Chapter 14

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Reporter: Abisado, Jona E. BSHM 4B

• Students will understand the importance of
computers in a business.

• Students will identify the importance if ledger.

• Students will understand the accounting with

the computer entry and inventory control.
03 Introduction
This is what Dr. Mervyn L. Fishback, president and
founder of International Education Placement
Programs says - Filipino students seeking enrolment
abroad must take up computer systems. as a "sure
passport to a durable future." The demand for
computer graduates would increase dramatically in the
ensuing years as countries join the competition for
higher technologies.
Fishback said he expected to place a hundred
Filipinos in a quota of 300 Asians for enrolment in 22
universities and colleges in the United States and
Europe this school term 1982-83.
He said Filipinos have a decided advantage gaining
entry in foreign schools because of their proficiency in
English, educational background, and generally higher
rate of literacy.
He added, the world is entering what he called the
"information society", spurred by the increasingly cheap
and available computers to run the lives of entire towns
and nations.
Coping With Changing Business Demands. - You've worked . hard to get
where you are. As an owner or manager of a business, you're faced with
today's sophisticated business techniques and equally sophisticated
consumer public. Most likely you're searching for ways to cope with rapidly
changing demands and an unpredictable economy. While you want your
business to grow.
The Computer Understand Your Needs. - With over a quarter of a century
of sustained profits any computer knows firsthand what growth is all about.
The computer offers unique solutions to business problems like your and
staying on the leading edge of technology.
The Computer That Fits Your Business. - The computers are designed
especially for business. It provides the resources you need to maintain
control over important business operations, and captures timely information,
required to make key business decisions.
Computers are used to cut down record keeping and accounting chores.
Quickly handle important business transactions such as Order Processing,
Inventory Control, Job Costing and Dispatching. Easily perform complex
statistical and scientific calculations. Or use the information that the computer
provides for crucial make or buy decisions and sales forecasting.
05 Improve Your Customer Service. - Using the
computer, you will be able to provide your
customers with faster turnaround on their
request. Orders can be processed as soon as
they come in, using inventory and pricing
information that is instantly available from the
computer system. Scan your inventory for a
particular item to determine if a reorder level
has been reached. With this kind of current
inventory information lost sales will be a thing
of the past and once an order is processed the
computer can even be made to update your
inventory records - automatically.

Improve Cash Flow. - Your invoices can be

printed directly. from the computer so you can
have them in the mail the same day. Accounts
receivables will come in faster significantly
improving your cash flow: And the computer's
timely information will help you improve
customer competitive edge.
Increases Productivity. - The computer's ability to use the same information for many
purposes can improve accuracy and increase productivity in your business. Customer files
stored on the computer can serve as Mailing Lists, or be used in such routine accounting
functions as Payroll, Accounts Payable, and General Ledger. Once the information is entered,
you can use it repeatedly - each time with complete accuracy.

The Computer Keeps Pace With Your Growth - When you evaluate a computer for your
business, one important criterion deserves careful consideration Growth - yours and the
computer's deserve careful consideration. Growth - yours and the computers. As your sales
rise or product lines changes, you'll need a computer that can measure up to your, increased
demands to handle orders, inventory, production, and accounting functions

The Approachable Computers. - The computers are extremely easy to learn so you and your
employees won't have to study complex manuals or undergo extensive training. And the
system's sample operation means you won't have to hire a computer operator to use it
Sitting comfortably on the terminal, you can repudly enter information into the computer, using
familiar typewriter keys, a standard numeric keypad or special function keys conveniently
located on the terminal keyboard.

The High Cost of Filling and Processing Forms - Many everyday transactions - the taking out of a
mortgage or of an insurance policy, the opening of a bank account, the sale of a car leave a flood of forms in
their wake.
Computer-aided Forms Processing With a Computer Systems. - The small computer systems have been
used successfully in many different applications. Among these application computer-aided forms processing
has often yielded the most effective economies in time and money and has contributed to greatly improved
management control.
Any computer Systems, equipped with the proper software are being used to automate any one or all aspects
of forms processing.
Make A Computer System Your Forma Designer. - Computer-aided forms generation with a computer
System allows you to create the form any form, its text, length of text and its actual location on the form.
Computers can enter a set of Data and generate many different forms. - With computer-aided form filling,
your personnel inputs information pertaining to a transaction to a system. The system stores this information
and on demand prints it in any format and on any form you use.
ADMS: Helping You Manage Chance
The rapid growth of information
processing in virtually every industry
continues, largely unaffected by inflation
and recession. The reason is simple,
better information breeds better decisions
and across-the board improvements in
operational support and customer
service. The return on a company's
information processing investment in
terms of increased productivity - can be
09 How ADMS Works

ADMS organizes all data definitions for an application into a three-

level description of the data vase; a "shema" user "views" of the data
base, and a "storage schema". The schema is a collection of all record
descriptions for the files in the data base. A view defines the records,
and the fields within each record, that an application program can
access. And the storage schema defines where the files are stored and
the format in which they are stored ADMS data files may be indexed or
Lower Development and Support Costs. - Because data descriptions
are created independently of the programs using the data, application
programs are insulated against changes to data descriptions.
More Effective Data Management. - The control of data definitions and
files that. ADMS provides is the key to, more effective data
management. You have the flexibility to define new views and record
access paths in meeting your changing needs, and your data definitions
are automatically checked for internal consistency.
Better System Security. - With ADMS, each user's access to. the data
base is explicitly controlled - and what they do with the data when they
get it can be precisely limited.
HRMS is an interactive software system that gives immediate
access to all data about your company's most valuable
resource. - With one system, you can now easily meet all
government reporting requirements and in addition, handle
complex payroll processing including Earned Income Credit
Arranged in three software's packages, Payroll, Personnel
and Benefits Management HRMS systems can be
implemented individually or together for the complete human
resource management solution.
Because HRMS is an integrated system, it saves the operator
time by eliminating data redundancy. All information on
applicants and current and retired employees is kept in one
integrated system, allowing an operator to update an
individuals record with one easy procedure.
11 The Computer Is Human Engineered For Ease
of Use And Uninterrupted Growth. - The
computer system requires so little staff training
that you can be up and running in record time, and
once your system is established, now staff have
little trouble adapting to use of the system.
Furthermore, when your needs increase and you
require greater computing capability, you can
easily expand your computer system, with no
change in your application software.
Payroll (custom assembled Payroll System). - In
1965 Wang Laboratories was the first U.S.
company to introduce a generalized payroll
system. Restricted by the technology of the day, it
allowed for ten earnings categories and fifteen
deductions, and all of the programs had to fit into a
32K core size. The system defined the user's
needs, and the user had to fit its parameters.
Today many systems offered by other companies
still resemble the early system.
• Improves Customer Service
• Reduces Lost Sales
• Balances Inventory Investment
• Improves Cash Flow
• Increases Accuracy
In addition to the financial functions of your accounting department, the computer also
addresses the important areas of order entry and inventory control to provide a system
geared to the expanded requirements of your business. The interactive system means that
all orders can be entered as they are received. A single entry triggers an entire sequence of
automatic entries and calculators linking order processing inventory control, billing inquiry,
sales analysis and management reports.
Order Processing. - Order Processing, begins with inter- active verification of customer
numbers and displaying customer names and credit status. From a single entry, the system
automatically generates picking tickets, updates inventory, credits the proper salesperson,
produces an invoice and logs backorders when necessary. All automatic functions may be
overridden by the operator(s), delivering individual control whenever required.

Inventory Control. - From a single order entry, all affected
inventory items are automatically updated. Typical inventory file
information includes part number, description product category,
unit cost, three selling prices, taxable status, reorder levels and
picking sequences. The system also performs automatic
calculations of average unit cost, quantity on hand and
quantities committed to orders. Adjustments, cancellations, or
order changes also update the entire system for the greatest
possible accuracy.
Billing. - Billing can be performed automatically on selected
accounts, or individually according to your requirements. The
system allows you to override prices, assign discount
percentages, or add shipping charges, commission amounts
and miscellaneous charges for complete billing control.
Sales Analysis. - The computer lets you review your entire
inventory, by product line and item to evaluate sales and
A company's general ledger is the bottom line for all important financial decisions, and for
this very important reasons, it must be as individual as the company it represents. As with
all computer accounting functions, flexibility is an integral part of the Computer General
Ledger. This flexibility is reflected in the systems chart of accounts, data entry, on-line
inquiry master file posting, and wide variety of available reports.
Chart of Accounts. - With the computer, you define your own chart of accounts according
to your requirements, including your account numbers descriptions, budget, and account
balances for up to 26 accounting periods. The account number allows you to designate
your own profit centers for responsibility reporting.
Data Entry. - General Ledger account updates can be performed by allocations or actual
Pesos automatically through the computer Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable and
Payroll. Direct General Ledger transaction entries are posted through one of the system's
video display terminals. When transactions are entered using either method, a reference
description can be added to provide a complete audit trail on the transaction's source.
On-Line Inquiry. - Because the Computer is completely interactive, you don't have to wait
for a report to review information you require. Just a few key strokes at one of the systems

TV-type terminals brings you the accurate answers you need when you need them.
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