L1 History of Civil Engineering

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1 S T S E M / A . Y. 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3
I N S T R U C T O R : E N G R . N E N I TA M .
Civil Engineering, the profession of designing
and executing structural works that serve the
general public, such as dams, bridges,
aqueducts, canals, highways, power plants,
sewerage systems, and other infrastructure.
It has been an aspect of life since
the beginnings of human existence.
The earliest practices of civil
engineering may have commenced
between 4000 and 2000 BC in
Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia
(Ancient Iraq) when humans started
to abandon a nomadic existence,
thus causing a need for the
construction of shelter.
Pyramid of Djoser Imhotep
Around 2550 BC, Imhotep, the first
documented engineer, built a famous
stepped pyramid for King Djoser located
at Saqqara Necropolis. His greatest
contribution to engineering was his
discovery of the art of building with
shaped stones Those who followed him
carried engineering to remarkable
heights using skill and imagination..

Ancient historic civil engineering constructions include

Qanat Water Management

(the oldest older than 3000 by Iktinos in Ancient Greece (447-438Appian Way by Roman engineers (c.
BC) 312 BC)
years and longer than 71 km)
Ancient historic civil engineering constructions include

by General Meng T’ien under orders Pont du Gard (Roman

Stupas in ancient Sri Lanka
from Ch’in Emperor Shih Huang Ti (c. Aqueduct, Nimes, France)
220 BC) built in 19 BC
Ancient historic civil engineering constructions include

Julius Caesar's Bridge over the

Sennacherib's Aqueduct at Jerwan built Li Ping's irrigation projects
Rhine River built in 55 BC, built by
in 691 BC in China (around 220 BC)
other Romans
Machu Picchu, Peru
Built at around 1450, at the height of the Inca Empire is
considered an engineering marvel. It was built in the Andes
Mountains assisted by some of history’s most ingenious water
resource engineers. The people of Machu Picchu built a
mountain top city with running water, drainage systems, food
production and stone structures so advanced that they endured
for over 500years.
Vitruvius' De Archiectura
Published at 1AD in Rome and survived to give us a
look at engineering education in ancient times. It was
probably written around 15 BC by the Roman architect
Vitruvius and dedicated to his patron, the emperor
Caesar Augustus, as a guide for building project.
The majority of architectural design and construction throughout
ancient and medieval history was done by artisans, such as
stonemasons and carpenters, who eventually rose to the position of
master builder. Guilds served as repositories of knowledge that was
rarely replaced by innovations. The infrastructure that was already in
place was repetitive, and scale increases were gradual.
The work of Archimedes in the third
century BC, which includes the
Archimedes Principle, which underpins our
understanding of buoyancy, and useful
solutions like the Archimedes' screw, is one
of the earliest examples of a scientific
approach to physical and mathematical
problems applicable to civil engineering.

Roles of Civil &
Engineers in
Ancient Time
As the first major branch of engineering, civil
engineering was developed by military engineers
with knowledge of both civil and military
construction. Engineers were employed at the time of
fights or operations to help the warriors fighting on
the battlefield by creating catapults, towers, and other
weapons for combat. However, during times of peace,
they focused mostly on civil works like creating
bridges, canals, and defensive fortifications.
John Smeaton and
the Smeatonian
Smeaton The first person to identify as a civil engineer, John
Smeaton, was originally an instrument manufacturer. His
interlocking masonry design for the Eddystone Lighthouse
(1756–59) was inspired by his experience as a builder.
Smeaton produced well-researched writing, and his skills
were in high demand. His Society of Civil Engineers was
Father of Civil Engineering established in 1771. (now known as the Smeatonian
Society). Its goal was to unite skilled engineers,
businesspeople, and attorneys to encourage the
construction of substantial public works, like as canals
(and eventually railways), and to win the parliamentary
authority required to carry out their plans. They still adhere
to the tradition of holding meetings during parliamentary
Civil Engineering in
the 18th - 20th Century

The first private college in the

United States that included Civil
Engineering as a separate
discipline was Norwich
University established in the
year 1819.

Norwich University
Civil Engineering in the
18th - 20th Century
Institution of Civil Engineers
Founded in London and the world’s first
engineering society

Thomas Telford became its first president

of Institution of Civil Engineers in 1820.

Institution of Civil Engineers

The institution received a Royal Charter in 1828, formally
recognizing civil engineering as a profession. Its charter defined civil
engineering as: “Civil engineering is the application of physical and
scientific principles, and its history is intricately linked to advances in
understanding of physics and mathematics throughout history.
Because civil engineering is a wide ranging profession, including
several separate specialized sub-disciplines, its history is linked to
knowledge of structures, material science, geography, geology, soil,
hydrology, environment, mechanics and other fields.”
Modern civil engineering has advanced thanks to a variety of
technologies, including high-tech machinery, material selection,
test equipment, and other sciences. However, it is thought that
computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing
(CAM) are the most significant contributors in this field (CAM).
This technology helps civil engineers create an effective
construction system that includes manufacturing, fabricating, and
erecting. A vital tool for the civil engineer, three-dimensional
design software makes it easier for him to efficiently design
bridges, tall buildings, and other enormous, complex structures.
Knowing the history of civil engineering offers crucial knowledge
and warnings about what was once the state of the art and
consequently what should be recognized as being fundamental
rather than irrelevant to the most recent state of the art. This
information can be found in the specifics of specialized fields as
well as the broad narratives of great projects.
Civil engineering has fueled societal and technological growth all
over the world as one of the oldest professions. All facets of
construction and development are influenced by civil engineering,
which also affects nearly every piece of infrastructure needed to
maintain contemporary cities and societies. Civil engineering has
shaped how we live, from the Great Pyramids of Giza to the
contemporary drainage systems, towers, tunnels, and bridges that
run through our cities.

Buyo, Elena Marie J.


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