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Angle Modulation

Principles of Communications
ECE 011

Learning Outcome
After studying this section, you should be able to:
❑ Analyze angle modulation: FM and PM
• Impressing an information signal on a carrier is called modulation
• A carrier wave can be modulated by varying its amplitude, frequency, or phase shift.

Carrier signal  

amplitude phase
Amplitude of the frequency
modulated signal

Frequency Modulation Phase Modulation
Impressing an information signal on a Impressing an information signal on a carrier
carrier by changing its FREQUENCY by changing its PHASE SHIFT produces
produces FM. PM.
Phase and Frequency Relationship


Whenever the frequency of a carrier is

  varied, the phase is also varied, and vice


5ms 8ms 20ms 30ms

Carrier signal

Information signal

Maximum Positive Deviation

+ Peak Voltage of the

Information Signal

Zero Deviation Zero Crossing Point of the

Information Signal

Maximum Negative Deviation F

- Peak Voltage of the M
Information Signal

FM Waveform
Carrier signal

Information signal
Carrier signal

Information signal
Maximum Positive Deviation

Zero Crossing Positive Going

point Of the information signal

Zero Deviation + and – voltage peaks of the

Information signal

Maximum Negative Deviation P

Zero Crossing Negative Going
point Of the information signal

PM Waveform
Carrier signal

Information signal  


Mathematical Analysis: PHASE MODULATION
Information signal  

Carrier signal  

index of Kp is a constant and called deviation
PM sensitivities of the phase. Unit in
rad/V or deg/V.

Mathematical Analysis: FREQUENCY MODULATION
Information signal  
Carrier signal    

index of


Instantaneous Phase and Frequency
Information signal  

Carrier signal  

BESSEL Function

In FM, the number of sidebands are infinite.

BESSEL Function helps you identify the number of
significant sideband pairs and their amplitude in a
given modulation index.
Bessel Bandwidth = 2 n fm
n= # of sideband pairs
fm= modulating signal frequency


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