Lyes Benhelal - Applying UDL To Lesson Planning - TDW - Feedback

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Universal Design for Learning &

Teacher Development Workshops

3 new things: learned/ liked/ want changed
Something I Something I liked Something I would
1 learned from the 2 about the training 3 like to see changed
training today today in future sessions
the objectives of UDL are clearer we're starting to break the there is a roleplay element to
now the use of VAKT, get the Ss mold and get into full mode the training, we're experiencing
attention make the class relevant teacher, as opposed to the STEM classes ( that use UDL,
to them and have them apply back in forth between ccq... ) from the Ss side and we
what they learned..the practice of have to look at that from the
teacher student
the three teachers really helped teacher point of view, it can be
clarify the what, how and why. It confusing sometimes in these
give more details on how to reach moments it would be useful to
the three brain network during have reminders to the goals
the class were trying to achieve

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