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HEALTH: Meaning and

Importance in a culture
based Philippine Society
 In 1984, WHO defined health as “the extent to which an individual or
group is able to realize aspirations and safety needs, and to change or
cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not
the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and
personal resources, as well as physical capacities.”
 Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a
person’s ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain
relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and
independent living.
In the Philippines, there is a decentralized health
delivery system, and it is headed by the Department of
Health as the regulatory authority. It develops national
plans, technical standards, and healthcare guidelines for
all Filipinos. Local Government Units (LGUs) and private
sector agencies acts as adjuncts. There are Centers for
Health Departments (CHDs) scattered in strategic areas of
the country. Rural Health Units (RHUs) exist in every
municipality to improve access to healthcare.
Culture Specific
Syndromes and Illnesses
Namamana is a Filipino language
translation of acquiring a behavioral or
disease trait from a parent. It is a belief
that when a relative has the condition, it
is possible that he/she will pass on the
trait to the younger generation.
Like namamana, lihi is a concept used to
explain why some children are noted to have
certain specific characteristics. An
ethnographic study done in the Philippines
referred to lihi as a term for conception,
while some literature referred to it as
maternal cravings.
Sumpa and gaba
Sumpa and gaba are beliefs in the Filipino
culture pertaining to a curse. In sumpa, the curse
is inflicted by a human being. In contrast, gaba is
a curse inflicted by a divine being and it is usually
God. This is inflicted to a person because he/she
committed a social sin. Gaba is predominantly a
belief of Filipino in the Central Islands of Visayas.
Namaligno is a Filipino belief
that a disease is caused by an
intervention of a supernatural
or mystical being.
Usually, namaligno is used as an
explanation in conditions which
remain to be mysteries because
of the absence of an apparent
One of this is the sudden
unexpected nocturnal death
syndrome (SUNDS). Locally it
is known as the bangungot.
Current literature about bangungot
refers to is as the Brugada syndrome,
but this is still contentious because
of lack molecular and genetic studies
to prove this claim.
Filipino folklore tells that the
cause of bangungot as a deed of
a mythical creature called
batibat, a huge dark monster
covered with thick black hair.
A Filipino belief regarding the
discomfort brought about by a
stranger or visitor who is thought to
have an evil eye (masamang mata) or
who brings an evil wind (masamang
hangin) or a hex.
Cultural Health
 Hilot or manghihilot- acts as a midwife, a chiropractor or
massage therapist to promote health and healing.
 Tawas or mangtatawas- this practitioner uses alum, candles,
smoke, paper, eggs and other mediums to diagnose the
cause of illness associated by prayers and incantations.
 Albularyo- a general practitioner who uses a combination of
healing modalities that may include prayers, incantations,
mysticism and herbalism. Albularyos claim to draw healing
powers from a supernatural source.
 Medico- a general practitioner similar to an albularyo but
integrates western medicine to promote healing like
incorporating allopathic treatment modalities like
acupuncture, injection medications and prescription
pharmaceuticals into his practice.
 Faith Healers- a practitioner who claims divine power
bestowed by the Holy Spirit or God. A patient is required to
have faith and believe in divine powers to effect healing.

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