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Comprehensive Sexuality

Education (CSE)



October 25-27, 2022

Professionalism ⬥ Integrity ⬥ Excellence ⬥ Service



Sexuality Education

Professionalism ⬥ Integrity ⬥ Excellence ⬥ Service



◆ How do we define CSE?

◆ How did CSE emerge?
◆ How do we integrate CSE
into the K to 12 BEC?
◆ What is the direction of
Professionalism ⬥ Integrity ⬥ Excellence ⬥ Service


What do I know about

Sexuality Education?

Professionalism ⬥ Integrity ⬥ Excellence ⬥ Service

Comprehensive Sexuality Education

CSE is a curriculum-based process of teaching and

learning about the cognitive, emotional, physical and
social aspects of sexuality

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Characteristics of CSE
• scientifically accurate (based on facts and evidence)
• age- and developmentally-appropriate
• curriculum-based
• comprehensive (sexual and productive anatomy and
physiology; puberty and menstruation; reproduction, pregnancy
and childbirth; STIs including HIV & AIDS)

Professionalism ⬥ Integrity ⬥ Excellence ⬥ Service

Characteristics of CSE
• based on human rights approach
• based on gender equality
• culturally relevant and content appropriate
• transformative
• able to develop life skills need to support healthy
choices (ability to reflect, make informed decisions,
communicate, negotiate effectively and demonstrate assertiveness)

Professionalism ⬥ Integrity ⬥ Excellence ⬥ Service

Why the urgency to implement CSE?
What’s happening?
• Increasing early pregnancy
• Violence among young people
• Increasing incidence of HIV among young

Challenge to Educators
• Address the needs of the learners for health and
protection through education
• Provide comprehensive and appropriate information on
sexuality and reproductive health
• Provide learners with life skills to help them develop self
confidence, self-esteem and enable them to deal with the
complex changes happening in them during the
adolescent stage.


Republic Act 10354 (Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law

of 2012)

• Department of Education is mandated to integrate age-and development-

appropriate reproductive health education which shall be taught by
adequately trained teachers through formal and non-formal educational

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Executive Order 12 Series of 2017

• The Department of Education shall implement a gender-sensitive and

rights-based comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in the curriculum

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⬥ Service 13


#2: We are responding to the directives of President

Duterte on strengthening and enriching further
curricular reforms on anti-illegal drugs,
reproductive health, and disaster preparedness by:

A) Strengthening the drug education component in Science

and health by providing real- life lessons via alternative
learning methods, starting in Grade 4;

B) Strengthening gender and development component of

school curricula especially in relation to sex education and
teenage pregnancy.

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Professionalism ⬥ Integrity
OF CURRICULUM Excellence ⬥ Service 15
Policy Guidelines on CSE

This policy shall apply to all learners of public and private
elementary, junior and senior high schools, and of learning
centers for Special Education and Alternative Learning
Systems (ALS) and laboratory schools of State Universities
and Colleges (SUCs) and Local Universities and Colleges
(LUCs) except when certain provisions are applicable only
to public schools.
Indigenous Learning Systems (ILS) and Madrasah
Education Program (MEP) shall integrate the
Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Standards, Core
Topics, Core Values and Core Life skills in MAPEH,
Science, Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (ESP), Araling
Panlipunan, and Personality Development.

Comprehensive Sexuality Education Goal

❑ To provide a clear, consistent, and evidence-based guidance on the

essential minimum core content for sexuality education in K to 12
basic education.
❑ To provide learners from Kindergarten to Grade 12 with age- and
development- appropriate, culturally relevant approach to teaching
about sexuality and relationships by providing scientifically accurate,
realistic, non-judgmental information.
❑ This is intended to prevent unhealthy consequences such as teen
pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and transmission of
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), among others.

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Aims of CSE
• Enhance the over-all wellness of the Filipino adolescents (physical, mental,
emotional, social and spiritual);
• Contribute to better learning outcomes, reduced dropout rate, increased
completion rate, and improved quality of learning;
• Ensure that adolescents have access to adequate and appropriate information
and health care education;
• Address the reproductive health concerns of adolescents, who are exposed
to risky behaviors that may cause damaging and long-term consequences;
• Promote healthy and responsible sexual and social behavior among

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Aims of CSE

• Develop mature and responsible children and young adolescents

imbued with desirable health values, which can assist them in
making rational decisions that can lead to satisfying productive,
and quality life;
• Provide teachers with a resource material for developing life skills
such as decision-making and problem-solving relative to
adolescent reproductive health; and
• Enable teachers to integrate key concepts and messages on
reproductive health concerns across the curriculum wherever these
can be done most appropriately.

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Policy Statement

This policy will guide administrators and

educators to be reflective, flexible, creative and
innovative in their facilitation of the teaching
and learning process. Further, this will
institutionalize CSE, making it an integral part of
lesson planning, instructional design and
classroom and school activities.

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Duties and Responsibilities

The DepEd, through the appropriate and relevant units, shall: 
Central Office 
Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD)
• Formulate a national policy and framework for the development,
implementation, and review of the CSE curriculum in collaboration with
stakeholders and development partners.
• Develop a set of CSE competencies including, but not limited to, identified core
topics and key messages, to be integrated across learning areas and across grade
• Ensure minimum standards on CSE that will be integrated in learning areas,
curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular programs for learners and trainees.

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Duties and Responsibilities

Central Office 
Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD)
• Design and conduct national CSE-related trainings.
• Lead the development of learning resource packages in full coordination with
stakeholders and development partners (Department of Health (DOH),
Commission on Population (POPCOM), Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD), National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA),
National Youth Commission (NYC), Philippine Women Commission (PCW),
World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF),
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Likhaan Center for Women’s Health,
and Family Planning Organization of the Philippines.

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Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and Responsibilities
Bureau of Learner Support Services (BLSS)
• Coordinate with the BCD in the development of the CSE core topics and
key messages.
• Provide technical support and health services to CSE program
implementers and learners in the field.
• Activate and mobilize youth organizations in all public and private
schools, including laboratory schools of SUCs and LUCs, to ensure
representation of the youth in the development of CSE-related programs
and projects.

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Duties and Responsibilities

Regional Office 
• Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD)
• Adapt, institutionalize, and contextualize the national CSE policy and
framework and its implementation mechanisms.
• Facilitate the integration of CSE curriculum across learning areas and the
development of contextualized learning resources (2nd quarter of SY).
• Conduct regional trainings on CSE-related programs and projects based on
region-wide learning and development needs analysis and research-based

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Duties and Responsibilities

Division Office
School Governance and Operations (SGOD)
• Ensure implementation of the CSE policy and framework through relevant
programs and projects such as information dissemination and advocacy
campaigns, networking and partnerships.
• Ensure inclusion of CSE programs and projects in the Division Education
Development Plan (DEDP).
• Initiate and strengthen CSE-related researches, field studies, and other data
collection procedures as embedded in the DEDP.
• Publish CSE researches in information, education, and communication
(IEC) materials and other media platforms. 

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Duties and Responsibilities

Division Office
Curriculum Implementation Division (CID)
• Conduct trainings for school heads and teachers on the
integration of CSE across learning areas in coordination
with SGOD.
• Lead in the development of contextualized CSE learning
resources and content-based assessment.

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Duties and Responsibilities

• Implement CSE programs and projects through
curriculum integration across learning areas,
information dissemination and advocacy campaigns,
networking and partnerships.
• Include CSE programs and projects in the School
Improvement Plan (SIP).

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Duties and Responsibilities

• Initiate and conduct CSE-related classroom action
researches, field studies, and other data collection procedures
articulated in the SIP through the school
• Utilize the contextualized CSE learning resources.
• Include CSE in the conduct of school Learning Action
Cells (SLAC) sessions.

Professionalism ⬥ Integrity ⬥ Excellence ⬥ Service 29

• Role of teachers
(main implementers of the CSE Curriculum)

• Role of health providers

(provide additional information and counselling; referrals to other services)

• Role of parents/guardians and families

(increase parent-to-child communication about sexuality; promotion of safety and well-
being of children/youth)

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-12 B a sic C urric ulum


Professionalism ⬥ Integrity ⬥ Excellence ⬥ Service

Entry Points of Comprehensive Sexuality Education Standards
to the K to 12 MELCs

Grade Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11/12

MAPEH 8 7 4 3
(Health Education) 12 11 19 20 19 7

AP 10 2 2 1 2 6 23
EsP 9 4 3 6 6 3 9 8 4 52
Science 2 2 1 1 2 2 10

Kindergarten 16
Personality 25 25
Development (PerDev)

Comprehensive Sexuality Education

Integration of
CSE Through Life
in the
K to 12 Basic
Education Curriculum

Professionalism ⬥ Integrity ⬥ Excellence ⬥ Service 33


Definition of Integration

• generally refers to any putting together or relating of

things, either conceptually or organizationally
• occurs when content drawn from one subject is used to
enrich the teaching of another or when skills learned in
one subject are used to process or apply information
learned in another
• provides engaging experiences in which students
encounter essential content in multiple and meaningful

Professionalism ⬥ Integrity ⬥ Excellence ⬥ Service 34


Premise of Integration

• The process of integration is not just a matter of

identifying entry points in the curriculum or has
been the traditional practice, but it means looking at
the concepts (e.g. HIV/AIDS) as integral to the
curriculum. (Andrada2012)

• Integration, therefore, does not mean infusion of

concepts ( i.e. from the outside in) but surfacing
( i.e. from the inside out) that which is considered
integral or a natural part of the curriculum.

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Why Integrate?

• Integrative teaching mirrors the real world, and

the real world is not divided into disciplines.
• Integrative teaching provides connections among
subject areas so that students can better
understand that their learning has application to
real life, that learning is not just isolated bits of
fact in a vacuum.
• Integrative teaching can help teachers surmount
the problem of the overcrowded curriculum.

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Life Skills are abilities for adaptive and

positive behavior, that are enable individuals
to deal effectively with the demands and
challenges of everyday life (WHO,1993).

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Self Awareness
Coping with Effective
Stress 10 Communication

Coping with Interpersonal
Emotions 4 Relation Skills

Critical Decision
7 6
Thinking Making

Creative Problem
Thinking Solving

LifeLife and
Skills Skills
Scope Scope and
& Sequence Sequence Chart

Skills Self-Awareness/ Communication/ Decision Making/ Creative/ Coping with

Empathy Interpersonal Skills Problem Solving Critical Thinking Emotions/
Themes Stress

Year 1 Self-Aware- Communication Decision Making Creative thinking Emotions

Age 5-6 ness -I say hello,yes & -What I choose -Things that make -Recognizing
-Who am I? no -I decide when to cross me feel good emotions
Abuse/ the road
Safety Empathy Inter- Critical thinking
-How to show I personal Problem solving -Is that good for Stress
care –I am a group -My friend pushed me me? -I lost my mom in
member the market

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Life and Skills Scope and

Life Skills Scope & Sequence Sequence Chart

Year 6 I am Talking to boys Goals in life Relax Understanding

Age 10-11 changing and girls Anxiety
-Should I go Are we
Sexuality/ -He /she is Making and out with equals? Exams, I
Adolescent changing breaking him/her Stereo-types pace myself
pregnancy Relationships of men and

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Sample Integration of Comprehensive

Sexuality Education Standards
to the K to 12 MELCs

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Sample Integration - Kindergarten

Domain Content Standard Performance Learning Competencies CSES

Standard (Proposed)
Physical Health & The Child The Child shall be Identify one’s basic needs Demonstrate how to do
Motor demonstrates an able to take care of and ways to care for proper personal hygiene
Development understanding of body oneself and the one’s body
parts and their uses environment and PNEKBS-li-8
able to solve
Pisikal at problems
Pagpapaunlad sa encountered within
Kakayahang context of everyday Identify sources of support ,
Motor) living such as parents or other
trusted adult that young
Pangangalaga sa people can go if they are or
Sariling someone they know is being
Kalusugan at sexually harrassed abused or
Kaligtasan (PKK) assaulted

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Sample Integration - Kindergarten

Content Standard Performance Learning CSES

Standard Competencies (Proposed)
First Ang bata ay Ang bata ay Nakikilala ang sarili a) Identify emotions of the self
nagkakaroon ng pag- nakapagpapama pangalan at apelyido b) and others*
unawa sa sariling las ng kakayahang kasarian
ugali at damdamin kontrolin ang c) gulang/kapanganakan
sariling damdamin d) 1.4 gusto/di-gusto
at pag- uugali, • Use the proper
gumawa ng expression in
desisyon at introducing oneself e.g.,
magtagumpay sa I am/My name is
kanyang mga SEKPSE-00-1 SEKPSE-
gawain Ia-1.1 SEKPSE-Ib-1.2

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Sample Integration – Health 1

Quarter Content Performance Learning CSES

Standard Standard Competencies (Proposed)
4th Quarter The learners The learners identifies Identify sources of
demonstrates should appropriate persons support , such as
understanding of appropriately to ask for parents or other
safe and demonstrates assistance H1IS- trusted adult that
responsible safety behaviors IVc-3 young people can go
behavior to lessen in daily activities if they are or someone
risk and prevent to prevent injuries they know is being
injuries in day- to- sexually harrassed
day living abused or assaulted

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Sample Integration – Health 8

Content Content Standard Performance Learning CSES

Standard Competencies (proposed)
B. Teenage The learner The learner Analyzes the factors Explain the health
concerns demonstrates appropriately that affect one’s benefits, risks, and
• Identity crisis understanding of manages attitudes and effectiveness rates of
• Sexual human sexuality sexually related practices related to various methods of
identity and and managing issues through sexuality and sexual contraception,
Sexual sexuality related responsible and behaviors including abstinence,
behaviors issues for a informed H8FH-Ib-19 and condoms
• Pre-marital healthy life decisions
sex, teenage
and abortion

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Sample Integration – Araling Panlipunan 1

Content Content Standard Performance Learning CSES

Standard Competencies (Proposed)

Pagkilala sa Kasapi Ang mga mag- Ang mga mag Nauunawaan ang Explain the concept of
ng Pamilya aaral ay naipamamalas -aaral ay: konsepto ng pamilya Family
ang batay sa bumubuo nito
pag-unawa at Buong pagmamalaking (i.e. Two-parent family, Roles of the Members of the
pagpapahalaga nakapagsasaad ng single-parent family, Family
sa sariling pamilya at kwento ng sariling extended family)
mga kasapi nito at pamilya at mga kasapi AP1 PAM-IIa-1 Describe the characteristics
bahaging nito at bahaging of healthy relationships (e.g.
ginagampanan ng ginagampanan ng Family friends,peers)
bawat isa bawat isa sa

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Sample Integration – Araling Panlipunan 10

Content Content Standard Performance Learning Competencies CSES

Standard (Proposed)
B.Mga Isyu na may Ang mga mag- Ang mga mag Nasusuri ang iba’t ibang Define gender
Kaugnayan sa aaral ay may pag- -aaral ay: salik
Kasarian unawa: na nagiging dahilan ng Identify stereotypes of boys
(Gender) nakabubuo ng pagkakaroon ng and girls in media
1.Gender & Sexuality sa kahalagahan ng dokyumentaryo na diskriminasyon
2.Reproductive Health pagtanggap at nagsusulong ng sa kasarian Differentiate real situations
Law paggalang sa paggalang sa karapatan AP10IKP-IIId-7 and events of boys and girls,
3.Same- iba’t ibang perspektibo ng mga mamamayan sa Natataya ang bahaging men and women from fiction
sex Marriage na pagpili ng ginagampanan ng al depiction (e.g. TV, internet).
4.Prostitusyon at may kaugnayan sa kasarian at sekswalidad kasarian(gender roles) sa
Pang-aabuso samu’t iba’t
saring isyu sa gender bang larangan at
panlipunan (trabaho,
edukasyon, pamilya,
pamahalaan, at relihiyon)

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Sample Integration – Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 7

Content Content Standard Performance Standard Learning CSES

Competencies (Proposed)
Mga Angkop na Naipamamalas ng Naisasagawa ng mag-aaral 1.1. Natutukoy ang mga Describe the
Inaasahang Kakayahan magaaral ang pag-unawa ang mga angkop na pagbabago sa kanyang sarili characteristics of healthy
at Kilos sa Panahon ng sa mga inaasahang hakbang sa paglinang ng mula sa gulang na 8 o 9 relationships (,
hanggang sa kasalukuyan sa
Pagdadalaga/ kakayahan at kilos sa limang inaasahang aspetong: a. Pagtatamo ng friends, peers).
Pagbibinata panahon ng kakayahan at kilos bago at ganap na pakikipag-
(Developmental pagdadalaga/pagbibinata, (developmental tasks) sa ugnayan (more mature Identify ways for friends
Tasks): talento at kakayahan, panahon ng pagdadalaga / relations) sa mga kasing edad to express feelings to each
hilig, at mga tungkulin sa pagbibinata. (Pakikipagkaibigan) other
panahon ng b. Pagtanggap ng papel o
gampanin sa lipunan
pagdadalaga/pagbibinata Demonstrate ways to treat
c. Pagtanggap sa mga
pagbabago sa katawan at family, friends and peers
paglalapat ng tamang with dignity and respect
pamamahala sa mga ito

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Sample Integration – Personal Development 11-12

Content Content Standard Performance Standard Learning CSES

Competencies (Proposed)

9. Personal The skills and tasks Make alist of ways to The learner... Explain that there are many
Relationships and challenges become responsible discuss tasks and ways of expressing love, and
appropriate for middle adolescents prepared for challenges being that sexual activity is a mature
experienced during way of showing care and
and late adolescence adult life and manage the
adolescence affection
and preparatory to demand of teen years EsP-PD11/12DS-lc-3.1
early adulthood identify ways that help Identify ways for friends to
one become capable and express feelings to each other
responsible adolescent
prepared for adult life Show positive attitude to the
EsP-PD11/12DS-lc-3.3 expression of admiration,
friendship and love



Professionalism ⬥ Integrity ⬥ Excellence ⬥ Service 50

Component 2020-2024

Policy Continue the Dissemination of DO No. 31, s. 2018 Policy

Guidelines on the Implementation of the Comprehensive
Sexuality Education

Research Capacities in Teaching Comprehensive Sexuality Education:

A Baseline Assessment of Philippine Public School Teachers

Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)

Concepts, Messages and Images
in the Philippines K to 12 Curriculum
A Content Analysis

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Component 2020-2024

Curriculum Ditribution of CSE Curriculum

Capacity Training of Teachers

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Component 2020-2024
Learners Teachers Downloading/Printing and Distribution of existing
and Parents ARH /CSE Resource Materials to DepEd
Materials Commons/Portals
Utilization of daily lesson logs and Learning Action
Cell strategy (LAC) session guides on CSE

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Component 2020-2024
Monitoring and Approval of a long-term, fully budgeted, implementation
Evaluation plan with a phased approach and a strong monitoring and
evaluation (M&E) framework.

Development, Validation and Finalization of Monitoring

and Evaluation Tools on CSE
Monitoring and Evaluation of CSE implementation

Inclusion of CSE concepts and messages in the national

assessment test.

School Health Develop a comprehensive menu of school health

initiatives together with Bureau of Learning Support and

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Component 2020-2024
Advocacy and Partnership Parents’ Orientation on ASRH/CSE Program

Orientation of Junior and senior High School Students on CSE

Inclusion of ARH/CSE concepts in various trainings to be

conducted by NEAP, Guidance Program and BLD

Complete risk communication strategy and an advocacy plan to

prepare the Department against CSE FAQs, to include orientation
on key messages with DepEd officials.

Professionalism ⬥ Integrity ⬥ Excellence ⬥ Service 55

DepED believes
The future of the youth & of the country lies on
how the adult population takes cognizance
of the problems that beset the youth;
how the youth takes responsibility of their own
AND, TOGETHER, work on how the young people can
emerge WINNERS from these threats

Confucian Proverb

“ If you think in terms of

a year, plant a seed;

If you think in terms of

10 years, plant a tree;

If you think in terms of

100 years, EDUCATE THE YOUTH!”

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Maraming salamat!
Dr. Rosalie B. Masilang,
SVEPS, CSE Focal Person

Professionalism ⬥ Integrity ⬥ Excellence ⬥ Service

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