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Chapter 12: Algebraic Manipulation

S12.4 Multiplying Two Brackets: 1
S12.5 Multiplying Two Brackets: 2

Learning Objectives:
• Expand two linear brackets to obtain a quadratic expression

• Quadratic expression, linear, and expand
Warm up Activity

Answer the following questions.

1. Expand the following.
a) 3(4+m)=
b) 3t(5t+4)=
c) 3r2(4-2r)=
2. What’s the coefficient of the following variable terms?
a) x
b) –x
3. Work out the following.
a) x×x
b) (+)×(+)=
c) (-)×(-)=
d) (+)×(-)=
e) (-)×(+)=
Expand Two linear Brackets to Obtain a
Quadratic Expression
 Reflect for seconds and who can explain how do we expand?
Expand Two linear Brackets to Obtain a
Quadratic Expression
 What is a linear expression in one variable?
 What is a quadratic expression in one variable?
 Howdo we expand two linear brackets?
We will use the FOIL method.
Expand Two linear Brackets to Obtain a
Quadratic Expression
Example 1: Expand the following.
1. (x+3)(x+4)=
2. (t+5)(t-2)=
3. (k-3)(k-2)=
Expand Two linear Brackets to Obtain a
Quadratic Expression
Activity 1: Textbook page 186 exercise 12F numbers 1, 7, 9.
Expand Two linear Brackets to Obtain a
Quadratic Expression
Example 2: Expand the following.
1. (2t+3)(3t+1)=
2. (4x-1)(3x-5)=
3. (x+3)2=
4. (3x-2)2=
N.B: In expanding squares, always write down the brackets twice and then expand.
Expand Two linear Brackets to Obtain a
Quadratic Expression
Activity 2: Textbook page 187 exercise 12G numbers 1, 5, 7, 11, page 188
exercise 12H numbers 11, 12, 14, 15, page 189 exercise 12I numbers 1, 6,
10, 15, 23.
Expand Two linear Brackets to Obtain a
Quadratic Expression
Activity 3: Extension.
Expand Two linear Brackets to Obtain a
Quadratic Expression
Activity 3: Extension.

 Go to the chat function if the lesson is online or raise your hands in class to reflect on the
learning objectives and use the RAG reflection method to show your understanding of the
 Red means there is a problem that must be addressed soon or raise 2 hands.
 Amber means that some work is required and certainly should be done before next
assignment or raise 1 hand.
 Green means there is no problem in comparison with other areas or keep your hands down.
 HW page 186 numbers 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 16
page 187 numbers 2, 6, 8, 10, 12,
page 188 numbers 8, 9, 13,
page 189 numbers 2, 5, 11, 16, 24.
I am proud of you

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