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Collaborative Filtering

Customer’s World
• What Book Should I read Next
• Which movie/ web-series to watch
• What food to order
• What dress to buy
You visit an online bookstore

The store has 100,000 books.

On the webpage, they will display 5 book covers, especially for you.

Which ones will they display?

• webpages, music, films, clothes, food, everything ... this is very
important for e-commerce -- big financial gains if stores get
recommendations ‘right’
Amazon: with minimal info about me via a
cookie on this netbook
Amazon, when I logged in
Basic approaches used for recommendation
• User-based
• Recommend things that were purchased or viewed by users who are similar
to you

• Item-based
• Recommend things that are similar to the items that you have
viewed/purchased before
User Profiles
For user-based recommendation, sites need to have some kind of user

Similarity with other users is based on distance measurements based

on the profile.

What do you think could be in a user profile?

Potential contents of user profiles
• Demographic data: age, gender, salary, profession, country of
residence, country of origin, religion ...

• Site behaviour: Purchase history at the site; viewing history, perhaps

including time spent on certain pages/items; clickstream sequence
K-Nearest Neighbour based Recommendation



(Think in terms of many dimensions, not just these two)
K-Nearest Neighbour based Recommendation



Your neighbours: recommend things that they have viewed/purchased
Collaborative Filtering: The main idea

People who purchased A

also purchased B

Different from nearest-neighbour; this can lead

to recommendations based on behaviour of
users who are very dissimilar to you
Other forms/aspects of
collaborative filtering
Why “collaborative”? Basically, someone else (in fact many someones)
have gone to the effort of viewing/filtering things, and chosen the
best few. You get a recommendation of the best few, without having
to spend the effort.
Collaborative Filtering and User Ratings

Many systems ask users to rate items – e.g. on a scale of

1 to 10. These ratings then enable the system to give more
precise/accurate recommendations, and use a variety of
sophisticated learning/prediction algorithms.
Collaborative Filtering and User Ratings

Many systems ask users to rate items – e.g. on a scale of

1 to 10. These ratings then enable the system to give more
precise/accurate recommendations, and use a variety of
sophisticated learning/prediction algorithms.

E.g. Here are user ratings for some items: “?” means unrated.

You: 7 2 1 8 9 9 ? ?
User1 1 8 8 2 ? 2 8 7
User2 6 3 3 7 6 5 3 1
User3 7 2 1 7 7 ? 3 1

How might a system predict your rating for items G and H?

Collaborative Filtering Works
BellCore’s MovieRecommender
(Bell Communications Research)
• Participants sent email to
• System replied with a list of 500 movies to rate on a 1-10 scale (250
random, 250 popular)
• Only subset need to be rated
• New participant P sends in rated movies via email
• System compares ratings for P to ratings of (a random sample of)
previous users
• Most similar users are used to predict scores for unrated movies
• System returns recommendations in an email message.
Display the right adverts on your site
• Shall we recommend Gully Boy to Sunny ?

Estimate of Sunny’s Rating


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