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Direction: Write IC it is an Independ
ent Clause and DC if it is a Dependen
t Clause.
1.The bird built a nest.
2. I threw it.
3. Because she is kind.
4. Wilmar is intelligent.
5. For his family.
6. But others are not.
7. He went abroad.
Simple Sentence
• composed of a single independent clause. It
contains a subject and a predicate.
This means that it consists of one and more
subject and one and more verbs.
1 subject and 1 verb
e.g. The bird built a nest.
1 subject and 2 verbs
e.g. The actress cried and laughed at the
same time.
 2 subjects and 1 verb
e.g. Pam and Tom were given an award
from their teacher.
2. Compound Sentence
•Has 2 or more independent clauses joined by a
coordinating conjunctions.
2 Independent clauses
e.g. My father was very strict, and it is good thing
for parents to be strict.
3 Independent clauses
e.g. The meal was expensive, but it was spoiled, so I
threw it.
2 Independent clauses
e.g. My father was very strict, and it is
good thing for parents to be strict.
3 Independent clauses
e.g. The meal was expensive, but it was
spoiled, so I threw it.
Complex Sentence
•It has 2 or more ideas intermixed.
Independent clause + Dependent Clause
e.g. He went abroad, because he wanted to earn money.
He went abroad, because he wanted to earn money.
e.g. While the taxi man believes her daughter is at school,
Lay Choo is doing wrong.

While the taxi man believes her daughter is at school, Lay

Choo is doing wrong.
e.g. While the taxi man believes her
daughter is at school, Lay Choo is
doing wrong.

While the taxi man believes her

daughter is at school, Lay Choo is
doing wrong.

Compound- Complex Sentence
• it contains two or more
Independent clauses and one and
more dependent clauses.
e.g. We can talk about anything
and we will go anywhere just as
long as we are together.
We can talk about anything and
we will go anywhere just as long
as we are together.
Whenever afternoon comes,
most employees chat, but others
prefer to eat their snack.
Focus on the characters of “ The Taxi man’s
Story”. Write the thoughts of the taxi driver
and the businesswoman in each paragraph.
Use the 4 types of Sentences in your short
Correctness------–------ 50 %
Content ------------- 25%
Organization-------------25 %
100 %
Direction: Identify weather the following
sentences are Simple, Compound, Complex,
1. She dictated, and I typed.
Compound Sentence
2. Liza and Rina are friends.
Simple Sentence
3. I danced while he sang
but they won because they
also played the piano.
4.My father is a brilliant
Simple Sentence
5.He was tired so he fell asleep
at once.
Complex Sentence
6. The man at the bar left
already but he returned
Complex Sentence
7. You have to be quiet, he is
Compound Sentence.
•Construct atleast 3
examples on every type
of Sentences

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