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Industrial Training Presentation on

“Machine Learning & Data Science”
Carried Out At
Poornima Institute Of Engineering & Technology
(Session 2022-23)

Submitted By: Submitted to:

Name: Rameshber Goswami Dr. Nikita Jain
Roll. No: 11 Assistant Professor
Class: 5CS-C Department of Computer Engg.

Department of Computer Engineering

Introduction to Company
Prerequisites of the Training
Training Description
Technology Used
Project Description
Snapshots of Project
Conclusion and Future Scope
Introduction to Company
 Poornima Institute Of Engineering & Technology in association with Upflairs Pvt. Ltd.
Institute is Collaborating with IBM Lab for research on Business Intelligence and Cloud Computing.
Integrated Design and Innovations in
Advanced Digital Manufacturing and AI & Big Data.
Prerequisites of the Training
Prerequisites For Learning Machine Learning & Data Science :
2.Linear Algebra
5.Programming Language ( preferred Python)
Training Description
 Training Technology: Machine Learning & Data Science
 Training Mode: Offline
 Training Duration: 45 days
 Training Coordinator Details:
Name - Mr. Deepak Moud
Designation - HOD, Computer Science (PIET) - 7568798510
Email –
Python is a popular programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum, and released in 1991.
Python Libraries that are used for machine learning and data science are :
• NumPy
• Matplotlib
• Pandas
• SciPy
• Sci-Kit Learn
Machine Learning
Machine Learning is the subset of AI, which enables the machine to automatically learn from data, improve
from past experiences and make predictions.
Machine Learning
Algorithms used in Machine Learning:
1.Linear Regression Algorithm
2.Logistic Regression Algorithm
3.Decision Tree
4.Support Vector Machine (SVM)
5.Naive Bayes
6.K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN)
7.K-Means Clustering
8.Random Forest
Data Science
Data Science is the combination of statistics, mathematics, domain knowledge,
and programming language, which involves extracting meaningful insights
from raw, structured, and unstructured data.
Project Description
PROJECT TITLE: Predict Dropout Or Academic Success
Predict Dropout Or Academic Success is a machine learning model that a student will drop out or will have
academic success based on the variables given i.e. Curricular units 1 st Sem and 2nd Sem, age, and gender.
 Technology Used: Machine Learning Algorithms
Predict Dropout Or Academic Success
Predict Dropout Or Academic Success
GitHub Link:

Google Collab Link :

 Deployed Project Link (Local Server) :

Conclusion and Future Scope
 Machine Learning can be Supervised or Unsupervised.
If you have a lesser amount of data and clearly labeled data for training, opt for Supervised Learning.
 Unsupervised Learning would generally give better performance and results for large data sets.
Future Scope Of Machine Learning & Data Science:
 Rise of Quantum Computing
 Robotics
 Safer Healthcare
 Geeks For Geeks: Machine Learning – GeeksforGeeks
 Javapoint: Machine Learning Algorithms – Javatpoint
 Machine Learning By Tom M. Mitchell
 Machine Learning Using Python By Manaranjan Pradhan
Thank You..!!

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