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Evaluation investigation and

recommendation phase
What is the Evaluation Phase?
This is where the ideas generated from the Creative
Phase are systematically evaluated, screened
prioritized and short-listed for their potential to save
cost and/or value.

Why is the Evaluation Phase important?

There is not enough time during a VA workshop to develop
all the good ideas from the Creative Phase. This means that
the team must focus on the best ideas for development in
order to achieve the best value.
Who is involved?
All study team members contribute to the evaluation of the
ideas generated in the Creative Phase
Paired Comparison
Paired Comparison Analysis is an activity for
evaluating a small range of options by comparing
them against each other. It is a useful and easy
technique for rating and ranking alternatives where
the evaluation criteria are subjective by nature. This
is practically helpful when priorities are not clear
enough, when alternatives are completely different
from one another, or when there is little objective
data to base our decision on.
How to Implement a Paired Comparison Analysis
1. With your team, identify the options to be evaluated.
2. Identify the evaluation criterion to help you make the decision
(e.g. the most important, the most interesting, or the easiest to
3. List all the options on the left hand column and on the top row of
the matrix.
4. In each blank cell, compare the option in the row with the option
in the column, then write in the cell the option that better meets
the evaluation criterion.
5. Repeat the process until all possible pairs are evaluated.
6. Count the number of times each option has been chosen.
7. Rank the options based on their count.
8. Consider the options with the highest ranking.
Creating a Table
Filling It Out
Paired Comparison Analysis is a good way of weighing up the relative
importance of conflicting criteria.
It can be used when priorities are not clear, or are competing in
importance. There are 6 steps in this technique:
Step 1: List the options to be compared as rows and columns in a
Step 2: Assign a letter to each option.
Step 3: Block out cells on the table where you will be comparing an
option with itself.
Step 4: Within the remaining cells compare the option in the row with
the one in the column and write down the letter of the more
important option in the cell.
Step 5: Score the difference in importance from 0 (no difference) to 3
or 5 (major difference).
Step 6: Consolidate the results by adding up the total of all the values
for each of the options.
Paired Comparison Analysis helps you to set priorities where there are
conflicting demands on your resources.

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