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 Britain, Prussia, Austria and Russia 

have defeated Napoleon

at Waterloo, but the fear of revolutionary ideas remains. 
 They organize to prevent the Old Regime from falling apart.
The  In England, the Old Regimen no longer exists, but they do not

Restoration in want revolutions, as it happened in France.

 France has returned to the Old Absolutist Regime in the figure
Europe of Louis XVIII, brother of Louis XVI.
 The Congress of Vienna (1815), where these countries decide
to help each other in case of threat.
 Return to the political situation and the map of Europe
before 1789
 Resolve conflicts through dialogue, that is why they hold

The Congress numerous congresses (this period of history is also called the

Europe of Congresses)
of Vienna  Fight liberalism and nationalism to the death. At the idea of ​
(1815) Tsar Alexander I, a military league called the Holy
Alliance was created, with armies from Russia, Prussia and
 Liberalism is an ideological movement was born from the
English and French anti-absolutist revolutions, and vindicates
the enlightened ideals: national sovereignty, constitutional
monarchies (limited king power) and individual freedoms
(political, expression, association, religious, economic,
etc.) for being a anti-absolutist movement, it was considered
then revolutionary.
Liberalism and  Nationalism is an ideological movement that proclaims that the

nationalisim nation must be defended above all else. It was also born from the
French Revolution and its defense of the territory against foreign
invasion attempts. There are two types of nationalism:
 Binding: try to include several territories with common
characteristics within a single country.
 Separatist: it tries to separate itself from a country to which it
belongs, claiming differentiating characteristics.
 The German-speaking peoples or the Italian-speaking
peoples want to unite, respectively, in two countries.
 Greece and other Balkan peoples want to separate from
Examples of the Ottoman Empire.
nationalist  Belgium from the Netherlands.
movementes  Norway, from Denmark.
 In the Austrian Empire multiple nationalities coexist,
the same as in the Russian and the Ottoman.
 To end with the social and economic inequalities
produced by the bourgeois liberalism.

Democratic  Supported by the petite bourgeoisie, labourers and

movement  Universal manhood suffrage.
 Republic.
 Liberal revolutions in Spain and Portugal. In Portugal

´The  Greek Independence. Liberal-nationalist revolution.

 Naples and Piedmont, where secret societies played an
revoutions of important role, such as that of the Carbonari.

the 1820s  Russia: a group of military men with liberal ideas,

the Decembrists, ask for a moderate government when Tsar
Alexander I dies.
 Belgium got the Independence.
Revolutions of  Revolution against Charles X in France.
 Democratic revolutions.
 France.
Revolutions of  Germanic Confederation.
1848  Austria.
 Italian States.
 A nationalist movement, in order to consolidate, needs
support from a foreign power that can see some interest in the
Unifications of process. It was the case of the France of Napoleon III, which

Italy and saw the possibility of breaking the European balance of the
Congress of Vienna by helping the nationalist outbreaks. Thus
Germany he thought that, when the new Italian nation was constituted
with his help, it would obtain new territories in compensation.
 At first, three unification models were proposed for italy:
• Republican and democratic: with the activists Giuseppe
Mazzini, who led the revolutionary society Giovine Italia and
Giuseppe Garibaldi, revolutionary by vocation, they proposed
an openly democratic country with profound social reforms.
Unifications of • Neo-Gelph: under the direction of the politician and priest

Italy and Vicenzo Gioberti. They were monarchists and Catholics and
wanted Italy to be a confederation of states led by the Pope.
Germany • Piedmontese: based on unifying Italy around the powerful
northern state of Piedmont, under the Savoy monarchy. This
model would be the winner, guided by King Victor Emmanuel
II and the skillful parliamentarian Count of Cavour.
 There were two models of unification for Germany:

Unifications of • Under Austrian control.

Italy and • Under Prussian control, which will be the one that finally
Page 67, activities 5,
6, 8, 9, 10 and 11.

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