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Green Skills

What are
Green Skills?
Simply put, green skills are the
knowledge, abilities, values and
attitudes needed to live in,
develop and support a sustainable
and resource-efficient society.

Role of Green Jobs
⊷ There are jobs in solar and wind
installations, clean car
engineering. Households are
switching to solar energy,
families are purchasing
alternative energy cars, and
news jobs are being added to
the market place.
Role of Green Jobs in
Toxin Free Homes
Steps To Reduce
Greenhouse Gases:
In our daily lives we do
household work, that ⊷ Reuse, Reduce,
releases harmful gases Recycle
⊷ Use less heat and
into the atmosphere and
contribute to the warming
⊷ Replace your light
of our planet. Green jobs bulbs
will promote the usage of ⊷ Use less hot water
ecofriendly raw materials ⊷ Use the off
and conserve energy. buttons
⊷ Plant a tree.
Green Jobs in Solar and
Wind Power
Energy Auditors Chief Sustainability Wind/ Solar
officers energy
They conduct engineers
Is the color of the clear
audits to determine
Is the color of
sky and the deep sea. It
how energy
blood, and because
is located between
efficient the
of this it has
violet and green on the
historically been
optical spectrum.
associated with
sacrifice, danger
and courage.
And tables to compare

Yellow 10 20 7

Blue 30 15 10

Orange 5 24 16

Role of Green Jobs in
Water Conservation
To Protect Existing And
⊷ Water Treatment Specialist
Future Water Supplies,
⊷ Water Auditor
By Ensuring Resources ⊷ Water Policy Analyst

Are Not Mismanaged, ⊷ Water Quality Monitoring

Over Exploited Or ⊷ Water Conversation Representative

⊷ Water Resource Planning Manager

Otherwise Used In A
Manner That Would Be
Considered Damaging.
Green Jobs in Waste
Reduction Recycling and
Eco cycle-zero waste creates jobs, recycling,
composting and reusing create a lot green jobs.

Recycling and reuse create at least 9 times more

jobs than landfills and incinerators. E.g. we need
force for collecting, processing and preparing

Green Jobs In Tourism
Green Tourism makes an optimal use of environmental
resources. Indonesia is an example of green tourism.

Green Tourism offers new tourism paradigm; we pay to

do things, not to have new things. Tourists are buying
experience not product.

⊷ Destination Management

⊷ Destination Managers

⊷ Trainers
Green Jobs in
Green buildings use ecofriendly
⊷ Construction worker,
materials, benefit environment by
crew member
conserving energy.
⊷ Designer

⊷ Carpenters
There are plenty of jobs in the
construction sector, this sector ⊷ Weatherization
employs millions of people, but suffers ⊷ Concrete labors
from a skill shortfall.
⊷ Highway laborers

⊷ Demolition experts

Limiting Green House
Emissions ⊷ The key to environmental protection is to prevent the
degradation of the natural environment, which is
important for all living creatures, one of the biggest
problem in the environment is related to fossil fuels,
which leads to pollution, climate change and
natural resource depletion.

⊷ Green jobs are decent jobs that contribute to preserve

or restore the environment, be they in traditional
sectors, such as in manufacturing and construction
sectors or in the emerging green sectors such as
12 renewal able energy.


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