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Tyrannosaurus is one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs that ever lived on earth. Information about
the genus' huge skull is that this structure evolved entirely for the crushing process. T. rex, with its
skull of about 1.5 meters and powerful teeth, could pierce its prey with powerful bites, the species
was determined to have an average length of 12 meters and a height of 4.5 meters based on the fossil
record. Other important characteristics of the genus Tyrannosaurus are its strong thighs and a strong
and long tail. Its leg and tail structure is in a state that allows it to move quickly. According to studies
by scientists, Tyrannosaurus dinosaurs could eat more than 230 kg of meat in a single bite, thanks to
their powerful jaws.

• The practices of the ancient Egyptians called embalming (Mummification)

date back to BC. It was built in the 15th century in Egypt with the belief
that the dead would resurrect after death and regain their own bodies.
The mummification process, which was previously applied only to the
Pharaohs, was later applied to the nobles and commoners as well.

• The Abutiu is a dog that lived in Ancient Egypt and is one of the oldest domesticated animals
with a documented name in history. Believed to be a royal guard dog from the Sixth Dynasty
(2345-218 BC), Abutiu was buried with an elaborate burial in the Giza Necropolis by order of
an unknown pharaoh. A writing stone listing the gifts the Pharaoh donated to Abutiu's funeral
was found by George Andrew Reisner in October 1935. The stone was found as part of spolia
that was incorporated into the structure of the Sixth Dynasty mastaba after the tomb belonging
to the owner of Abutiu, which is thought to have been originally placed, was destroyed.

• Lydians are the state that found the money before Christ. When they found
these coins, they were trading with these coins. However, the Lydian
empire was destroyed because they kept their soldiers with their money.

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