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Depositional environment of Precambrian to Recent

sedimentary rock in upper Indus basin of Pakistan, relation with

Tectonics, sequence stratigraphy and application either it will be

Source; Reservoir and Cap rock.

Samiullah khan
Geology department
University of Peshawar
Regional Geology setting
Indian plate moved northward at a rate of 3-5 centimeters per year between 130
MA and 80 Ma. (Johnson et a1., 1976). The movement was partly facilitated by
transform faulting in the Proto Owen fracture zone and extensive sea-floor
spreading along the Mid Indian Ocean Ridge. The extensive Deccan Trap Basaltic
eruptions, which occurred between 65-60 Ma, is a manifestation of the fast
northward drift of India (Duncan and Pyle, 1988).
This northward drift in Barremian (130 Ma) led to the beginning of the shrinking
of the Tethys. During this shrinking a series of island and volcanic arcs were
generated by the intra-oceanic subduction process. These arcs formed during
Cretaceous and include the Kohistan-Ladakh, Nuristan, Kandhar arcs (Searle,
1991; Treloar and Izatt, 1993).
This collision of Kohistan with the Eurasia took place during the Turonian Stage of
Late Cretaceous (93.9 Ma). Early to Middle Cretaceous carbonates and volcanic of
Chalt Formation are the youngest marine sediments deposited in the arc basin
(Kazmi and Jan, 1997).
The Tethys Ocean continued to subduct beneath the Kohistan-Ladakh arc and
resulted in complete consumption of the Tethys ocean. This led to the ultimate
collision of the Indian Plate with the Eurasia to give rise to the Himalayas. The
Eocene period (56-37.8 Ma) is accredited to this collision (Powell, 1979).
According to Kazmi and Jan (1997), the India has gradually rotated North 20 degree
East counterclockwise since 55 Ma ago. This rotary motion caused convergence in
Baluchistan, closed some of the smaller basins and resulted in formation of
Baluchistan Fold-and-Thrust Belt i-e, Suleiman and Kirther ranges.
Collision between Indian and Eurasia in Paleocene-Eocene result emplacement of
ophiolites along the Indus Suture zone, in Bela, Zhob and Lasbela, Waziristan,
Kurram, Oragzai agency, Swat and Sepat area (Kazmi and Jan, 1997). The shortening
of Northern Pakistan occurred (about 300 to 400 km) during the northward
movement of Indian Plate which is accommodated by thrusting and thickening of
crust in the south respectively (Coward et al., 1986).
The youngest marine sediments along the suture zone belong to lower Eocene.
These sediments are overlain by the Indus molasses which have fragments of both
the Eurasian and Indian terrains (Kazmi and Jan, 1997).
According to LeFort (1975) the tectonostratigraphic zones of the Himalayas are as
follows: Higher Himalayas (b/w MMT and MCT), Lesser Himalayas (b/w MCT and
MBT), Sub-Himalayas (b/w MBT and MFT).
The MBT and associated structure in the subsurface played a crucial role in
trapping of Hydrocarbon in Kohat and Potwar basin (Wadood et al 2020).
Upper Indus basin lies between two main tectonic boundary i-e, MBT(north) and
MFT(south). Kurram thrust fault in the west and Jhelum strike slip fault in the
The Upper Indus Basin, the zone above the Sargodha Highs in Punjab Plains, is
composed of comparatively thin (1060 m) shelf or even continental deposits as
compared to the thickness in the Lower Indus Basin (Fatmi, 1977). The Seismic
interpretation, drill hole information, gravity, and Paleomagnetic datasets shoe
that the basal decollement in Salt range Formation which is responsible for the
thrusting of the Eocambrian and Paleozoic-Cenozoic succession over younger
strata (Farah et al, 1977; Wadood et al, 2020).
Modified after Hanif et al., 2013
Provence of Clastic sediment.
 The Provence of clastic sediment in upper
Indus basin of Cambrian to Paleocene is from
Aravalli and Malani range of Indian cratonic
area and Paleo-flow direction is from SSE
toward NNW (Ghazi & Mountney, 2012).
 Clastic sediment in Upper Indus basin of
Paleocene e.g, Patala formation is from
Eurashian (NE) and Indian (SE) towards SW.
 Clastic sediment in Upper Indus basin of
Miocene to recent is from North towards
South i-e, from Himalayas.

Wadood et al, 2020


Paleocene Period

Total Petroleum System, Upper Indus Basin, Pakistan
First well drill for hydrocarbon in 1866 at Kundal. In 1914 discovery of oil occurred in 1914 214 ft-
well drilled in Murree formation. 18 oil and 3 gas field has been discovered in Salt range Potwar
basin (Jadoon et al, 2014). Based on data current to 1996 provided by Petroconsultants
International Data Corporation, the Kohat-Potwar geologic province was ranked 174th in
cumulative production and reserves of oil and gas worldwide (Klett and others, 1997).
Source Rock;
 There are several potential source rocks in the Upper Indus basin. These include the Late
Proterozoic–Lower Cambrian Salt Range; Permian Wargal, Sardhai, and Chidru; Paleocene
Lockhart; and Eocene Patala Formations (OGDC, 1996; Quadri and Quadri, 1996). Lower
Cretaceous Sembar and Lower Goru temporal equivalents—the Chichali and Lumshiwal
Formations— may be the youngest mature rocks with source potential.
Generation and Migration;
 Generation of hydrocarbons most likely began in Late Cretaceous time for Cambrian through
Lower Cretaceous source rocks and again from Pliocene time to the present for younger source
rocks (OGDC, 1996). A Neogene overpressuring regime was attributed to tectonic compression
and undercompaction, and a pre-Neogene overpressuring regime is attributed to combined
hydrocarbon generation.
Reservoir Rocks;
 In the Upper Indus basin oil and gas has been produced from the following
formations: Cambrian Khewra, Khussak, and Jutana; Permian Tobra, Amb, and
Wargal; Jurassic Datta; Cretaceous Lumshiwal; Paleocene, Lockhart, Patala;
Eocene, Nammal, Chorgali, and Margala Hill Limestone; and Miocene Murree
(Khan and others, 1986; Petroconsultants, 1996). More than 60 percent of the
producing reservoirs are of Cenozoic age(60 percent of the identified producing
reservoirs are carbonates). Average reservoir porosities are 12-16 % and
permeability ranges from 4 to 17 mD (Jaswal et al., 1997; Khan et al., 1986).
Traps and Seals;
 In the Upper Indus basin are either overturned faulted anticlines (strike generally
east-northeast to west-southwest and are approximately parallel to the plate-
collision zone), popup structures, or fault-block traps. The latest trap-forming
thrust events began at approximately 5 and 2 Ma (Jaswal and others, 1997). Seals
include fault truncations and interbedded shales and the thick shales and clays of
the Miocene and Pliocene Siwalik Group.
Wandrey et al, 2004
Wandrey et al, 2004
Wandrey et al, 2004
Wandrey et al, 2004
• A basin profile (OGDC, 1996) indicates vitrinite reflectance equivalent maturities
(R) of 0.62 to 1.0 percent for Tertiary rocks in the productive part of the Potwar
Basin. R samples between 0.6 and 1.1 percent for Cretaceous, 0.5 to 0.9 percent
for Jurassic, and 0.65 to 0.95 percent for Permian rocks (Tobin and Claxton,

Wandrey et al, 2004

Jalees and Bianchi, 2009
Tectonism related with environment of deposition in Upper Indus basin
 Cambrian succession in upper Indus basin is thickest and best developed in the
eastern side and sharply thins and wedges out towards the west.
 Permian to Paleocene succession in upper Indus basin is thickest and well
developed in the western and sharply thin towards east.
 In Eocene, Northwestern side of Upper Indus Basin was uplifted (closer of Neo
Tethys ocean) and Southeastern side continued Carbonate sedimentation in
Tethys ocean i-e, Nammal, Sakessar and Chorgali formation.
 In Middle Lutetian (45.8-43.6Ma) the Upper Indus basin uplifted started the
sedimentation of Indus molasses from Himalayas. The lower Indus basin still
continue marine sedimentation i-e, Kirther, Nari and Gaj formation. In Oligocene
Indus molasses started in Lower Indus basin.
(Tariq Ahmad Shahzad and Joseph J. Lambiase, 2018; Wadood et al,2020)
Sajjad khan,2014
Wadood et al, 2020
(Wadood et al, 2021 and ABDUS SABOOR, 2014)
Wadood et al, 2020
Hussain et al 2018
Gaina et al 2015.

Wandrey et al, 2004
Hughes et al 2019
Wadood et al, 2020
Salt Range Formation
Upper Indus basin:
Exposed in eastern salt range thickness 830m, Subsurface
thickness 2000m (from Dhaiale well).
Precambrian age(determine from radioactivity Pyroxene
needle=720Ma). Highly weathered igneous body known
as “Khewra trap” has been reported from the upper part
of Formation, also known as “Khewrites”.
Evaporitic environment.
Due to Transgression sea water enter in lagoon and after
Regression of sea level evaporate, gypsum deposit. Clastic
input incorporated the calcite and made the marls.
Upper contact Khewra Sandstone, lower contact Indian
shield; Biotitic Schist.
Correlated to Harmuz salt in Iran and Oman.
Source rock.
(Hughes et al 2019)
Cambrian Stratigraphy
Upper Indus basin:
Jehlum Group;
Khewra Sandstone.
Khussak Formation.
Jutana Dolomite.
Baghanwala Formation.
During Cambrian times, the upper Indus basin (part of the
Gondwanaland) experienced warm, shallow marine conditions (Kadri,
1995; Kazmi and Jan, 1997). Deposition of clastics, evaporites and
carbonates took place in Delta, Tidal flat, lagoon and shallow marine
environments (Kadri, 1995).
Hughes et al 2019
Hughes et al 2019
Hughes et al 2019
Khewra sandstone
Widely distributed in salt range through out; Thickness at, 150m at eastern salt
range, 200m in western salt range, 60m in Khisor Range.
Conformable overlies the Salt range and disconformable overlain the Khussak
formation a lowstand marked by conglomerate bed (Jehangiri et al,2014).
Baqri and Baloch (1991) interpreted deltaic (Paralic system) depositional
environment (b/c of fine-coarse sandstone, cross bed, trough bed, parallel
lamination, ripple marks, Load cast). At the base of Khewra sandstone there are
channelized beds which form in delta plains and above these channelized beds
there are tabular bed (form due to migration of ripple marks) which forms in
delta front, so the deposition of delta front over the delta plain show

(Jehangiri et al,2014)
Early Cambrian age given to Khewra sandstone due to Trace of Trilobites.
Provenance of Sandstone is from recycled orogeny belt of Igneous, Gneiss
basement of Indian craton Pan-African orogeny (500Ma). The Paleo current
direction is from SE-NW (Jehangiri et al,2014).
Khadri (1995) interpreted Khewra sandstone as the product of Arid (red
color;Lindholm,1987) and Marine (presence of Burrows) environment.
Mudassary and Saqib (2009) calculated porosity of Khewra sandstone which
varies 4-17% in lower part and 10-17% in upper part.
Red color of Khewra sandstone because of oxidized and stains various
compounds of iron such as Hematite and Limonite (Tariq et al, 2018).
Khewra Sandstone represent sea level rise b/c of delta plain (thickly bedded) over
delta front (Thinly bedded, meandering) facies.
Source + Reservoir rock.

(Jehangiri et al,2014)
Eastern salt range, Khewra Gorge
(Jehangiri et al,2014)
n sg
s ion

(Jehangiri et al,2014)
Khussak Formation
The thickness; At eastern salt range is 70m, In Khisor Range is 55m.
Shallow marine terrigenous shelf deposition (Glauconitic present).
Shallow marine deposition over the deltaic Khewra sandstone shows the
transgression of the sea level. On top of Khussak formation MFS present.
Brachiopod (Nebolus) and Trilobite (Redilichida) present, which shows the
Cambrian age shallow marine deposition.
Conformable contact with upper Jutana dolomite and Unconformable or break in
sedimentation in the form of laterite and Intraformational conglomerate(a
lowstand marked) with lower Khewra Sandstone.
Source rock.

(Wajiha Iqbal,2014)
The provenance studies of the Kussak Formation shows that its provenance was
the Aravalli system and Malani ranges in the west of Pakistan. The sandstone is of
sedimentary origin.
The presence of Hummocky Cross Stratification indicates large storm in which large
amount of water was pushed on a tidal flat. Large scale cross stratification indicates
on shallow tidal flats having storm surges and tidal currents. Presence of ripple
cross lamination and oscillatory ripple marks shallow water conditions. The
complicated pattern of oscillatory ripple marks show deposition in a changing
depth tidal flat environment. Mudcracks indicates supratidal conditions.
Pseudonodules show that the beds are disconnected.
The thin section study of Kussak Formation was carried out and the percentages of
detrital grains of quartz, feldspar and rock fragment are plotted on QFL diagram.
The sandstone contains about 85-86% quartz, 3-4% feldspar and 1% rock fragment.
All samples of sandstone of the Khussak Formation belong to the category of quartz
arenite in Folk (1974).
(Wajiha Iqbal,2014)
Eastern salt range, Khewra Gorge

(S.Khan a nd M.M. Shah.,2019)

Jutana Dolomite
Thickness at eastern salt range is 80m and varies at places, whereas thickness at Khisor
range is 50m.
It is well distributed in eastern salt range and pinch out at the western salt range which
shows that at that time coastal onlap was at western Salt range.
Conformable contact with lower Khussak formation and upper Baghanwala formation but
at Khisor range is conformable with Khisor Formation (equivalent to the Baghanwalan
According to Zenger et al. (1980), 50% of the identified hydrocarbon reservoirs in
carbonate rocks are associated with dolomites, where Ghawar oil field of Saudi Arabia
contains one-eighth of the world’s demonstrated reserves (Cantrell et al., 2004).
tidal environment (Dolomite presence) show regression in sea level. No flaser and
lenticular bedding present b/c of tide dominated intertidal environment.
Clastic sediments contain well-preserved depositional sedimentary structures (i.e. ripple
marks, trough and herring-bone crossbedding) and demonstrates a transition from sub-
tidal to intertidal depositional settings (Ahmad et al., 2013; Ghauri,
(S.Khan a nd1979;
M.M.Khan, 1977).
The presence of glauconitic indicates restricted marine
condition under low sediment supply conditions (Amorosi,
1997; McRae, 1972; Odin and matter, 1981).
Meteoric digenesis could have played an active role in the
dissolution of ovoid's during a period of sub aerial
exposure (Honarmand and Amini, 2012; Mazullo, 1977;
Sellwood and Beckett, 1991). Dissolution of unaltered
ovoid's and intraclasts in the partially dolomitized
limestone during Ordovician Carboniferous exposure could
result from percolating of meteoric fluids, which might
have passed through the overlying Baghanwala Formation.
Primary dolomite b/c of Ostracode, clast input, Evaporites,
Pisovoid(>2mm carbonate grain), Algal lamination present.
Reservoir rock.

(S.Khan a nd M.M. Shah.,2019)

(S.Khan a nd M.M. Shah.,2019)
(S.Khan a nd M.M. Shah.,2019)
Eastern salt range, Khewra Gorge
Baghanwala Formation
Thickness in subsurface at Karampur village, near Baghanwalan is 100-116m, at
Khewra Gorge by erosion reduces to 40m.
Red shale, clay and alternate beds of flaggy sandstone.
Sandstone exhibits several colors including pink grey or blue green, especially in
the lower half of the formation.
Sedimentary structures like, ripple marks, mud crack are common.
Numerous Pseudomorphic casts of salt crystals is the diagnostic feature of this
Deposited in SupraTidal b/c of Salt pseudomorph. It shows the regression of sea
level because the tidal environment of Jutana Dolomite is replaced by Supratidal
Conformable contact with lower Jutana dolomite and Disconformable contact
with upper Tobra formation.
Flaser and Lenticular bedding present. B/c of clastic dominated tidal
Equivalence to Khisor formation in Khisor range.
Reservoir rock.
Eastern salt range


Flaser and Lenticular Bedding

Eastern salt range
Permian Stratigraphy
Upper Indus basin:
Nilawahan Group; Zaluch Group; Lower Indus basin:
Tobra Formation. Amb Formation.
Tectonically disturbed
Dandot Formation. Wargal Formation
Warcha Formation. Chidru Formation.
Sardhai Formation.

The Permian is characterized by various events of global

significance (Henderson et al., 2020). The tectonic rifting of
Pangea, marked changes in terrestrial vegetation, ice-house
to green-house transition.
The Lower Permian continental deposits of the Nilawahan Gp. in Gondwana, which
suggest a largely cool climate, are overlain by Middle to Late Permian Tethyan
shallow-marine to intertidal carbonates of the Zaluch Group., (Shah, 2009). The
carbonate platform sediments of the Zaluch group were deposited on the
Gondwana continental margin close to the Indian Shield (Mertmann, 2003) under a
marginal green-house climate (Wardlaw and Pogue, 1995).

Wadood et al; 2020,2021

The sedimentary signatures of ice-house conditions on paleogeographical
adjacent continents are recorded in the Nilawahan Group (Pakistan), the Al-
Khalata Formation (Oman), and the Unayzah Member (Saudi Arabia) (Osterloff et
al., 2004).

(Wadood et al, 2022)

Tobra Formation
Thickness; maximum recorded at western at Zaluch Nala=113m, eastern salt range=33m
and central salt range=0-25m varies).
Conformable contact with upper Dandot Formation in eastern salt range but in west and
Khisor range is disconformable with Warcha Formation and Unconformable contact with
lower Baghanwala Formation in salt range, Khisor Formation in Khisor Range.
Massive character, poor sorting, mixture of lithology of various grain size and shapes,
represent Glacier origin. Fall in Sea level and low system stand system tract. Tobra
formation have several episode of rise and fall.
Faceted and Striated pebbles, rounded (preglaciation reworked origin) and angular clast,
and Polished surface also represent the glacier origin.
Grain supported in eastern salt range indicate glacier deposition.
Matrix supported in Zaluch nala is confusion, because high proportion of matrix,
random orientation of clasts, Inverse grading is present in upper part of lithofacies. and
erosional lower surfaces indicate the deposition as debris flow (Shah et al 2009).
(Shah et al, 2009)
Teichert (1967) further reported that matrix was
transported from glacier outwash, the angular clast
suggest distance of transport is less. Presence of
Striated clasts also infer the proximity of the glacier to
the site of deposition.
Tobra formation in Zaluch nala is similar to Talchir
boulder beds in India and Al-Khulata arab sediment in
Arab Peninsular (Chakraborty and Gosh ,2008).
The glacier derived origin of Tobra formation is also
supported by the comparison with the age equivalent
to Arabian (Unayzah formation) and Australia
(Wynyard Tillite) (Osterloffet et al 2004).
Reservoir rock (outwash deposit).

(Shah et al, 2009)

Eastern salt range
Dandot Formation
Well developed and exposed in eastern salt range, thins out westward. Not
developed in western and Khisor Range. Maximum thickness at Makrach Valley
Conformable contact with lower Tobra formation and upper Warcha sandstone.
Deposited in Estuarine (Wave ripple, marine fauna mixed with brackish fauna,
carbonaceous clays and heterolithic bedding of Sand and mud presence) to
Shallow marine (Brachiopods, bivalves, bryozoans and ostracods presence)
condition in eastern salt range, in central salt range it was deposited in tidal flat
(Flaser and lenticular bedding, carbonaceous clays presence) environment. While
in western salt range Zaluch nala no Dandot Formation present. This show that in
Permian time coastal onlap was at the western salt range. Overall Dandot
Formation show rise in sea level [Transgressive system tract] (Kazmi and Abbasi,
2008; Reed, 1935).

(Shah et al, 2009)

The lower part of the Dandot formation in the Choa-Khewra Road section was
deposited in the deltaic (cross-bedding sandstone lithofacies and dark-grey
sandstone lithofacies presence) environment, followed by the sea level rise and
subsequent deposition of estuarine to shallow shelf condition (Shah et al, 2009).
The demise of the Gondwana Carboniferous-Permian glacier as climate
ameliorated (Ghazi and Mountney, 2011) and Gondwana drifted northward
(Stephenson et al, 2007; Jan et al, 2009), resulted in the sea level and
Transgression (Angiolini et al, 2003).
In eastern salt range Marine sandstone present, in central salt range tidal flate
present at Pal kata section, in western salt range pinching out which mean that at
Permian time Basin is present a Bay kind of setting and in western salt range is
uplifted where Dandot formation is eroded.
Source (estuarine to shallow shelf condition) and Reservoir rock (deltaic

(Shah et al, 2009)

(Shah et al, 2009)
Eastern salt range
Warcha Sandstone
Conformable contact with upper Sardhai Formation and lower Dandot Formation but
unconformable with Tobra Formation in Zaluch Nala. Thickness range from 26 to 180m.
Economic importance; western salt range contains carbonaceous shales with impersistent
coal seam, the only Permian coal in Pakistan. Production low, Quality is poor
Cross bedding, ripples marks, horizontal bedding, Trough-cross bedding , Planer cross-
bedded sandstone, channelized bed forms and Clays lithofacies all indicate deposition in
the fluvial environment of Warcha sandstone.
In Warcha sandstone braided river deposited is overlain by meandering river deposits
which shows rise in sea level and Transgression system tract.
Clast supported with rounded to well-rounded Conglomerate (Pink granite, amphibolite
and several other volcanic and metamorphic rocks) took place channel lag deposit. The
large clast seem to be eroded from underline Tobra formation in Zaluch nala (Shah et al,
Trough-cross bedding in pebbly sandstone is formed in the meandering stream.
Clays lithofacies represent the overbank flood plain deposit. Shahid Ghazi, 2010
Point bar deposits may also show trend in grain size from coarser at the bottom
to the fine at the top with complete absence of fine sand and mud (Davis,1983).
Horizontal-bedded sandstone with interbedded small scale cross-beds formed by
the small ripples also present in Point bar (Harm and Fahnestock, 1965). Planer
cross-bedded sandstone is developed in the Point bar form due to the migration
of mega ripple marks (Reineck and Singh,1983).
Textural immature Warcha sandstone of the lithofacies suggests a nearby source.
The fluvial system of Warcha sandstone was generated in the highlands located
south-southeast of the Salt range as a result of seasonally hot climate and heavy
rainfall in the south of the salt range i-e, the Aravalli system and Malani range and
discharged into the marine embayment lying to the North of it, deposition the
fluvial Warcha sandstone (Ghazi and Mountney,2011).

Shahid Ghazi, 2010

Shahid Ghazi, 2010
Western salt range; Zaluch Nala
Sardhai Formation
Thickness is 50m in Khisor Range, 65m in Western Salt Range, at
eastern salt range 42m.
Conformable contact with lower Warcha Sandstone and upper Amb
Purplish, reddish, bluish and greenish grey with minor amount of
sand and siltstone. The clay predominantly display lavender color.

Also contains some carbonaceous shale. Clay contains some copper
minerals like chalcopyrite, minor amount of Jarosite, chert and
gypsum. The upper part is calcareous. In Limestone bed presence
of bryozoans and brachiopods (Reed, 1935). Color changes b/c of
marginal marine continuous influx of fluvial and marine system.
Interpreted as terrestrial and partly lagoon, with marine incursion
which become frequent towards the west (Kazmi and Abbasi,
The fluvial system of Warcha Sandstone overlain by Sardhai clays of
marginal marine system show rise in sea level.
Source rock.
(Shahid Ghazi, 2010)
Western salt range; Zaluch Nala
Amb Formation
 Thickness in Western Salt Range is 80m and at Khisor Range is 47m.
Conformable contact with lower Sardhai Formation and upper Wargal Limestone.
Due to index fossils of Fusilinids, age is assigned as Late Permian.
Based on various fossil assemblages, e.g., brachiopods, bryozoans, foraminifera,
and plant remains, a Wordian (268Ma) age was assigned to the Amb formation
(Pascoe, 1959; Balme, 1970; Douglass, 1970; Grant, 1970; Dickins and Shah, 1979;
Pakistani-Japanese Research Group, 1985; Mertmann, 2003), which is thought to
represent a widespread Wordian (268Ma) transgression of the Tethys ocean into
the present Salt Range and Trans Indus Ranges (Mertmann, 2003).
Two Transgressive Systems Tracts (TSTs), two Regressive Systems Tracts (RSTs),
and 5 parasequences present in Amb formation.
Amb formation suggested its deposition on a siliciclastic-dominated shelf
platform, the unit having partial reservoir potential (Sadiq et al., 2014).
(Wadood et al, 2022)
Quartz grain indicates warm and humid conditions in source and depositional areas. The
presence of flaser/lenticular bedding, symmetrical ripples, marine bioclasts, and ichnofacies
indicate tidal activity. Thus the lower part was deposited in the subaqueous part of a delta under
the influence of tidal activity, The middle-upper part consists of interbedded limestone,
sandstone, and sandy limestone indicate shelf. onset of carbonates at the expense of a
siliciclastic is an outcome of sea-level transgression and highstand (Zeller et al., 2015).
The global warming in the Middle Permian coupled with the northward drift of India towards
lower tropic latitudes might have added to sea-level rise.
Amb formation is a marked transition from an ice-house to a green-house world during the
Some unconformity present within Amb formation which show that plates are uplifted for some
period of time.
Gondwana Rift rise in temperature might have caused the melting of the glacial ice sheets
resulting in transgression over low-lying areas of the Salt Range and Rajasthan to the coast
during the Permian, establishing the carbonate platform of the Zaluch Gp. (Mertmann, 2003;
Bhargava, 2008). The onset of the carbonate platform is recorded as siliciclastic rich carbonates
of the Middle Permian Amb Fm., which developed into pure platform carbonate up section in
the overlying Wargal Fm.
Source + Reservoir rocks. (Wadood et al, 2022)
Quartz wacke= 58%Qtz, 5%lithic, 2%bioclast, 33%matrix
indicate Middle Shelf condition

Quartz arenite= 81%Qtz, minor fossil fragment loosely

packed indicate Beach depositional environment

Siliciclastic bioclastic wackestone=microfacies is comprised

dominantly of bioclasts including echinoderms, brachiopods, algae,
uniserial foraminifera, bryozoans, gastropods, and siliciclasts in the
micritic matrix. The quartz grains are fine-grained, rounded, sorted,
and randomly distributed indicate Middle shelf

Siliciclastic dolo-wackestone=The microfacies is

dominated by dolomitized matrix. Fine-grained and
rounded siliciclastic quartz. Minor carbonate grains include
bioclasts (brachiopods, uniserial foraminifera, bryozoans,
and gastropods), carbonate lithics, and micrite. Pervasive
fine to coarse-grained dolomitization is seen indicate
(Wadood et al, 2022)
Wadood et al, 2022
Western salt range; Zaluch Nala
Wargal Formation
The thickness in Khisor/Marwat Ranges is 174m and in Salt Range is 180m.
Conformable contact with lower Amb and upper Chidru formation.
Thin- to thick-bedded bioclastic, nodular, fine-grained, and sandy limestone,
Dolomite is brecciatted and massive at places of succession Wargal Formation.
Based on detailed petrographic studies, seven microfacies assemblages have been
recognized, suggesting diverse depositional environments including mudflats,
lagoon (Lowstand sea level), sand shoal, and middle shelf (sea level rise).
Thick succession of carbonate having no clastic input of Wargal limestone
deposited in HST b/c of Aggradation sequence, a MFS boundry present b/w Amb
and Wargal formation.
The identified age-diagnostic larger benthic foraminiferal species enabled to
assign a Middle Permian Capitanian (265.1-260Ma) age to the Wargal Formation.
which represents a total time span of 6 million years.
(Wadood et al, 2021)
Three Transgressive Systems Tracts (TSTs), two Regressive Systems Tracts (RSTs),
and 11 high-resolution fourth/fifth-order parasequences present in Wargal
limestone. Overall, the carbonates show a deepening-upward trend (James, 1984;
Wright, 1984).
In Amb formation marginal marine facies development in the lower part followed
by transitional stage in the middle part and finally shallow marine facies stage in
the upper part.
Evolution of carbonate platform can be linked with the cessation of major rifting
followed by thermal cooling and establishment of marine Tethyan settings at the
margin of the rift flank basin.
Based on petrographic, SEM, and EDS, it is concluded that the Wargal Formation
carries porosity values from a range of 2–8% with an average of 5% and can be
called a low to moderate hydrocarbon reservoir in the study area.

(Wadood et al, 2021)

Western salt range; Zaluch Nala
In the Peshawar Basin, northwestern Indian margin, the rift-associated Early
Permian basaltic eruption and associated magmatic intrusions are similar to
coeval Panjal volcanics, (Pogue et al., 1992;) creating a condition favorable for the
deposition of carbonates of Wargal limestone in Salt/Trans Indus ranges. The
northwestern passive margin of the Indian Plate has recorded the onset of
transgression in late Early Permian,

Wadood et al, 2021

Wadood et al, 2021
Chidru Formation
Thickness at Chidru Nala is 64m.
Conformable contact with lower Wargal Formation but unconformable contact or
Paraconformity (Mass extinction) with upper Mianwali Formation. The mass
extinction at the Permian–Triassic boundary is caused by a environmental
changes resulted from the eruption of the Siberian Traps is considered as the
major cause (Chu et al., 2020; Erwin, 1993).
The outcrop and petrographic investigations revealed a lagoonal to delta-
dominated middle shelf environment for the deposition of the Chidru Formation
in the Salt and Trans-Indus ranges
11 age diagnostic foraminiferal taxa were identified, suggesting a Late
Wuchiapingian (254.14Ma) to Changhsingian(251.902Ma) age to Chidru

Wadood et al, 2021

The X-ray diffraction analysis of argillaceous horizons revealed several climate-
sensitive clay minerals. Based on the dominance of illite, palygorskite, sepiolite,
and chlorite, an extremely arid and cold climate is suggested for the region during
the time of deposition of the Chidru Formation.
Petrographic observations suggest that source rock for Chidru formation is from
the Indian Shield of the Aravalli system and Malani Range in SSE of the present-
day Salt Range (Ghazi & Mountney, 2012). The presence of minerals like
muscovite, biotite, and Zircon indicates an acidic igneous source; however, the
occurrences of tourmaline and biotite are indicators of low grade metamorphic
rocks in the source area (Tucker, 2003).
The petrography, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray
spectroscopy revealed multiple digenetic phases including marine, meteoric, and
burial that have shaped the unit into a poor to moderate reservoir.

Wadood et al, 2021

The deposition of clastic-rich carbonates of the Chidru
Formation on the underlying pure carbonates of the
Wargal Formation hints strongly towards a sea-level fall
on the northwestern margin of the Indian Plate. Late
Permian shows expanded distribution of carbonates in
response to long-term global warming. However, the
end-Permian time is also characterized by a sea-level fall
in Chidru formation (Shen et al., 2006; Yin, Feng, Lai,
Baud, & Tong, 2007). The regression tightly correlates
with the stratigraphic record of adjacent continents
including South China, Persian Gulf, and northern
Gondwana regions.
 The major sea-level drop during the end-Permian
followed by a rise soon after the P–T boundary interval is
consistent with other P–T sections around the globe
(Holser & Magaritz, 1987, Wignall & Hallam, 1992).
Wadood et al, 2021
Western salt range; Zaluch Nala
Western salt range; Nammal Gorge

Wadood et al, 2021

Wadood et al, 2021
Triassic Stratigraphy
Upper Indus basin: Lower Indus basin:
Musakhel Group; Wulgai formation.
Mianwali Formation.
Tredian Formation.
Kingriali Formation.
The Salt Range was situated at ∼30–40◦S along the Tethyan. Paleo climatically,
the Late Permian Early Triassic represented a time of global climate change from
humid, marine to dry continental environment occurred at Spathian–Anisian
(247Ma) boundary of Mianwali and Tredian formation.
While in the Early Triassic an overall warm and temperate climate existed in the
study area monsoon type of climate with summer and winter circulation
The Triassic rocks are more exposed in the western Salt Range and are eroded in
the eastern Salt Rage as a result of the Pre-Paleocene uplift.
The contact between the Mianwali and Tredian formations is gradational and the
upper contact with the Kingriali Formation (Triassic) is conformable.

(Iqbal et al,2013)
Western salt range; Nammal Gorge

Iqbal et al,2013
Western salt range; Nammal Gorge

Iqbal et al,2013
Mianwali Formation.
Well distributed in Khisor and Salt Ranges. It is thick at the west and thins out at
the east of the Salt Range.
 It is exposed in Zaluch Nala in Salt Range and Tapan Wahan in Khisor Range.
 Thicness at Zaluch Nala is 121m and in Tapan Wahan Section is 135-187m.
 it Includes the following members;
A. Kathwai Member (Thickness of member is 124.7m in Nammal gorge).
B. Mittiwali Member (Thickness of member is 98m in Nammal gorge).
C. Narmia Member (Thickness of member is 23m in Nammal gorge).
Griesbachian–Spathian (252-251.2Ma) Mianwali Formation is subdivided into
three members. These from bottom to top include; Kathwai member (dolomite
and limestone), Mittiwali member (mostly shale/clays with siltstone, fine
sandstone and limestone) and Narmia member (mixed shale, siltstone,
sandstone, limestone and dolomite). (Iqbal et al,2013)
The sediments at the bottom in the Mianwali Formation, show bivalves and
ammonoids rich wacke- packestone lithofacies which indicates an open-marine
depositional setting. The overlying shale of the Mianwali Formation has ammonoids
and gastropods, the lower part of which indicates a relatively deep-marine
depositional setting. Upwards the sandstones and shales which show ripple marks,
mudcracks, bioturbation, graded, and cross bedding and syndepositional deformation.
These features indicate deposition in delta lobe/shoreline sub-environments, with a
high siliciclastic input.
A transgression started b/c of cephalapod present but within Mianwali formation a
Turbidities also present which mark LST. Dolomite in Mianwali formation represent
Secondary in nature.
In Mianwali formation ammonoids reported in the present study and the pollen and
spores data of indicate a humid shallow-marine, warm paleoclimate.
The overall paleocurrent flow is toward the NW with some flow toward NE and SE in
the middle part of the formation.
Lower contact: unconformable, Paraconfomity marking the P-T boundary with Chidru
Formation and Upper: conformable with Tredian Formation. (Iqbal et al,2013)
Rise in sea level or Transgression system tract because of Cephalopod, Dolomite
shows marine nature.

Iqbal et al,2013
Western salt range; Zaluch nala
Tredian Formation
Fatmi 1977, divides the formation into two members;
A. Landa Member (Thickness at Zalauch Nala: 19m and Tapan Wahan Section
B. Khatkiara Member (Thickness at Zalauch Nala: 38m and Tapan Wahan Section:
The lower part of the overlying Tredian Formation contains interbedded shale
and sandstone having large scale slumps, which indicate deposition in cyclic,
proximally located varied sub-environments of the delta topsets/channels and in
the flood plain environments. The overlying thick, coarse, conglomeratic
sandstone has planar, trough cross bedding and lenticular channelized bedding,
which indicates a fluvial to continental environment. Further up, in the Tredian
Formation, the presence of dolomite represents marine transgression.

(Iqbal et al,2013)
Contact with Lower conformable with Mianwali Formation and Upper Kingriali
Anisian–Ladinian (247.2-242Ma) Tredian Formation consists of medium- to
coarse-grained sandstone with two thick dolomite beds in the upper part and is
subdivided into the lower, Landa member (shale and fine- to medium grained
sandstone) and the upper, thick, massive sandstone rich Khatkiara member.
The fluvial deposition of Tredian formation over Shallow marine of Mianwali
formation show fall in sea level or Regression system tract.
Within Tredian formation in a middle part a carbonate present which may
represent a change in Fluvial system to tide dominated delta system.

(Iqbal et al,2013)
Iqbal et al,2013
Western salt range; Zaluch nala
Western salt range; Nammal Gorge

Iqbal et al,2013
Kingriali Dolomite
Anwar et al 1992, divided the formation into two members;
A. Doya Member (Thickness at Trakai Nala is 34m, at Narmia Nala is 30m and at Landa Nala is
B. Vanjari Member (Thickness at Trakai Nala is 58m, at Narmia Nala is 78m and at Landa Nala is
Sandstone: Light grey to greenish white, pinkish, on weathering brownish grey, fine to medium
grained, thick bedded, soft, micaceous, dolomitic friable and cross bedded.
Dolomite: brownish grey to brown, coarse grained, hard, sandy, jointed and fractured.
Limestone: grey to brownish grey, medium bedded, dolomitic, sandy and hard.
Shale: black, carbonaceous and micaceous.
Conformable contact with lower Tredian formation and unconformable contact with upper Datta
A secondary dolomite deposited in shallow marine environment because of benthic fossil
The Shallow marine deposition over fluvial shows rise in sea level or Transgressive system tract.
Kingriali Formation widely distributed in Salt Range,
Trans Indus Ranges, Part of Kala Chitta, Kohat and
SE Hazara.
Thickness at Trakai Nala: 92m, Narmia Nala: 108m
and Landa Nala: 104m.
Contact with Lower: conformable with Tredian
Formation in Salt Ranges, Trans Indus Ranges. &
with Chak Jabbi Limestone in Kala Chitta Ranges.
Upper: Disconformable with Datta Formation.
Western salt range; Zaluch nala
Jurassic Stratigraphy
Upper Indus basin: Lower Indus basin:
Suleiman Group;
Baroch Group;
Shrinab Formation.
Datta Formation.
Anjira Formation.
Shinawari Formation.
Spingwar Formation.
Samana suk Formation. Loralai Formation.
Chilton Formation.
MazarDrik Formation.
The rift of Gondwana i-e, breakup eventually took place along the Early Jurassic
rift (Geiger et al., 2004) separation of India from Gondwana Africa/Arabia, which
finally in the completion of separation of Arabia in the Late Jurassic (Grabowski Jr
& Norton, 1995). The Triassic-Jurassic event is recorded in the northwestern
margin of the Indian Plate. The break-up of the Indian Plate from Africa and
Arabia during the Jurassic has produced prominent topographic highs with
associated normal faults in Potwar, discerned through seismic data (Kadri, 1995;
Kazmi & Jan, 1997). The Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic of the north Afghan
platform and adjacent areas are dominantly comprised of continental clastics
with thick coarse, lenticular coal-bearing clastics deposited in a braided and
meandering streams in linear grabens, while the bauxites were restricted to
adjacent horsts (Brookfield & Hashmat, 2001).
Datta Formation
Thickness at Datta Nala in Surghar range is 212m and increases at Pannu Nala to
west. In SW of Khisor Range it is 150m. In Salt Range 150m and in Nammal Nala
and decreses further east. In Kala Chitta it is upto 10m. In Samana Range it is
The lower contact is unconformable with Kingriali Formation. The upper contact
is conformable (gradational) with the Shinawari Formation at Surghar Range, but
unconformable with Samana suk in Salt Range.
No diagnostic fossils reported, some carbonaceous remains are there. Age given
by Law of super position, Early-Jurassic.
The presence of Quadraeculinaanellae formisChasmatosporites cf. elegans and
Callialasporites turbatus Oppel biozones presence Hettangian-Bajocian (Early-
Middle Jurassic 201-170Ma) age for the Datta Formation.

Khan et al, (2021)

Datta Formation is part of a regional delta system of thick siliciclastic sequence is
also recorded in the Shemshak Formation, Alborz Mountains of northern Iran
(Fürsich et al., 2005). The deposition of Andafia Shales of Toarcian– Aalenian
(182-174Ma) age in the Madagascar region, as well as the Pliensbachian-Toarcian
(190-182Ma) of interior Oman (Lower Mafraq Formation) consists of dominant
clastic deposits, which correspond to the Early Jurassic siliciclastic system of Datta
Formation (Geiger, Clark, & Mette, 2004; Rousseau, Dromart, Droste, &
Homewood, 2006). The Early to Middle Toarcian Marrat Formation of Saudi
Arabia, Lsalo Group in Madagascar, Adigrat Sandstone of Somalia, and fluvial,
deltaic, lacustrine and marginal-marine sediments of the Lathi Formation of
Jaisalmir Basin, India corresponds to the Datta Formation (AlMojel, Razin, & Dera,
2020; Bonde, 2010; Lukose, 1972; Pandey, Jingeng, & Choudhary, 2006;
Pienkowski et al., 2015; Schandelmeier, Bremer, & Holl, 2004; Selley, 1997;
Srivastava, 1966; Wescott & Diggens, 1998).
The sandstone units of Datta Formation are a producing reservoir in Kohat and
parts of western Potwar (Abbasi et al., 2012; Iqbal et al., 2015).
Khan et al, (2021)
Datta Formation consists of transported lithofacies, which are clear that into channel belt,
floodplain, swamps, and lagoonal facies associations in Kohat and Potwar basin. The facies of
the Datta Formation further north in the Kalachitta and Hazara regions are dominantly
comprised of carbonaceous shale, bauxite, marl, and limestone and therefore to come
against their southern counterparts marine facies in the Baluchistan and Lower Indus basins
(Abbasi et al., 2012).
The boundary in the western Salt Range is characterized by a sea-level lowstand, recorded at
the base of the Datta Formation as pebbly sandstone and conglomerate with channel-fill
signatures and scoured base (Iqbal, Jan, Akhter, Wagreich, & Hanif, 2014). Such a lowstand at
the boundary is also recorded in various sedimentary basins of Europe (Iqbal et al., 2014).
The basal part of the Datta Formation of the Triassic-Jurassic boundary indicating scouring
over the Triassic dolomite sequence.
In Eastern side (Nammal and Zaluch gorge) is thick then in Trans Indus range is thin and in
Tirah/oragzai is pinch out, which mean that Datta formation deposited in the east and
deepening towards west.
The rifting of Indian Plate from Africa and Arabia during the Triassic-Jurassic has caused
subsidence of the west– northwestward basinal area occupied now by the Salt Range-Kohat
Potwar Plateau and subsequent development continental to marginal marine settings,
whereby the Datta Formation was deposited (Abassi et al., 2012; Iqbal etKhan et al, (2021)
al., 2015).
The dominance evergreen trees of Cyatheaceae and Matoniaceae within the Datta
Formation, indicates warm humid conditions during the deposition. The
geochemical and mineralogical data from the Dorset coast (UK) suggest warm and
humid conditions during Hettangian–Sinemurian (201-199Ma) and warm and drier
conditions during Hettangian-Pliensbachian (199-190Ma) (Schöllhorn et al., 2020).
The Hettangian-Pliensbachian interval is characterized by the break-up of Pangaea
and associated opening of the opening of American plate during latest Sinemurian
(199Ma)-earliest Pliensbachian (190Ma) and opening of the European plate
(Aberhan, 2001; Korte & Hesselbo, 2011; Schöllhorn et al., 2020; Van de
Schootbrugge et al., 2005). Khan et al, (2021)

Provenance analysis;
Datta formation show deposition in cold arid and semi humid climate condition.
Petrographic analysis indicates that the transitional continental and recycle orogeny
in the QFL plot of Dickinson (1985) representing the sandstone may have been
sourced from Plutonic acidic igneous (quartz, feldspar, zircon presence),
sedimentary, Metamorphic rocks (mica and garnet presence). Mirani et al, 2021
Datta sandstone is classified into Quartz arenite, Sublithic arenite, and feldspathic
lithic arenite, pointed compositional mature (due to absence of angular grain and
clay free material). Lithic fragment derivation from sedimentary or igneous rocks
such as quartzite and granite, the shale and siltstone rock fragment manifested
within basin component (Dickinson and Suczek, 1979). The lithic fragment were
probably derived from Precambrian basement of Himalayan fold belt.
Datta formation show moderate to highest compaction as shown by the
extended and sutured contacts reveled in the petrographic study.
Economic implications;
Datta formation is very important as it holds many economic mineral like coal
seams varies from 0.2-0.6 meter, fire clay and silica sand. Moreover, it is a proven
reservoir rock in the upper Indus basin (Chaudhry and Ahsan, 1999; Mirani et al,

Mirani et al, 2021

Surghar range; Chichali Nala

Western Salt range; Nammal Gorge

Cyatheaceae and Matoniaceae
within the Datta Formation

Khan et al, (2021)

Khan et al, (2021)
Shinawari Formation.
Thickness is 12m in Kalachitta range and 30m in Hazara region. Conformable (gradational) contact
with lower Datta Formation and upper Samana suk formation at Surghar Range, Kalachitta, Khisor
and Hazara region. Shinawari formation is not exposed in Salt range.
Microfacies analysis suggests that deposition of the Shinawari Formation occurred in peritidal
lagoon, beach shoal to distal shelf setting. Ammonoids and brachiopods show a shallow marine to
eustarine environment of deposition for the formation and mark the earliest Jurassic transgression in
the region (Kazmi and Abbasi, 2008).
The Shinawari Formation Toarcian (182.7Ma)–Bathonian (168.3Ma) sediments is dominated by a mix
of limestone, sandstone, shale, marls, siltstone, and mudstone units with the association of laterite,
hard grounds, coal layers, and coal disseminations. The presence of Bouleiceras (ammonide)
indicates an Early Jurassic age (Fatmi and Cheema, 1972).
The coal dissemination shows the HST (High system tract).
Despite some lower TOC values (≤ 0.5%), and the presence of kerogen types III and II, vitrinite
reflectance of 1.16–1.35 indicate possible hydrocarbon source rock potential. Tmax (◦C) range of
430–450◦C and thermal maturity lies in the oil window.
The middle Jurassic of Upper Indus Basin is correlated with the India Indus Basin and China Qaidam
Basin represent somewhat same depositional setting. (Ali et al, 2019)
Surghar range; Chichali Nala
Ali et al, 2019
Geochemical Analysis of Shinawari Formation (Ali et al, 2019)
(Ali et al, 2019)
Samana Suk Formation
Thickness at Samana range is 186m, in Kohat and Hazara area, Kala Chitta Ranges the
thickness varies from 170-366m, at Surghar Range it is 66m.
Lower contact is conformable with Shinawari Formation (Transitional) at Surghar Range,
Hazara, Kohat and Kala Chitta Range but disconformable with Datta Formation at Salt
Upper Contact is conformable with Chichali Formation at Surghar Range, and
disconformable with Hangu Formation at Salt Range.
It consists of grey to dark grey, medium to thick bedded limestone with subordinate marl
intercalations, dolostone and dolomitic limestone. The limestone is oolitic and has some
richly fossiliferous beds, fractured having stylolite and have minor shale and marl
constituent (Nizami and Sheikh, 2009).
The field characteristics of the formation include bioturbation, burrow mottling, pseudo-
nodularity, cross bedding, mud cracks, ripple marks, lamination, cross lamination, bioclastic
and intraclastic rich horizons (tempestites).


The diagenetic imprints found in the Samana Suk Formation include biogenic
alteration (partial to complete micritization) compaction including stylolites,
neomorphism, dissolution, dolomitization, variety of cements and fractures.
Samana Suk Formation is famous for its variety of carbonate allochems, both of
skeletal and non skeletal origin. The skeletal grains present in the formation are
composed of diverse organisms that include pelecypods, gastropods, echinoids,
brachiopods, dasycladacean algae, ammonoids, crinoids, sponges, scaphopods,
ostracods, benthic and planktonic foraminifera and other planktons. The non-
skeletal allochems include ooids (concentric and radial), peloids including fecal
pellets, intraclasts derived from a variety of facies and lithoclasts in the form of
siliciclasts formed by tsunamis in subtidal carbonate shelves (Kazmierczak and
Goldring, 1978).

These signatures reflect different diagenetic environments for the formation that
encompasses near surface marine (intertidal and beaches) and meteoric, shallow
burial and deep burial environments.
(Wadood et al, 2020)
The Samana Suk Formation has witnessed one 2nd-order local cycle and 3rd-
order sequences. The 3rd-order sequence holds three Highstand Systems Tracts
(HSTs), two Transgressive Systems Tracts (TSTs), and a Lowstand Systems Tract
(LST). The sea-level curve constructed mismatch the established global scheme
which indicates the influence of intense local tectonics.
The reservoir assessment based on petrographic, field observations, and SEM
studies divulged that the sandstone unit of the Samana Suk Formation is more
porous than the limestone unit and may be called as a low–moderate reservoir.
The digenetic modifications including compaction, shallow micritization, and
heavy cementation have diminished the porosities of limestone deposits of the
Samana Suk Formation.

(Wadood et al, 2020)

Western Salt range; Nammal Gorge


Western Salt range; Nammal Gorge

(ABDUS SABOOR, 2014) (Wadood et al, 2020)

(Wadood et al, 2020)


(Wadood et al, 2020)
Salt Range

Kalachitta Range
(Wadood et al, 2020)
Cretaceous Stratigraphy
Upper Indus basin: Lower Indus basin:
Surghar Group; Sembar Formation.
Chichali Formation. Goru Formation.
Lumshiwal Formation. Parh Limestone.
Kawagarh Formation Mughal Kot Formation.

Furt Munro Formation.

Pab Sandstone.
Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary Formation.
and paleoclimate in the Eastern Tethys.
The palynostratigraphic results further suggest that the Tithonian (Late jurrasic 152Ma) to Berriasian
(Early Cretaceous 145Ma) strata are truncated (Cut short of duration) along the J/K boundary.
Switch from the Bajocia(170Ma) –oxfordian(163Ma) shallow carbonates of the Samana Suk
Formation to the Kimmeridiang (late jurrasic; 157Ma) – Valanginian (early cretaceous; 139Ma)
clastics of the Chichali Formation. According to recent research the J/K boundary is within Chichali
(Khan et al, 2020)
 The expansion of warm and humid tropical flora to the middle latitude (40-S)
during the Valanginain (early cretaceous 139Ma) hints strongly for global
warming. Evidence is dominance of ferns (Numerous flower and seed and true
root reproduce spores), Gleicheniaceae (a plant species) presence of evergreen
trees with a broad leave of Cyatheaceae and Matoniaceae. The warm and humid
conditions are also supported by conifers of the Araucariaceae in association with
Cycadaceae a plant species. Such conditions during the Valanginian (early
cretaceous 139Ma).
 Evidence of a climate-changing from semi-arid to semi-humid conditions at the
time of the J/K transition has been recorded in England, Germany and France and
outhern North Sea, Russian platform, and Atlantic realm (Allen et al., 1998;
Schnyder et al., 2006).
 The eustatic sea-level drop along the J/K boundary marked by great biotic
turnover both in terrestrial and marine realms.

(Khan et al, 2020)

 The Cretaceous period is generally considered as a hothouse climate (Fang et
al., 2015; Wang & Hu, 2005; Zhang et al., 2008).

Chichali Nala section during Valanginian time (

The Cretaceous is broadly characterized by a warm, equable climate (Huber &
O’Brien, 2020) and includes short span environmental change events known as
oceanic anoxic events (OAEs; Schlanger & Jenkyns, 1976).
OAEs have brought physical changes to the global oceans, e.g. continental
runoff, upwelling, eutrophication, eustatic sea-level rise, massive injection of
greenhouse gases into the ocean–atmosphere, massive volcanism and methane
outburst, enrichment of redox-sensitive elements, pyrite and chemical nutrients
and drowning of carbonate platforms (F€ollmi, 2012; Leckie et al., 2002;
Takashima et al., 2006).
Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) are constrained for the first time at
the northwestern margin of the Indian Plate in the Mughal Kot Section,
Pakistan, using high-resolution planktonic foraminifer’s biostratigraphy.
The evolution of the Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera is forced by the rapid
paleoceanographic changes brought about by the Cretaceous OAEs (e.g. Leckie
et al., 2002).
(Khan et al, 2020)
10 global and five local are established evolutionary trend in the planktonic
foraminifera within the Parh Formation at the Mughal Kot section e.g, In late
Albian–late Cenomanian(113-100Ma) is marked by the extinction of ticinellids
and the appearance of rotaliporids.

(Khan et al, 2020)

(Khan et al, 2020)
Chichali formation
Thickness of Chichali formation is 23m in Kalachitta range and 12-17m in Hazara
The lower contact of the Chichali Formation is disconformable with the Jurassic
Samana Suk Formation, while its upper contact with the Lumshiwal Formation is
transitional in Surghar range, Khisor and Kalachitta. Chichali formation not
exposed in Salt range.
The Chichali Formation was deposited on the northwestern margin of the Indian
Plate within the Eastern Tethys at 40 degree south paleolatitude. Kimmeridiang
(late jurrasic; 157Ma) – Valanginian (early cretaceous; 139Ma) age given to
clastics of the Chichali Formation.

Ahmad et al, 2020

In Pakistan, a rich belemnite fauna with limited known taxonomic and
biostratigraphic information has been reported from the Upper Jurassic–Lower
Cretaceous deposits of the Chichali Formation, exposed in the Surghar Range of
the Upper Indus Basin in Pakistan (Spath 1930; Fatmi 1972, 1977). H. hastatus
(beleminite) represents Kimmeridgian(157Ma) age in Pakistan (Khan 2013).
Riegraf (1981) reported H. hastatus from southwest Germany in
Oxfordian(163Ma) to Tithonian(152Ma) age units.
The global biostratigraphic and paleobiogeographic distribution of H. hastatus
suggests that it simultaneously evolved in the Mediterranean Province (Spain)
and the Boreal Realm (Russia) in the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian=168Ma) and
later migrated within the Mediterranean Province (Germany and France) and to
the Indo-Pacific Province (Pakistan) in the Kimmeridgian (157Ma).
We can only speculate about the high species diversity of belemnite fauna during
the Kimmeridgian (153.2 Ma), which could be related to the eustatic sea level rise
of about 80m, indicating a maximum flooding surface as predicted by Scotese
(2014) in his Jurassic paleogeographic maps.
Ahmad et al, 2020
The Jurassic Paleobiogeographic map is modified after Scotese (2014), which shows the migration
pathways of different belemnite species during the Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian-Tithonian) ages in the
Tethyan (IndoPacific-Mediterranean Provinces) and Boreal Realms. The symbols refer to the following
species, i.e. Hh=Hibolite hastatus, Hm= Hibolithes longior, Hv=Hibolithes aff. Verbeeki, Ha=Hibolithes
arkelli, Hm=Hibolithes marwicki, Hj=Hibolithes jaculoids, Hp=Hibolithes pellet, Bj=Belemnopsis jonkeri,
Bm=Belemnopsis molluccana, Bb=Belemnite bessinus.
The Chichali Formation revealed laterite, glauconitic
sandstone and carbonaceous green shale lithofacies,
representing middle to outer ramp depositional
setting. The presence of bioclastic sandy limestone,
quartz arenite and glauconitic sandstone lithofacies
within the overlying Lumshiwal Formation represented
an inter-tidal to inner ramp depositional setting.
The sequence stratigraphic analysis revealed that
Chichali Formation is deposited during transgressive
system tract of 2nd order depositional cycle. The
transgression-associated glauconitic sandstone facies
of the Chichali Formation acts as a good reservoir,
which is bounded by carbonaceous green shale
associated with maximum flooding surface.

Hashmi et al, 2018

Surghar range, Chichali Nala

Hashmi et al, 2018

Hashmi et al, 2018
Lumshiwal Formation
Thickness is 60m in Kalachitta range and 38-194m in Hazara region.
The basal contact of the Lumshiwal Formation is with Early Cretaceous Chichali
Formation and the upper contact is with Late Cretaceous Kawagarh Formation in
Surghar, Khisor and Hazara region. Lumshiwal formation not exposed in Salt range.
The Lumshiwal Formation consists of bioclastic sandy limestone, sandy
carbonaceous shale, white quatrzose sandstone , glauconitic sandstone ,
interbedded thin bedded bioclastic limestone and marls facies.
The Lumshiwal Formation is deposited in the regressive 2nd order cycle and is
represented by delta plain facies. The quartz arenites represents excellent
reservoir potential in the Lumshiwal Formation.
Depositional environment of Lumshiwal formation may be near shore to shallow
marine because presence of Ammonoides, quartz, limitation of feldspar and rock
fragments, total absence of matrix, thick bedded character, upward coarsening of
grains and the presence of glauconitic mineral. Hashmi et al and Rahim, 2018
The detritus of Lumshiwal sandstone was
derived from the stable continental craton.
The stable craton rocks are Indian craton in
south east where a variety of igneous plutonic
rocks (b/c of mono-crystalline quartz is mainly
non-undulose and inclusion of Zircon, Sphene,
Epidote and planner contacts) and
Metamorphic rock (b/c of sutured contact,
microcline and alkali feldspar, Rutile). These
craton rocks were eroded, transported and
then deposited in the depositional basin of
Upper Indus. The clastic material was
transported and deposited in the shallow
shelf sea of the Northwest part of Indian
plate, which is currently the area of Upper
Indus basin in Pakistan.
Hashmi et al and Rahim, 2018
Surghar range, Chichali Nala
(a) poly-crystalline
quartz grain, (b) albite
plagioclase grain, (c)
microcline grain, (d)
tourmaline grain, (e)
zircon inclusion in
quartz grain, (f) epidote
grain, (g) rutile grain,
(h) muscovite flake, (i)
monazite grain, (j)
sphene grain, (k)
hematite cement, (l)
calcite cement, (m)
glauconite pellets, (n)
sandstone clast, (o)
ammonoide fossil and
(p) planner, concavo-
convex and sutured
contacts between quartz
Kawagarh Formation
Thickness is 55m in Kalachitta and 40-200m in Hazara region.
The upper contact of Kawagarh Formation is unconformable with the Hangu Formation while
the lower contact is gradationally conformable with the Lumshiwal Formation in Surghar,
Kalachitta and Hazara region. Kawagarh formation not exposed in Salt range.
TST (lower part)+LST (upper part).
Latif (1970) and Butt (1989) have worked on the biostratigraphy and reported various species
of the planktonic foraminifera and assigned Late Coniacian (89.8Ma) to Campanian (83.6Ma)
age to the Kawagarh Formation.
Kawagarh Formation is thick to thin medium bedded, highly fractured, hard, argillaceous
limestone which is yellowish in color on weathered surface and grey on fresh surface. The
Formation is also characterized by the presence of dark-grey marls.
The Kawagarh Formation has poor reservoir potential because of diagenetic processes,
includes micritization, cementation stylolitization, filling fracturing, neomorphism,
sparitization and pyritization. Micritization occurred in marine diagenetic conditions.
Dissolution and calcite precipitation took place in meteoric while compaction, blocky
cementation and filling fracturing occurred in burial diagenetic conditions.Wadood et al, 2019
Wadood et al, 2019
(CM), filled
fracture (FF),
Stylolite (ST),
(SP), Blocky
cement (BC),
Pyritization (PY).
S1, S2 and S3
showing different
stages of
diagenetic events.

Wadood et al, 2019

Paleocene Stratigraphy
Upper Indus basin: Lower Indus basin:
Makarwal Group; Suleiman sub basin; Kirther sub basin;
Hangu Formation. Rani Kot Formation. Khadro Formation.
Lockhart Limestone. Dunghan Formation. Bara Formation.
Sui main Limestone. Lakhira Formation.
Patala Formation.
Ghazij Formation. Lakhi Formation.
Toi Formation.
Hangu Formation
The formation is widely distributed in Salt Range, Trans Indus Ranges, Kohat, Kalachitta and
Hazara areas. It is 90m thick in the Lockhart Fort. It is 45m in the Dhak Pass. It is 30m in the
Surghar Range. In the Samana Range, the thickness is 50m. Western Kalachitta, the
formation is less than 15m thick.In southern Hazara is recorded to be 35m near Mandeha
Banni, 1.5 miles of Mari Rest House.
The Hangu Formation is lithologically dominated by sandstone, limestone, laterite, organic-
rich shale and coal lithofacies. The coal and organic-rich shale intervals are abundant in
upper part of the formation and are assessed for hydrocarbon source rock potential
Early Paleocene Danian (60.7-65.5Ma) age given to Hangu Formation on the basis of
Benthic foraminifera (Shah, 2009). The Paleo-depositional model established using organic
geochemical and stable isotopic data for the Hangu formation supports its deposition in a
shallow marine proximal inner shelf environment with prevalence of sub-oxic to anoxic
conditions due to presence of Pyrite, a scenario that could enhance the OM preservation.
The identified kerogen Type II and Type III also indicate a mixed proximal inner shelf shallow
marine environment with a terrestrial swampy sub-environment OM from terrigenous
sources and minor amount from marine source. Khan et al, 2021
Lower contact is disconformable with Samana Suk Formation at Western Salt Range
Nammal gorge. Cambrian Group rock at Eastern Salt Range Khewra gorge. Kawagarh
Formation at Kohat, Kalachitta, Tirah and SE Hazara areas.
Upper contact is conformable with Lockhart Formation.
Hangu formation holds promising coal (a bituminous coal in the Upper Indus Basin of
Pakistan) relatively over thermal maturation, it cannot act as an effective source rock for
liquid hydrocarbon generation and only minor amount of dry gas can be expected b/c of
higher T max value ~528. Geochemical of organic matter results showed that the kerogen
Type II (oil/gas prone=Marine) and Type III (gas prone=terrestrial type) dominate the
investigated Hangu rock formation (Kadri 1995; Ullah et al. 2018; Qureshi et al., 2020).
Hangu formation depsoited in RST b/c it overlain by deep marine Kawagarh formation,
some sea level rise occur which result some coal depsoite.
Relationship between the genetic potential (GP) and TOC shows that the studied Hangu
formation is considered as poor to excellent source potential. The plot of TOC (Total
organic carbon) versus HI (hydrocarbon Index) shows oil and gas potential. The black
shiny coal holds considerable hydrocarbon generation potential at the studied sections
However, the grey shale acts as poor to fair source rock potential.
Khan et al, 2021
Khan et al, 2021
Khan et al, 2021
Khan et al, 2021
Qasim et al, 2019 ; Khan et al, 2021
Provenance of Hangu Formation;
Source for the detrital spinel crystals of the
Hangu Formation was most likely from the
forearc peridotites that dominantly formed in a
MORB (Mid oceanic ridge basalt) settings and
Tethyan Himalaya Provenece from Chromium-
spinel geochemistry (Ding et al., 2016).
TiO2 vs Al2O3, Cr suggest that the source of
Hangu formation is from ophiolite e.g, Chilas,
Spontong, Nidar and Luobusha.
“Craton Interior” provenance for the sandstone
of Hangu Formation from Sandstone

Qasim et al, 2019

Qasim et al, 2019
Lockhart Limestone
Well distributed throughout the Kohat-Potwar Province (Upper Indus Basin).
Lockhart Fort : 60m. Darsamand (Kohat): 36m. Thal (Kohat): 40m. Nammal Gorge:
70m. Kala Chitta Range: 260m. Hazara Area: 90-242m
Lockhart Limestone consists of medium to thick bedded, massive, rubbly and
brecciated limestone (in Kohat area), Medium bedded and nodular limestone
with minor amounts of shale and marl (in Salt Range and Trans Indus ranges),
Dark-colored nodular and massive limestone and intercalations of shale and marl
(In the Hazara and Kalachitta areas) (Shah 2009; Awais et al. 2012 and 2013).
Lockhart limestone deposited in tidal channel fill, shallow water, shore line and
offshore depositional setting aggrading, prograding and retrograding depositional
sequences are interpreted from the log trends of gamma ray (Ahmad et al. 2014;
Ahsan and Shah 2017). .
Lockhart Limestone of is a good reservoir for hydrocarbons because of abundant
secondary porosity data from Meyal-10P well.
Awais et al, 2019
Lower: conformable contact with Hangu Formation and
Upper: conformable contact with Patala Formation.
The Lockhart formation is predominantly comprised of
medium to thick bedded, nodular and occasionally
brecciated, highly fossiliferous, limestone with thin
interbeds of clay/marl.
Four Carbonate microfacies of Lockhart limestone are;
1) Algal Foraminiferal Packstone microfacies of inner shelf
2) Mixed Bioclastic Wacke-Packstone microfacies of middle
3) Benthic Foraminiferal WackePackstone microfacies of
middle-outer shelf
4) Planktic-Benthic Foraminiferal Wacke-Packstone
microfacies of outer shelf.
Ali et al, 2014
Khan et al, 2017
Ali et al, 2014
A) Calcite-filled
Meyal-10P well microfracture
Lockhartia sp.
(top right.
B) Tight fabric
of allochemical
C) vuggy
D) calcite filled
E) fracture

sutured fabric.

Awais et al, 2019

Surghar range; Chichali Nala
Western Salt range; Nammal Gorge
Kohat, Tirah area
Patala Formation
Older name;
Waagen and Wynne in 1872, Nummulitic Formation. Wynne in 1873 and Cotter
in 1933, Hill-Limestone. Middlemiss in 1896, Nummulitic Series. Davies and
Pinfold 1937, Patala Shales. Eames in 1952, Tarkhobi Shales. Latif in 1970,
Kuzagali Shale. The term was formalized by the Stratigraphy Committee of
Pakistan in 1977.
Type Locality/Section is Patala Nala (Lat. 320 40’ N: Long. 710 49’ E) in the
western Salt range, Mianwali district, Punjab province.
Thickness/Distribution of Patala formation in Upper Indus Basin, Hazara,
Kalachitta ranges. In Khewra: 27m, in Patala Nala western Salt range: 90m, in
Surghar Range: 30-75m, in Kohat area: 30-180m, in Hazara: 182m, in Kala Chitta:

Awan et al, 2021

Patala Formation in the Kohat-Potwar Plateau indicates the good potential for shale
gas with the following characteristics similar to the upper Ordovician Wufeng
Formation Longmaxi shale of Silurian (WF-LM) Formation of Sichuan Basin China. i-e,
• Complex structural types sandwiched by tight limestone strata with low porosity (less
than 3%), ultra-low permeability, high density, and large thickness which provides
strong sealing capacity for gas preservation and enrichment;
• Multiphase tectonic evolution of Patala Formation allowed various slippage processes
to develop fractures and enhance the porosity and permeability
• High organic matter content and thermal maturation stage (TOC > 2%,416-445◦C);
• High brittle minerals content (e.g., calcite and dolomite > 40%);
• Large formation thickness (>30 m) at shallow burial depth < 2500 m.
Based on those similarities, we suppose that Patala formation in Pakistan, like WF-LM
Formation in China, could be a potential shale gas play.
Ayaz et al. (2012) and Ali et al. (2017) have shown that marine deposits of the late
Paleocene Patala Formation are potentially important unconventional shale oil/gas
reservoirs in the Kohat-Potwar Plateau of Pakistan. Yasin et al, 2020
Yasin et al, 2020
Yasin et al, 2020
Yasin et al, 2020
Yasin et al, 2020
The dark black carbonaceous and coal beds in Patala Formation acted as
important source rocks for Eocene reservoirs, especially in Potwar Plateau
(Wandrey et al., 2004). This carbonaceous (organic-rich) black shale is highly
fossiliferous and present in the Salt Range, Kalachitta Range, Kohat, Tirah and
Hazara exposure (Wandrey et al., 2004).
Shallow-marine late Paleocene Patala Formation is composed of thin-bedded
marl and gypsum intercalations, medium- or thick-bedded carbonaceous
(organic-rich) black and light gray shale, gray and white to light gray limestone, a
minor fraction of greenish to yellowish-brown sandstone, and coal.
Studies conducted by Wandrey et al. (2004), HDIP (Hydrocarbon development
institute of Pakistan), and BGR (Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und
Rohstoffe Germany) on rock core samples revealed that the Patala Formation is
the main hydrocarbon generating source for most of the reservoirs in Kohat-
Potwar region. Previous studies by Fazeelat et al. (2010) and Wandrey et al.
(2004) on Rock-Eval pyrolysis of Patala Formation suggest that it has sufficient
source rock potential.
Yasin et al, 2020
Abundant forams, mollusks, ostracodes, bivalves.
Lower: conformable with Lockhart Formation.
Upper: conformable with Nammal Formation (in Salt Range/Trans Indus Ranges).
Margalla Hill Limestone (in Kalachitta/SE Hazara). Bahadurkhel Salt/Panoba Shale
(in Kohat). Murree Formation (in Tirah ranges).
Salt Range:
• Shale=dark greenish grey, at places carbonaceous and calcareous.
• Limestone=white to light grey, nodular occurs as interbeds with shale at lower
• Sandstone=interbeds of yellowish brown, calcareous sandstone present at upper
Kohat Area:
• Shale of dark grey, at places carbonaceous and includes light grey argillaceous
Hazara Area:
Shale of green and brown to buff color with interbeds of nodular limestone.
Light brown grey marl with thin interbeds of limestone.
Patala formation was settled in Lagoon (b/c of sulphur contents in Lower part of
grey shale show reducing environment), barrier island (b/c of organic matter in
Middle part of carbonaceous shale), Shallow marine (b/c of Benthic foraminifera),
Slope (slump structure in Upper part of Limestone), Deep marine (b/c of
Planktonic foraminifera) depositional environment. Overall, Patala formation
deposited in Transgression system because of deepening upward sequence.
Patala formation have five different lithofacies; carbonaceous shale, sandstone,
limestone, grey shale and mixture of sandstone and shales.
Carbonaceous shale and grey shale lithofacies contain on average of 3.46% and
1.39% of TOC value which indicate a good source rock potential to generate

Awan et al, 2021

Paleocene Patala Formation (20-180 m thick) appears to be the primary source of
most of the oils. kerogen is Type II and III(Raza, 1973; Quadri and Quadri, 1996).
S1 and S2 (3 and 19 mg HC/g rock, respectively) and thermal maturity (Tmax up
to 444°C). OM in these sediments was predominantly gas-prone as shown by a
plot of OI versus HI. HI values in the range 100 to 200 mg HC/g TOC.
Patala Formation was in the range of maturation and expulsion (430-444°C), the
formation may act as a minor source of gas
The detrital record of the Cenozoic sequence in the adjacent area clearly
indicates the arrival of KLA and ophiolite detritus in the upper part of Late
Paleocene Patala Formation (Ding et al., 2016).

Jalees and Bianchi, 2009

Tirah ranges
Salt and Trans Indus
range ranges
Eocene Stratigraphy
Upper Indus basin:
Cherat Group; Lower Indus basin:
Salt Range/Trans Kohat Area; Kalachitta, Hazara,
Indus range; Eastern Kohat; Suleiman Kirther
Bahadurkhel Salt/ sub basin; sub basin;
Nammal Formation. Panoba Shale. Margalla Hill
Sakessar Formation. Jatta Gypsum/ Limestone. Formation. Kirther
Chorgali Formation. Sheikhan Limestone. Chorgali Formation. Habib Rahi Formation.
Kuldana Formation Kohat Formation. Domanda
Kohat Formation Formation.
Nammal Formation.
In Salt Range alternating sequence of shale/marl & limestone. Shale: grey to
bluish grey. Limestone: Argillaceous at places.
In Surghar Range the Lower part of formation is bluish grey marl with
subordinate interbedded calcareous shale and minor limestone.
Distributed and Thickness in Salt Range and Trans Indus Ranges will be;
 In Salt Range, Nammal Gorge: 100m, Khewra-Choa Saidan Shah Road: 40m.
 Surghar Range, Chichali Pass: 130m, Broach Nala: 35m.
Environment of deposition will be Shallow Marine to deep marine.
Western Salt range; Nammal Gorge Surghar range; Chichali nala
Sakessar Limestone
Dominantly limestone with marl of cream light grey, nodular, massive and having
chert nodules in upper part.
Thickness in Salt Range is 70-150m and in Surghar Range is 220m.
The microfacies of Sakessar limestone shows the Deeping upward sequence. It
shows the rise in sea level and Transgressive system Tract. It also have inner shelf
fossil over outer shelf fossil which shows fall in the sea level and high stand
system tract. So the sequence stratigraphy of Sakessar Limestone is still
controversial but generally it is consider as Transgressive System tract.
Echinoids, mollusks, forams Fossils present given age Early Eocene.

Zeeshan Ahmed, 2017

Depositional environment of Eocene Sakessar Limestone;
Eocene Sakessar Limestone is comprised of Bioclastic Wackestone facies. The
micro faunal depth ranges show that the Eocene Sakessar Limestone is deposited
between 10m to 120m deep, low energy depositional environment for the
Sakessar Limestone. Microfacies is interpreted to have been deposited in a
restricted environment on the inner shelf.
In Sakessar Limestone the fractures are present at different horizons in the
measured section. These fractures mark the secondary porosity and are filled
with waxy leftover hydrocarbon which reveals that the Sakessar Limestone is a
potential reservoir.

Khattak and Ishfaque, 2017

Echinoderm spine

Khattak and Ishfaque, 2017

Bioclastic Wackestone Microfacies (Sk 6). The Bioclastic Wackestone Microfacies (Sk 1). The microfossils
microfossils include Nummulities sp with include Assilina laminosa (A), Assilina subspinosa (B),
pyritization (a), Discocyclina sp and pyrite (b), Ranikotalia sp (C), Nummulities mamillatus (D), dolomitization
Miliolid sp (c), Fractured Lockhartia haimei filled phenomena in bioclast (E) and network of fractures and a
with calcite and pyrite (d), bioclast with bioclast (F).
neomorphism (e) and partially dissolved bioclast (f). Khattak and Ishfaque, 2017
Eastern Salt Range

Zeeshan Ahmed, 2017

Eastern Salt Range

Western Salt Range

Nammal Gorge
Surghar Range
Chichali Nala

Salt Range
Chorgali Formation
In Salt Range divided into two units i-e, Lower: shale; greenish grey/buff and
calcareous limestone; light grey and argillaceous and Upper: limestone; white &
cream, well bedded.
In Hazara region; Limestone+marl thinly bedded, light pale grey, on weather surface
yellow to cream
In Kalachitta; limestone+marl thin-medium bedded, grey limestone with subordinate
marl. Limestone slightly nodular and contains chert.
In Khair-e-Murat Range divided into two units i-e, Lower: dolomitic limestone; white to
light grey and yellowish grey, medium bedded. Shale; grey to greenish grey, calcareous
and interbeds in upper unit. Upper: shale; greenish grey and red occasionally varigated
and calcareous with one thick bed of limestone; that is nodular and argillaceous
Distribution in Salt Range, Trans Indus range, Khair-e-Murat Range and Hazara.
Thickness in Chorgali pass: 150m, Tarki (Salt Range): 30m, Bahadurkhel: 15m and SE
Hazara: 45m.
Zeeshan Ahmed, 2017
Contact with Lower: conformable with Sakessar Limestone and
Upper: unconformable with Rawalpindi Group (in Salt Range). Conformable with
Kuldana Formation (SE Hazara, Kalachitta).
Chorgali is the last formation deposited by Thethys ocean after that Tethys ocean
is closed. Chorgali formation have Shallow shelfal marine fauna and it have
almost 80% of shales with limestone, the shale is deposited by clastic input. All
this characteristics of Chorgali formation shows the fall in sea level and high stand
system tract. There is maximum flooding surface (MFS) between Sakessar
Limestone and Chorgali formation.
Environment of deposition is Shallow Marine.

Zeeshan Ahmed, 2017

Sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Chorgali Formation;
The Chorgali Formation of Early Eocene is deposit of falling stage system tract
high stand system tract and overlain by the low stand system tract.
The top of the falling stage system tract defined by a subaerial surface of erosion
which correspond to the sequence boundary (Chorgali Formation is
unconformably overlain by the Kamlial Formation (Miocene) in the Central Salt
Microfacies analysis suggest that the deposition took place in inner shelf
conditions. Presence of shallow water benthic larger foraminifera also support
lagoon to bay environment of the early Eocene Chorgali Formation.

Mirza et al, 2021

Chorgali Formation. A) Mudstone microfacies .B)
Bioclastic mudstone microfacies .C) Nummulitidae
Lockhartia wackestone microfacies . D)
Nummulitidae wackestone microfacies .E)
Nummulitidae wackestone microfacies .F) Bioclastic
wackestone microfacies .G) Alveolina wackestone
microfacies. H) Nummulite-Alveolina wackestone
microfacies . I) Intraclastic peloidal packstone
microfacies .J) Rotaliidae wackestone
microfacies .K) Nummulitidae wackestone
microfacies . L) Nummulitidae Lockhartia
wackestone microfacies . M) Nummulite-Assilina
wackestone microfacies .N) Intraclastic Peloidal
packstone microfacies .O) Bioclastic wackestone
microfacies .P) Nummulite-Assilina wackestone
microfacies .Q) Nummulite-Assilina wackestone
microfacies .R) Nummulitidae wackestone
microfacies .S) Intraclastic peloidal packstone

Mirza et al, 2021

Mirza et al, 2021
Mirza et al, 2021
Mirza et al, 2021
Mirza et al, 2021
Eastern Salt Range

Forams in Chorgali Formation

Miocene Stratigraphy
Upper Indus basin: Lower
Oligocene Stratigraphy Rawalpindi group; Indus basin:
Murree Formation Gaj
Upper Indus basin: Lower Indus basin: Kamlial Formation Formation
Unconformity Nari Formation (Kirther Sub-basin).
Chiterwatta Formation (Suleiman Sub-basin).

Pliocene Stratigraphy
Upper Indus basin: Lower Indus basin:
Chinji Formation Gaj Formation
Siwaliks groups

Nagri Formation Siwaliks groups

Dhok Pathan Formation.
Soan Formation.
Mollases sediment
Rawalpindi group and Siwaliks groups of rocks present.
A tectonic term used for Himalayan derived sediment deposited in the Indus
basin. No carbonate evaporate present, mostly Igneous metamorphic sediment
present, age will be after Eocene.
• Murree Formation (Sandstone will be brown and red, Apatite and Tourmaline
large amount)
• Kamlial Formation (Spheroidal weathering; shale will less amount and Sand will
be large amount.
• Chinji Formation (Sandstone 25%, Clay 75%).
• Nagri Formation (Sandstone 75%, Clay 25%).
• Dhok Pathan Formation (Sandstone 50%, Clay 50%).
• Soan Formation (Sandstone, Shale, conglomerate bed present).
Petrography of Mollases sediment
The quartz grains of the Mollases sediment are mainly derived from medium-
and high-grade metamorphic rocks, with subsidiary contribution from low grade
metamorphics provenances. Similarly, the presence of mica and other heavy
minerals indicate that the source area was composed of metamorphic rocks.
Monocrystalline quartz indicates that the presence of granitic and volcanic rocks
in the source areas. Appreciable amount of feldspar in the Mollases sediment
indicates either high relief of the source area or arctic climate.

Kafayat Ullah et al, 2006

g. This photomicrograph contain biotite (B), muscovite
(M) and chert (Ch). h. Mica (M), quartz (Q) and
volcanic lithic (Lv) can easily be identified. i & j.
Garnet (G) and microcline (Mi). Garnet has high relief
and is isotropic. Microcline with typical grid twinning.
k. Chromite (Cr) is in the center of the
photomicrograph. l. Quartz containing tiny inclusions
of zircon/monazite.

Kafayat Ullah et al, 2006

Photomicrographs of the Kamlial and Chinji sandstones: a.
Kaolinized plagioclase (KP), carbonate lithic (Lc) (micritic) and
quartz (Q). Fractures in quartz grain (left) are filled with
carbonate. b. Fresh plagioclase (P) and microcline (Mi)
displaying the characteristic albite polysynthetic and
crosshatched twinning, respectively. c. Argillite (Ag). A lithic
clast composed of fine grained material. d. Quartz (Q), garnet
(G), metamorphic lithic (Lm) and biotite (B). Quartz grains are
subangular to subrounded, garnet is isotropic, biotite is
oxidized, and the metamorphic lithic is of quartz-mica schist. e,
f. Quartz (Q), volcanic lithic (Lv), metamorphic lithic (Lm),
carbonate lithic (Lc), chert (Ch) and fluorite (Fl). Subangular
quartz grain having a fracture filled with carbonate. A number
of lithic grains can be identified. Metamorphic lithic grains
shown in the photomicrograph are of quartzite and quartz-mica
schist. Chert (Ch) derived from sedimentary sources can be
mistaken for very finely crystalline volcanic rock fragments or
clay clasts if not carefully examined.

Kafayat Ullah et al, 2006

Lower Indus basin
Upper Indus basin
Thanks to Sir
Suleiman and Sajjad Jr.

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