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Unit II
Philippine Politics and
Lesson 11
Decentralization and the Local
Learning Objectives
• To identify the different levels of the local
• To explain the functions of the local government
• To discuss how decentralization affects governance
• To discuss the performance of a local government
Decentralization of the
Government Happens…
When there is a transfer of authority,
responsibility, and resources from the central
government to lower government units.
Decentralization is important especially
when the geographical area of a country
and its population are too large for the
central government to handle.
What Is the Local Government?

The local government “is the lowest level of

elected territorial organization within a state”
that has the dual function of providing local
public services and implementing national
welfare policies.
What Are the Local Government
Units in the Philippines?
Local government units include:

• provinces
• municipalities
• cities
• barangays

• other political subdivisions created by

The Local Government Code of 1991
 Through
Each localthe government
Local Governmentunit has Code,
the local
power andgovernment units
responsibility to:were given the
clear mandate to govern and promote
• promote agricultural • facilitate environmental
welfare of their constituents.
support services protection
• engage in research • ensure social welfare
and development
• sponsor public works and
• provide health
the establishment of
Analysis Guide
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
a decentralized government?
2. What is the difference between our current
decentralized local government set-up and a
federal type of government?
3. Does decentralization achieve more positive or
more negative effects? Discuss your answer.

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