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Expressions and Equations

Aas Aisah

1. Understanding the different

of Expression and Equations

2. Collecting like terms

Key Words

Algebraic Expression = Pernyataan/ Bentuk

Constant = Konstanta/ Angka tetap
Variable = Variabel/ Letter/ Huruf
Coefficient = Koefisien
Unlike Terms = Suku tidak sejenis
Like terms = Suku sejenis
Equation = Persamaan
Key Words
Simplify =
Collecting like terms = Mengumpulkan/
Mengelompokkan Suku sejenis
Brackets = Tanda
Expand =
Solve =
Memecahkan/ Menyelesaikan
Inverse Operations = Operasi invers/ kebalikan
Solution =
Solusi/ penyelesaian
Change side, change sign = Berubah sisi/ruas, Berubah
Concept Map
Before start, you should know

The Basic of algebra

a + a + a = 3a
a x 5 = 5a
a x b = ab
2a x 3m = 6am

How to add and subtract with negative numbers

-2 + 5 = 3
4 + (-7) = 4 – 7 = -3
-6 –(-1) = -6 + 1 = -5
Algebraic Expressions

In math, we try to make things simpler by

writing as few words as possible.

For example these two sentences can be

written in a shorter way
3 apples and 17 bananas = 3a + 17b
6 apples and 12 bananas = 6a + 12b
Algebraic Expressions

We have used the letter a to represent

apples, and b to represent bananas and the
+ symbol to replace the word and.

The process of using letters to represent

unknown numbers or variables is algebra
Coefficient, Constant, variable


2a + 5
Coefficient, Constant, variable


-3c - 6
8 + 4a
The variable is a
the constant is 8
The coefficient is 4
Write an algebraic expression

Akbar has three pockets of equal amounts of marbles.

He took 4 marbles from the third pocket. How many
marbles does Akbar have now?

Akbar memiliki 3 kantong dengan jumlah kelereng

yang sama. Dia mengambil 4 kelereng dari kantong
ketiga. Berapa banyak kelereng yang Akbar miliki
Write an algebraic expression

m = marbles in a pocket
3m = three pockets of marbles
-4 = four marbles taken from one pocket

Total marbles = 3m - 4
Collecting Like Terms

Here are two different bricks (bata)

𝑥 𝑦

The length of the red brick is

The length of the blue brick is
Collecting Like Terms

When you join together three red bricks, the

total length is

𝑥 𝑥 𝑥

When you join together two blue bricks, the

total length is

𝑦 𝑦
Collecting Like Terms

When you join together three red and two blue

the total length is

𝑥 𝑥 𝑥 𝑦 𝑦
Key Idea

You can add, subtract, or combine like

You can’t combine terms that contain different

You can simplify an expression by collecting

like terms.
Worked Example

=4p + 2p + 3q – q
= 6p + 2q
Worked Example

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Try to answer number 1


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number 2

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Next Week Material

Expanding Bracket

(Module Page 100)


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