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What is
•It is a plan or a scheme that persuades
its readers to accept the idea written by
one firm as a response to a request from
another firm and can be also written
without any prior request.
•It is a written offer to undertake a
project for designing, creating something
new or for changing or modifying an
existing procedure, method, system or
structure within a specified period or
What is Proposal Writing?
• Proposals are informative, and persuasive writing because
they attempt to educate the reader and to convince that reader
to do something.
• Any proposal offers a plan to fill a need, and your reader will
evaluate your plan according to how well your written
presentation answers questions about:
- WHAT you are proposing,
- HOW you plan to do it,
- WHEN you plan to do it, and
-HOW MUCH it is going to cost.
Types of Proposals
• External Proposals: A proposal written by a firm in order to win
contracts for work.
• Internal Proposals: A proposal written with a motive to convince
the person or a group in authority to allow him to implement his
ideas. It is submitted within a company.
• Solicited Proposals: It is a proposal prepared in response to an
invitation from a firm. These invitations are published in the news
papers as tender notices.
• Unsolicited Proposals: It is a proposal prepared by an individual
on his own initiative, without any external request, to solve a
problem as perceived by him and convince the authority to allow
writer to implement his idea.
Characteristics of a Proposal
• It must tell the reader what you plan to do and how will you do it.
• Since it is persuasive in nature it should be based on the AIDA
-ATTENTION is caught towards what is being proposed.
-INTEREST is created by pointing out how the work will be
-DESIRE has to be generated to accept the proposal by
highlighting the benefits and advantages.
-ACTION is induced by persuasive reasoning.
Qualities of a Good Proposal
• Several factors play a role in converting this selling tool into a
contractual commitment.
• Specify the scope clearly.
• Keep the proposal short a simple
• Use plain language.
• Highlight the benefits that would accrue to the customer and
mention the risks and benefits that are likely to occur.
• The most basic composition of a proposal, as with any other
written document, is simple; it needs a beginning (the
introduction), a middle (the Body of material to be presented) and
an end (the Conclusion/Recommendation.
The Research
•A Research Proposal basically a
short ``sales pitch’’ to submit
your selected subject matter to
your instructor and persuade
him/her to accept it as applicable
to the assignment, and worthy of
both time and effort.
►The Research Proposal

•Complete a 100-word minimum Topic Proposal for your

research essay.
•Must be typed and formulated using MLA style using complete sentences and
paragraph format, explain as specifically as possible what your topic will be.
•Argue for the relevance or significance of your topic.

>How does it meet the definition of social problem?

>Who do, the problem involve?
>What causes or effects can you currently predict prior to further research?
>What is your general purpose or point?
>Who is your intended audience and why?
>Can you formulate a thesis statement yet?
►The Title Page

•The title page includes 4 items:

▪The title of your paper.

>The title should be 10-12 words long and should be centered in the middle of your page.
▪The author’s name and affiliation.
>Name of the place where the research was conducted.
▪A running head.
>This is just an abbreviation of your title and should include no more than 50 characters.
▪A page number.
>Pages should be numbered consecutively in the upper right-hand corner
throughout the paper.
•The standardized MLA format title page includes the
1. University Name. 4. Your Class.
2. Paper Title. 5. Professor’s Name.
3. Your Name. 6. Due Date.

►The Cover Page

In general, a cover page should contain the following:

• Title of the Proposal

•Name and affiliation of the researcher (principal investigator and co-investigators)
•Institutional affiliation (degree of the investigator and the name of institution were the
study will be performed), details of contact such as phone numbers, E-mail, ID’s and lines for
signatures of investigators.
►Format of Proposal

▪The proposal should be about 2-4 pages. It should be structured as follows:

a. Background/Introduction:
Introduction is an initial pitch of an idea. It should be designed to create interest in the reader
about the topic and proposal. Introduction should also contain the hypothesis behind the research design.

b. Review of Literature:
It refers to all the sources of scientific evidence pertaining the topic in interest.
Literature should include supporting data, disagreements and controversies. Five `C’s ( clarity,
cogency, conventionality, completeness, and concision) are kept in mind while writing a literature
c. Aims and objectives
The research purpose (or goal or aim) gives a broad indication of what the researcher
wishes to achieve in the research.
d. Research design and method:

The objective here is to convince the reader that the overall research design and methods
of analysis will correctly address the research problem.

►The components of this section include the following:

•Population and sample

•Data collection
•Rigor (soundness of the research)
• Neutrality
•Data Analysis
e. Ethical Considerations :
Ethical considerations refer to the protection of the participants’ rights. e.g. (right to self-
determination, right to privacy, right to autonomy and confidentiality, and right to fair treatment)

f. Budget:
When the researcher prepares a research budget, he/she should predict and cost all aspects of the

g. Appendices:
Include copies of questionnaires, any data collection tools, and consent forms in this section.

h. References:
All references sited in the text should be included in this section. You can use any of the standard
accepted styles if they are complete and consistent.
• Module Week 11

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