usually
prepared by blending, creaming, stirring or whipping and is
generally thin enough to pour. Some common types of batter
are cake batter, muffin butter and pancake batter
Heat Transfer and the Science of Baking
A type of energy
When a substance gets hot, its molecules have absorbed
energy, which causes the molecules to vibrate rapidly,
expand and bounce off one another. As the molecules
move, they collide with nearby molecules, causing a
transfer of heat energy. The faster the molecules within a
substance move, the higher its temperature.
Heat may be transferred to foods and baked goods in
three primary ways:
 Conduction
 Convection

 Radiation
Heat Transfer and the Science of Baking
Heat Transfer
 Is the movement of heat from one item to another through
direct contact
 The primary heat transfer method in stove top cooking
 Is also important in baking, ex. When heat energy hits the
cake pan or baking sheet placed in a hot oven, heat is
conducted in the pan. The metal of the pan then conducts
heat to the surface of the batter or dough contained in that
 Is relatively a slow method of heat transfer because there must
be physical contact to transfer energy from one molecule to
adjacent molecule
 Water is a better conductor of heat than air
Heat Transfer and the Science of Baking
Heat Transfer
 Refers to the transfer of heat through a fluid, which may be
liquid or gas
 Natural convection occurs because warm gases tend to rise
while cooler ones fall, causing a constant natural circulation
of heat.
 In conventional oven, heated air naturally circulates in and
around baking chambers
 Mechanical convection relies on fans or stirring to circulate
heat more quickly and evenly
 Convection ovens are equipped with fans to increase the
circulation of air currents, thus speeding up the baking
Heat Transfer and the Science of Baking
Heat Transfer
 The transfer of heat energy through waves that move from the
heat source to the food
 It does not require physical contact between the heat source
and the food being cooked.
 Infrared cooking
Baking and Cooking Methods
Food can be cooked in air or fat (dry-heat cooking
methods) or in water or steam (moist-heat cooking
Dry-heat Cooking Method
Using air or fat
The principal method employed to bake and cook batter
and dough
Moist-heat Cooking Method
Uses water or steam
Used to tenderize foods and enhance their natural flavor
Used to heat liquid and encourage evaporation resulting
in an intensified flavor or a reduction
Heat Transfer and the Science of Baking
Common Bakeshop Cooking Methods


Dry-heat Cooking
Baking Air Dough, batter for breads, Oven, convection
cakes, cookies, pastries; oven
Broiling Air Fruits, glazed custards Overhead broiler,
Deep Frying Fat Doughnuts, fritters Deep-fat fryer
Pan Frying Fat Batter for griddlecakes Stove top
Sautéing Fat fruit Stove top
Heat Transfer and the Science of Baking
Common Bakeshop Cooking Methods


Cooking Method
Boiling Water or other Creams, sauces, fruits Stove top
Poaching Water or other Fruits, fresh and Stove top, oven
liquids dried
Simmering Water or other Creams, sauces, fruits Stove top, oven
Stage of Baking
1. Gases Form
2. Gasses are trapped
3. Starches gelatinize
4. Proteins coagulate
5. Water evaporates
6. Sugars caramelize
7. Carryover baking
8. Staling
Stage of Baking
Gases Form
 A baked goods texture is determined by the amount of leaving or rise
that occurs both before and during baking. These gases are carbon
dioxide, steam and air.
 Air and carbon dioxide are present even before heating
 The formation of gases begins upon mixing and continues as a
product is heated until it reaches a temperature of around 170˚F
 Steam is one gas formed when heat is applied

Gasses are trapped

 The stretchable network of protein created in a batter or dough traps
gases in the product.
 Without the appropriate network of proteins, the gases would just
escape without causing the mixture to rise.
 Proper mixing ensures the appropriate protein development in a
batter or dough.
Stage of Baking
Starches gelatinize
 Starches are complex carbohydrates present in plants
and grains such as potatoes, wheat, rice and corn.
 Flour made from these and other grains is the primary
ingredient in most baked products
 When a mixture of starch and liquid is heated,
starches begin to absorb moisture up to 10x their own
 When starch granules reach a temperature of approx.
140˚F, they absorb additional moisture and expand.
Stage of Baking
Starches Gelatinize
Stage of Baking
Proteins Coagulate
 Proteins begin to coagulate (solidify) when the dough
or batter reaches a temperature of 160˚F.
 Are large, complex molecules found in every living cell
 Are formed from amino acids that are chemically
bonded into long loosely folded chains
 In the presence of heat, the protein chains unfold
(denature), which allows them to rebond and solidify
into a solid mass. In other
words, as proteins cook, they
loose moisture, shrink and
become firm.
Stage of Baking
Water Evaporates
 Throughout the baking process, the water contained
in the liquid ingredients will turn to steam and
evaporate. This steam is a useful leavener
 During the early stages of baking the product is
porous, allowing the gases to escaped readily
 As steam is released the dough or batter dries out,
starting from the outside, resulting in the formation of
a pale crust.
Stage of Baking
Sugars Caramelize
 as sugars are heated above 320˚F, they breakdown and
darken or caramelize. The result is the gradual
darkening of the surface of a baked good.
 Sugars are simple carbohydrates used by all plants and
animals to store energy
 Caramelization of sugars is responsible for most of the
flavors associated with baked goods.
 The Maillard Reaction (French scientist) the process of
sugar breaking down in the presence of protein.
 Maillard browning – results in darkening as well as the
development of pleasing, nutty baked flavors,
Stage of Baking
Carryover Baking
 The physical changes in a baked good do not stop
when it is removed from the oven. The residual heat in
the hot baking pan and within the product itself,
continues the baking process as the product cools.
 This is why a crisp-style cookie or biscuit may e soft
and seem a bit under-baked when removed form the
oven; it will finish baking as it cools.
Stage of Baking
 A change in a baked good’s texture and aroma caused
by both moisture loss and changes in the structure of
the starch granules.
 Stale products have lost their fresh aroma and are
firmer, drier and more crumbly than fresh goods
 A change in the location and distribution of water
molecules within the product
 Starch retro-gradation, occurs when starch
molecules cool, becoming denser and expelling
An identifiable or distinctive quality of a food, drink or
other substance perceived with the combined senses of
taste, touch and smell
The sensation created in the mouth by a combination of
a food’s taste, smell, texture and temperature
The sensations, as interpreted by the brain, of what we
detect when food and drink or other substances come in
contact with our taste buds
The sensations as interpreted by the brain, of what we
detect when a substance comes in contact with sense
receptors in the nose

The complex of smell, taste and touch receptors that
contribute to a person’s ability to recognize and
appreciate flavors
The range of an individual’s recognition and
appreciation of flavors.
Types of Tastes
Sweet -
Umami – the 5th taste; refers to the rich, full taste
perceived in the presence of the natural amino acid
glutamate and its commercially produced counterpart
known as monosodium glutamate (MSG)
The Tastebud
Factors Affecting the Perception of Flavors
1. Temperature – food at warm temperatures offer the
strongest taste. But saltiness is perceived differently.
The same amount of salt in a solution is perceived
more strongly when very cold than when merely cool
or warm.

2. Consistency – the thicker item will take longer to

reach its peak intensity and will have a less intense
Factors Affecting the Perception of Flavors
3. Presence of Contrasting Tastes – sweet and sour are
considered opposites and often adding one to a food
dominated by the other enhances the food’s overall
4. Presence of Fats - many of the chemical compounds
that create tastes and aromas are dissolved in fats
occurring naturally in foods or added to foods during
5. Color – food color affect how the consumer perceives
the food’s flavor before it is even tasted
Compromises to the Perception of Taste
Age – taste and smell sensitivity decline as people age
but it declines at a slower rate than vision and hearing

Health – acute conditions and medications can affect

the taste and smell

Smoking – affects odor sensitivity, as well as taste


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