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Laserfiche Solution Suite


Roland Sader Sales Support Engineer

Laserfiche ECM Components

 Document Management

 Business Process Management (BPM)

Laserfiche ECM Components

 Document Management

 Business Process Management (BPM)

Laserfiche ECM Components

 Document Management

 Business Process Management (BPM)

Laserfiche ECM Components

 Document Management

 Business Process Management (BPM)

Laserfiche ECM Components
Capture Tools
Capture Tools
Capture Tools
Capture Tools

 Scanning/Photodocs

 Office Integration

 Drag & Drop

 Snapshot

 Quick Fields

 Laserfiche Mobile

 Laserfiche Forms
Capture Tools
Capture Tools
Capture Tools
Laserfiche Mobile

iPhone Android
Capture Tools
Office Integration
Capture Tools
Drag & Drop Import
Capture Tools
Capture Tools

• Batch Processing & Automatic indexing

using LF Quickfields:
- Barcode Recognition
- Zone OCR
- Optical Mark Recognition
- Pattern Matching
- Real Time look up
- Form identification
-Document Classification

• Examples of documents that can be

automatically indexed: Invoices, Employees
files, Bank Advices, Medical Records, Projects
Forms, Receipts, etc…
Capture Tools
Laserfiche Forms
Laserfiche Core Functionality
Search and Retrieval Tools
Search & Retrieve
Search and Retrieve

o Laserfiche Client

o Laserfiche Web Access

o Laserfiche Mobile App

 iPhone
 iPad
 Android

o Laserfiche WebLink (read only portal)

Search & Retrieve
Laserfiche Client
Search & Retrieve
Flexible Searching
Search & Retrieve
Web Access
Search & Retrieve
Laserfiche Mobile
Search & Retrieve
Laserfiche WebLink
Laserfiche Core Functionality
Content Distribution
Content Distribution
Content Distribution

 Client

 Web Access

 Laserfiche Mobile

 WebLink

 Plus
Content Distribution
Laserfiche Desktop Client
Content Distribution
Web Access
Content Distribution
Laserfiche Plus

Portable Media Publishing

Laserfiche Core Functionality
Enterprise Automation
Enterprise Automation
Enterprise Automation
Enterprise Automation
Laserfiche Forms
Enterprise Automation
QuickFields Agent
Enterprise Automation
QuickFields Agent
Laserfiche Core Functionality

Comprehensive Security
Comprehensive Security
Comprehensive Security

o Flexible security

 Feature Rights

 Privileges

 Access Rights

o Audit Trail
Comprehensive Security
Laserfiche Audit Trail
Advanced Auditing in Laserfiche

Tracking Advanced
Repository login & Logout √
Document creation, editing, printing or deletion √

Template, field, and annotation creation, editing or deletion √

Security tag addition √
Document, volume, or briefcase export √
Document sent to the Recycle Bin √
Granting or revoking login rights for Windows accounts √
Adding or removing users from Laserfiche groups √
Unsuccessful attempts to perform actions √
User rights tracking √
Modifications to access rights √
Modifications to repository-wide-settings √
Creation, modififications, or deletion of users or groups √
Password changes √
Searches performed by users √
Comprehensive Security



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