Importance of Planning S2 Assembly

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What’s your plans?

Tr. Farah Gulshan

How can you connect the word planning with
the images below?
How can you connect the word planning with
the images below?
Plans are all around us
• Plans in nature

• Plans in life

• Plans in how to build

• Plans in education

• Plans in business
Process of Planning
• Observe: What goals should you aim for in the
next 2 years, 5 years, 10 years.

• Question: What’s around you and what heights

you can go to. What lengths you can go to
achieve your goals.

• Plan: Write down each of your goals: next to

each goal write down how will you achieve that
goal. Give yourself a time plan.

• Act: on the plan or plans that you’ve made for


• Reflect: What is going well? What isn’t going so

well. Adjust your plan. Change your thinking.
The Importance of planning
1. Allows you to focus on your goals

2. It minimises any uncertainty

3. Control your actions

4. Increases innovation and creativity

5. Helps you to organise your time better

6. Increases your chances of success

7. Helps you to avoid failures

8. Focuses your mind

The problem we have today is, that
we lack the vision for our future.
We let other people define us
Fear doing something different

We listen to other peoples opinions about us

We let people put us down

We focus on the small talk

We care too much about what people are doing on social media

We waste time on screens

Small Planning vs Life Planning
• Easy to make small plans it doesn’t take much energy and effort

• Demotivated and want others to think for you

• Living aimlessly not knowing what you want to do?

Your Future Plans
What vision have you got for your future?

What path are you willing to go on to get to your goal?

Are you ready to take on some difficult obstacles?

Are you ready to lose friends?

Are you ready to lose money?

Are you ready to lose your free time?

Set for success

• Pass with good grades: Revising for your

exams, making revision timetables,
asking for help, doing your homework on
time, completing your tasks in class.

• Have a business plan or go college:

thinking about your next steps after
school. Thinking about what you want to
be or do in the future.
Looking back to move forward
Did the Muslims just sit back and invent things in one

Did ideas just flow to them?

With planning and execution of the plans they were able

to achieve greatness
Strategic Planning With a vision of what they wanted to planned their

With a united goal as one ummah they went forward and

conquered the world with Islam

With strategic planning, not being lazy, not wasting time

they focused on what needed to be done and did it.
Knowing what we were…
• Makes us feel proud of what the
Muslim Ummah achieved in

• Makes us want to reflect on our


• In our small life, what legacy do

you want to leave behind?
Prophet Muhammad
{saw}’s Method of
• Spreading the message of Islam

• Establishing relations based on Islam

with other tribes

• Strategic planning in building

Madinah as the first Islamic State.

• Planning for battles

• Never found the Prophet Muhammad
{saw} wasting time

• Planning for Ramadan by fasting in

the month of Shaban

• He {saw} was a husband, a father, a

Prophet, a Leader, an Amir of Jihad, a
friend, a councilor and many more

• He did these with great efficiency.

Having a future vision to help you plan

•Don’t waste your time

•Think about what you want to do in the future

•Brainstorm ideas

•Next to each idea write down your plan to get there

•Write down any difficulties you might have on your


•Then write down how you’ll overcome these

Plan for this life and the NEXT
Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported:
The Prophet, peace and blessings be
upon him, drew a square and in the
middle he drew a line which poked out
the end. Across the middle line he
drew some smaller lines. The Prophet
said, “This is man and the square
surrounding him is death. The
middle line is his worldly hopes, and
the smaller lines are his troubles. If
this one misses him, another will
distress him. If that one misses him,
another will distress him.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6417

When you plan your life remember to always have the
intention to do it for the sake of Allah {swt}.
Choose the halal way and you will see the fruits in this
life and the next.
Do good and spread goodness.
Think big and plan big.
Plan and Have trust in Allah {swt}
May Allah {swt} help us to be:

•Motivated to do well in our

•Well planned
•Have good intentions
•To strive to better our ummah
•To better our lives
•To help the poor and needy
•To achieve the ultimate goal of
entering the gardens of
Jannah tul Firdaus.

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