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Book: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit#2 :
Begin With The
End In Mind
By; Stephen R. Covey
Adeel Ullah Aqsa
Sheikh Fatima


Aneeq Aina
Anwar Saleem
What it mean to begin with the end in mind?

Looking at a
Map Before
If you achieve your
going on a trip.
goal successfully put
your ladder on a
Right wall. Drawing a Jigsaw Puzzle is
best Example of Begin with
End in Mind, you cannot
draw correct puzzle until
you have a full picture of
puzzle in your mind.
Begin with End in Mind
means developing a clear
picture of where you want
to go with your life.
Reading a
All things are created twice

Stephen R. Covey says;

“There’s a mental or
first creation, and a
physical or second
creation to all things.

For Example:
If You want to construct a
building then firstly you create
a image in your mind , How’s
your building look like , and
make blue print of building
and develop construction
plans and then you putting on
it Bricks and At the End you
finally look your imaginary
building into Reality.
Sustainable, Equitabl
communities e
and inclu
through resource positive si v
commun e
nity impact ities
Commu sharing

Transform barrier
Mission s

Statement Systematic
r for

Learning Business Purpose

Scalable driven
from as a force
solutions to leaders
perspective for social
strengthen the
s across all good
nonprofit sector
Proactive people are
driven by values and They are guided by their
Their sense of security principles. purpose, which enables
is based on the correct them to see where they
principles that do not want to go and how to
change, regardless of get there.
external circumstances.

At The
They are able to control So identify the things
their emotions and act that are important to
proactively instead of you in your life and
quickly becoming work on becoming the
reactive. person you desire to be.
They adopt a proactive
lifestyle, seeking to
serve and build others.
Alternate centre
Pleasure Centered 6
Pleasurable things like TV and movies can
instantly make you feel good but overdoing
them doesn’t help you. A pleasure-centered
Spouse Centered 1 person too soon becomes bored with
everything and looks for more and bigger
If you are spouse centered, your mood

depends on how your spouse treats you.
Family Centered
If he/she treats you well, you become
happy and if he/she doesn’t treat you When your sense of worth comes from
7 Friend Centered
well, you become sad or angry. You let your family tradition, culture or the A friend centered person becomes
someone else to control you and you family reputation. For Example- The vulnerable about the moods and feelings
become reactive. parents who force their children to act of his/her friends. The emotional
in a certain way because of the dependence can negatively affect him.
reputation of their family in the society.

Money Centered 3 Enemy Centered 8

Money is important for survival we
all know that but when people put When you are constantly thinking about a
person who has done something bad with
making money at the center of their you. You may not realize but if the actions
lives, they become miserable. There of that person affect you a lot or force you to
is always a lack of security worrying do something, then you are just letting
someone outside of you controlling you.
4 Work Centered When you become obsessed with
yourself. You focus only on accepting
Work centered people become and not giving. It is very common to see

workaholics driving themselves to people becoming obsessed with
Possession Centered produce at the sacrifice of their health,
relationships and other important areas of
When your sense of worth comes from
their lives. They become vulnerable to
what you own. Your clothes, house,
anything that prevents them from
mobile phones, and jewellery decides how
continuing on it.
important you are. You always have fear
of losing these things and as a result, you
are not able to live happily and freely.
Using Your Whole Brain
Left Right
1 Creativity
Logic 1 2 Imagination
Analysis 2 3 Holistic Thinking
Sequencing 3 4 Intuition
Linear 4 5 Arts (Motor Skills)
Mathematics 5 6 Rhythms (Beats)
Language 6 7 Non Verbal
Facts 7 8 Feelings
Think in words 8
9 Visualizations
Words of songs 9 10 Tune of songs
Computation 10
11 Day Dreaming
Using Whole Brain

Ways to Tap The Right Brain

Visualization and affirmations allow you to change your beliefs,

assumptions, and opinions about the most important person in your life —
Visualization YOU! They allow you to harness the 18 billion brain cells in your brain
and get them all working in a singular and purposeful direction.

Use affirmations that speak about the present, using present tense words.
Visualize and affirm using the present tense, and leave it thein Universal
Affirmation Mind and the subconscious mind to bring what you desire, the best and
fastest possible way.
Thank You.

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