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Marketing Management

Fifteenth Edition

Chapter 14
Designing and
Learning Objectives
14.1 How can services be defined and
classified, nature of services, and how do
they differ from goods?
The Nature of Services
• Service
– Any act or performance one party can offer to another
that is essentially intangible and does not result in the
ownership of anything
Categories of Service Mix
• A pure tangible good
• A tangible good with
accompanying services
• A hybrid
• A major service with
accompanying minor
• A pure service
Service Distinctions
• Equipment- or people-based
• Different processes of delivery
• Some need client’s presence
• Meets personal or business need
• Differs in objectives and ownership (NGO etc)
Figure 14.1 Evaluation Continuum for
Product Types
Characteristics of Services
• Intangibility
• Inseparability
• Variability
• Perishability
Intangibility (1 of 2)
• Services cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard, or smelled
Physical evidence and presentation tools:
‒ Place
‒ People
‒ Equipment
‒ Communication material
‒ Symbols
‒ Price
Intangibility (2 of 2)
Table 14.1 Dimensions of Brand Experience
• This brand makes a strong impression on my visual sense or other senses.
• I find this brand interesting in a sensory way.
• This brand does not appeal to my senses.
• This brand induces feelings and sentiments.
• I do not have strong emotions for this brand.
• This brand is an emotional brand.
• I engage in physical actions and behaviors when I use this brand.
• This brand results in bodily experiences.
• This brand is not action-oriented.
• I engage in a lot of thinking when I encounter this brand.
• This brand does not make me think.
• This brand stimulates my curiosity and problem solving.
• Services are typically produced and consumed
• The quality of services depends
on who provides them, when
and where, and to whom
– As such, services are highly
• Services cannot be stored
• Strategies to match demand & supply

On demand side On supply side

• Differential pricing • Part-time employees
• Nonpeak demand • Peak-time efficiency routines
• Complementary services • Increased consumer
• Reservation services participation
• Shared services
• Facilities for future expansion
Tangiblizing a Service through qualified staff: Agha Khan

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