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Aula de Inglês

68th lesson 13th April 2021

Correction work (purpose clauses).
«We need a better World Wide Web»: debating about
online dangers; reading comprehension. Vocabulary

69th lesson 14th April 2021

How do we know what news is true and what is fake?
Watching a youtube video and taking notes. Creating a
list of basic principles to help students spot fake news.
Correction work (Page 111)
a) Some of my friends have tattoos in order to express their
b) I had plastic surgery so that they wouldn’t tease me about my nose.
c) Her parents taught her to believe in herself so that she could be
d) The doctor interviewed the new patients in order to know them.
e) Mary goes jogging every day in order not to become fat.
f) I will go on a diet in order to lose some weight.
Task 1
ONLINE DANGERS | Put the greatest online dangers at the
fake news  lack of exercise  falling social skills  viruses
identity theft  hacking  cyber-bullying  phishing

Identity theft is the fraudulent practice of using another person's name and personal information in order to obtain
credit, loans, make purchases, etc.
Hacking is the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.
Phishing is the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card
details by disguising as a trustworthy entity.
Task 2
Read the headline of a newspaper article. Guess if 1-8 below are true (T) or
false (F). Then read the article on the following slide and check your guesses.

«Inventor of World Wide Web says it must change»

14th March, 2019

1. The World Wide Web is now fifty years old.    False. It’s 30 years old.
2. According to the article, there are two billion websites online.     Right.
3. The Web's inventor knows people wonder if the Web is a force for good. True. Sir Tim Berners-Lee,
4. The Web's inventor said we must not give up on making a better Web.  True. inventor of the
5. The Web's inventor said he had five main worries about the Web.   False. Three 
6. Sir Tim Berners-Lee called the Web a "mirror of humanity".  False  
7. The past few years have seen a decline in fake news.  False.  
8. Tim Berners-Lee said it was not important to fight for a better Web.   False.
The World Wide Web is now thirty years old. Its inventor, Sir Tim Berners-Lee,
has spoken about his creation on its 30th anniversary. He said he was worried
about how people are using the Internet and its two billion websites today. He
also said he is concerned about the future of the Web. He wrote a letter saying
he knew many people felt unsure about whether the Web was "a force for
good". He believes it can be a force for good and can empower billions of
people. He wrote that he believed governments and companies must work
together to build a better Internet. He said: "If we give up on building a better
Web now, then the Web will not have failed us. We will have failed the Web.”
Sir Tim had three main concerns about the World Wide Web. The first was
criminal behavior, like state-sponsored hacking and online harassment. He
described it as a "mirror of humanity" where "you will see good and bad". He
said governments must pass laws to keep people safe. A second thing that
worried Berners-Lee is how social media is used to spread misinformation. The
past few years have seen a rise in fake news. In particular, how people were
tricked during the 2016 US presidential election and the UK Brexit vote.
Berners-Lee is also worried about people's privacy and personal information.
He stressed the importance of fighting for a better and safer Web and keeping
it free for everyone to use.
Task 3
Check your predictions.

«Inventor of World Wide Web says it must change»

14th March, 2019

1. The World Wide Web is now fifty years old.     F

2. According to the article, there are two billion websites online.     T
3. The Web's inventor knows people wonder if the Web is a force for good.  T
Sir Tim Berners-Lee,
4. The Web's inventor said we must not give up on making a better Web.   T inventor of the
F Internet.
5. The Web's inventor said he had five main worries about the Web.    
6. Sir Tim Berners-Lee called the Web a "mirror of humanity".    
7. The past few years have seen a decline in fake news.     F
8. Tim Berners-Lee said it was not important to fight for a better Web.     F
Task 4
Match the following synonyms from the article.

1. inventor ____ 6. criminal a. unlawful ____ f. lies

2. worried ____ 7. behaviour b. thought ____ g. construct
3. unsure ____ 8. misinformation c. deceived ____ h. creator
4. believed ____ 9. tricked d. conduct ____ i. without charge
5. build ____ 10. free e. concerned ____ j. undecided

1. inventor OR creator 6. criminal OR unlawful

2. worried OR concerned 7. behaviour OR conduct
3. unsure OR undecided 8. misinformation OR lies
4. believed OR thought 9. tricked OR deceived
5. build OR construct 10. free OR without charge
Follow-up Question

How do we know what news is true and what is fake?

Task 5: Watch the youtube videos indicated with an arrow and take notes. Your
goal is to come up with six basic strategies to spot fake news. Write them on
your notebook and send a picture to your teacher.

How can you tell if a news story is real? - BBC Young Reporter

How can you know which news to trust? - BBC Young Reporter

Additional (and optional) reading

What is fake news and how can you identify it?
How to spot fake news
How to spot fake news – basic principles

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