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What are the
processes in
 Metabolism in plants is the collection of interrelated
biochemical reactions that maintain plant life. A series of
Metabolism metabolic processes happen in different parts of the plants
such as leaves, stems, and roots. These processes include
photosynthesis, respiration, and nitrogen fixation.
Photosynthesis is a series of complex processes
that convert light energy, carbon dioxide, and water
into glucose and oxygen. It takes place in the leaves,
and stems that contain chlorophyll (the green
pigments). It is divided into two major stages, the
light-reaction phase (light-dependent phase) and the
Calvin cycle (light-independent phase).
Light -
 The light-dependent reaction is a process that requires
the presence of light energy from the sun and is occurring in
the grana — membranous structures within the chloroplasts.
Photolysis occurs in this stage which involves the splitting
of water molecules. This process results in the production of
 which is released into the atmosphere, and organic energy
molecules such as ATP and NADPH that will join the Calvin
Light-independent Reaction: The Calvin Cycle
The second stage is occurring in the stroma of the chloroplasts and does not require the
presence of light energy. This time, carbon dioxide is absorbed that will lead to the
formation of sugar as a product. The general equation for photosynthesis is:

Respiration in plants is the metabolic counter process of
the photosynthesis whereas the gases (CO2 and O2) enter
and leave through their stomata. During the process,
glucose (the product of photosynthesis) is being used to
produce carbon dioxide and water. The general equation
for respiration is:
Respiration in plants has different stages: glycolysis,
Krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation (which
includes the electron transport chain). The glucose
molecule will first enter the process of glycolysis in the
cytoplasm wherein this molecule is broken down into two
pyruvate molecules. When the oxygen is available, the 3-
carbon pyruvate molecules will be passed on to the next
stages such as Krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, and
electron transport chain which occur in the powerhouse of
the cell known as mitochondria, resulting to the
production of energy in the form of ATP. When the oxygen
is not available, the pyruvate is used for alcohol
Nitrogen Fixation
•Nitrogen fixation is a process of converting nitrogen from the
atmosphere into ammonia by the nitrogen-fixing bacteria called
rhizobia. This process usually happens in the roots of legumes.
The symbiotic relationship between the nitrogen-fixing bacteria
and the legumes happens in the root nodules.
•Nitrogen fixation keeps the loss of nitrogen in the atmosphere
compensated. It also determines the rate of biological productivity
in most fertile soil areas. But the principal importance of this
process is useful in the field of agriculture. Legumes such as peas,
beans, and soybeans are used as food for humans, as feeds for
animals, and as green manure which is used to upgrade spent
agricultural land. Nitrogen fixation is essential since the presence of
nitrogen in the atmosphere is inaccessible to plants unless nitrogen
is fixed.
What do you think?
Is there any difference how aquatic
plants and terrestrial plants perform
their metabolic processes?
Key Points
•Metabolism in plants is the collection of interrelated biochemical reactions
that maintain plant life.
•A series of metabolic processes happen in different parts of the plants such as
leaves, stems, and roots. These processes include photosynthesis, respiration,
and nitrogen fixation.
•Photosynthesis is a series of complex processes that converts light energy,
carbon dioxide, and water into glucose.
•Respiration converts glucose (the product of photosynthesis) to produce
carbon dioxide and water.
•Nitrogen fixation is a process of converting nitrogen from the atmosphere
into ammonia by the nitrogen-fixing bacteria called rhizobia.
Where do plants get carbon dioxide needed for
•A. water
•B. sun
•C. air
•D. glucose

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