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Animal reproduction

The animal kingdom is as diverse as the

plant kingdom particularly in term of
how they reproduce.
Asexual Reproduction in Animals
• Reproduction does not always require two parents
all the time. This is the type of reproduction in
animals that occur with single parent and
produces offspring by cell division or splitting of
one cell into two is called asexual reproduction.
• Through the process of mitosis,
unicellular or one-celled organisms
such as amoeba or paramecium, can
reproduce an exact copy of the parent
in an asexual process called fission.
• In multicellular organisms particularly
the invertebrates like cnidarians,
sponges, flatworms, annelids, and
echinoderms, asexual reproduction
occurs through many forms to
perpetuate their kind.
• Annelids, such as the earthworm, can
also reproduce by regenerating parts
through fragmentation.
►Animals that reproduce asexually may also reproduce asexually to ensure
perpetuation and survival of their species.
Some species are completely parthenogenic while others switch between
parathenogenesis and sexual reproduction depending on the condition of their
Sexual Reproduction in Animals
• Higher form of animals reproduce through a process involving sex cells or gametes
produced by the parents.
• A hermaphrodite can either have its eggs fertilized by another organism of its kind of or
on its own.
Sexual reproduction in animals occurs in three fundmental steps:
● Gametogenesis: production of gametes
● Spawning or mating: bringing gametes together
● Fertilization: fusion of gametes
→Among many fish and lizard species, individuals can change their sex in response to
social or environmental pressures.
Types of Fertilization
• In many organism, particularly aquatic animals, sexual
reproduction occurs outside of the body. This is called
informal fertilization.
• Then the male comes along and sprays the eggs with
sperm cells and fertilization take place. This is called
external fertilization.
►In reptiles and mammals (including mammals), fertilization
takes place inside the body of the female. This is called
►After a successful reproductive process, most aquatic
animals deposit their eggs in the water to undergo further
Lesson 7.3

Producing Genetically Modified

Producing Genetically Modified
• Reproduction is a characteristics of living things
essential for survivor. Organism produce offspring,
which resemble their parent due to the transmission of
their genetic makeup.
• To understand DNA, one must untangle the
chromosome to reveal its components.
• The genetic material found inside
the nucleus (genotype) as an
observable characteristics
• A single-strand of DNA will serve
as template to produce its
complementary strand in a process
known s replication.
Genetic Engineering
• The process of using plants or animals with desirable
traits is known as selective breeding.
• Hybridization or the process of crossing plants or
animals with different variations of the same trait to
create an organism with the best trait has been around
for many years s well.
Recombinant DNA Technology
• Changes in the DNA of an organism can cause a
change in traits and its manipulation could lead to
the formation of genetically modified.
The first step in recombining the DNA from different species is
to clone millions of copies of a single desirable piece of DNA.
Genetically Modified Plants
• Advances in genetic engineering have been particularly useful in medicine
and agriculture.
Pest- resistance Crops
• A major effort seen in manipulating plants genes for agriculture has been
involved in making crops resistant to insect and pests without the use of
harmful chemical.
• A soil bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which produces crystal
proteins that is toxic to crop pests such horn worms, was introduced to
protect tomato and cotton plants.
Herbicide- resistant Crops

• Aside from insects, agriculturists also encounter problems

controlling weeds or unwanted plants that compare with crops
for space, water, and nutrients
Plant with more nutritional Values
• The most promising value of modifying crops is in the
production of genetically engineered plants that will greatly
benefits the consumers.
Genetically modified foods re crop plants created for
human or animal consumption using the latest
genetic engineering methodologies .
GM Food Consumption and Potential Risks
• Is eating genetically modified food produce dangerous? Despite the potential
benefits derived from GM foods, there are some who are do not support their
production and consumption.
The concern on the consumption of GM crops can be summarized into three
1. They potentially harmful to other orgnisms.
2. They can elicit resistance.
3. They can affect the gene flow.
Genetically Modified Animals
• The technique of modifying plans by introducing foreign genes has also been explored in
animal cells.
Transgenic Animals for Producing a Product
• Gene pharming uses transgenic animals to produce pharmaceuticals products for therapeutic
and diagnostic purposes.
Cloning Transgenic Animals for Various Purposes
• After the cloning of the first sheep in 1997, several animals have been cloned for various
• Despite the low success rate, genetic engineers are using bioengineered animals for various
research projects to avoid experimenting on existing animals in the wild.
• Another genetic engineering application explored is xenotrasplantation, or the use of animal
organs instead of human organs in transplant patients.

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