Session 07 Physical Therapies

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NMT 06211

Learning Tasks

• At the end of this session a leaner is expected to

be able:
• Define physical therapy
• Explain types of physical therapies
• Explain advantages and disadvantages of physical
• State indications of physical therapy
• Explain process of administering physical therapy
• Explain mode of action
• Explain complications of physical therapies
Definition of Physical Therapy
• Physical therapy (PT), also known as
physiotherapy, is a therapeutic approach in
the management of patients with mental
illness where mechanical force and
movements (bio-mechanics or kinesiology),
manual therapy, exercise therapy, and
electrotherapy remediates impairments and
promotes mobility and mental function. OR
• A branch of rehabilitative health that uses
specially designed exercises and
equipment to help patients regain or
improve their physical abilities.
Types of physical therapies
• Electrical stimulation (ECT)
• Is the general term that describes the use of
electrical current to create an effect in the body.
There are several uses for electrical stimulation.
• Physical therapists can also use electrical
stimulation to cause muscles to contract (tense).
Electrical stimulation after a stroke to keep some
tone in the shoulder muscles so they hold the joint
together better and prevent pain.
• Exercise
• is anything you do in addition to your regular
daily activity that will improve the flexibility,
strength, coordination, or endurance.
• Manual therapy
• Is a general term for treatment performed with
the hands and not with any other devices or
machines in order to cause relaxation, less pain,
and more flexibility.
• Manual therapy includes:
kneading and manipulation of muscles,
joint mobilization and joint manipulation
• Education
• It involves training in areas such as performing the
daily tasks safely.
• Specialized treatments
• In some locations, physical therapists are specially
trained to be involved in other types of treatment,
including vestibular rehabilitation, which helps
the inner ear respond to changes in the body
position and rehabilitation (rehab) can help you get
used to the problem so you know when to expect it.
• Hydrotherapy
• Is the use of water to treat a disease or to
maintain health. The term “hydrotherapy”
(water therapy) can mean either exercise in the
water or using water for care and healing of
soft tissues.
• Relaxation therapy
• Is the therapeutic intervention is recommended
in the treatment of stress and stress ‐related
• It’s used to describe a number of techniques that
promote stress and anxiety reduction by
decreasing tension throughout the body and
creating a peaceful state of mind
• Advantages of physical therapy
• It promotes human well‐being and autonomy in
people with physical health needs that are
associated with a mental illness or learning
disability and/or to use physical approaches
safely to influence mental health.
• It help mentally ill patients to prevent stress and
physical problems as well as quality‐
improvement techniques.
• It assist to warn people about the side effects and
to advise people on the use of quality‐
improvement techniques.
• It motivate people to engage in healthy living
• It assist to maintain (or to regain) physical
mental and social skills to preserve the ability to
function and the quality of life.
• It helps to treat physical and psychosomatic
• It assists to assess treatment effectiveness and
patient satisfaction
– Exercises promote stronger movement, improved
posture and coordination.
– Improve sleep
– Better endurance
– Improved mood
– Increased energy and reduced tiredness
• Exercise reduces anxiety, depression, negative
mood and social isolation and improves self‐
esteem, cognitive functions and quality of life.
• Disadvantages of physical therapy
• Burns or electrical shorts may occur
• In some cases improper manipulations may
lead to Injuries
• Fatigue
Indications of physical therapy
1. Mentally ill patients with limitations in joint
range of motion
2. Organic psychotic conditions
3. Children with mental retardation
4. Mental and physical conditions which are age
5. Psychosomatic conditions
6. Patients with Mood disorders
Process of administering physical therapy
• Process/steps of administering physical
• Prepare the environment for the administration of
physical therapy
• Perform specific interviews in order to identify
the patient’s level of understanding
– The interview to base on the principles of interview
– The context of life events and chronic stressors in
relation to the health of each patient should be
• Assess the patient in order to distinguish the
necessary therapeutic skills required.
– The assessment to focus on lifestyle in
relation to the health, mood and anxiety
features, illness behaviour and
psychological well‐being.
• Determine the appropriate physical therapy
approach necessary to be executed
• Develop a plan on the selected approach
of physical therapy
• Execute the selected physical therapy
• Evaluate the outcome of the implemented
Explain mode of action of
physical therapies
Complications of physical therapies

1. Electric shots or Burns or heat injuries

from the use hot packs
2. Injury from manipulations
3. Stretching or exercise injuries
4. Fatigue
Key points
• Physical therapy is a branch of rehabilitative
health that uses specially designed exercises
and equipment to help patients regain or
improve their physical abilities
• The types of physical therapy include
electrical stimulation (ect), exercise,
hydrotherapy and relaxation therapy and
mind‐body‐related approach
• Physical therapy is indicated to mentally
ill patients with limitations in joint range
of motion, organic psychotic conditions,
children with mental retardation, mental
and physical conditions which are age
related and psychosomatic conditions
Session Evaluation
• What is physical therapy?
• What are steps in administering physical
• What are the advantages of physical therapy?

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