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•We are all equally entitled to our

human rights without
• All individual have rights, but not
all are able to exercise their rights
at the same time.
Social justice- humanization of
laws and the equalization of
social and economic forces by
the state so that justice may at
least be approximated.
-Jose P. Laurel
Social justice- harmonization of
function. Each individual within a
society has a particular role to play
and the proper functioning of each
individual brings harmony to society;
thus, justice is attained.
Social justice- is consequential.
In pursuit of our wants and
needs, our individual actions
result to favorable or
unfavorable outcomes
-John Locke
As societies developed and
nations emerged, more people
want the same things, thus
creating a social ill that needs to
be addressed.
Social justice is anchored heavily
on the idea that justice is based on
basic human rights and each
individual must have an opportunity
to exercise these rights.
According to Rawls, societies must
guarantee the potential of each
individual to basic liberties and
provide a platform for individuals to
actualize these potentials.
Unlike the usual concepts of justice
as a consequential process of “ you
do this; this happens to you,” social
justice promotes the equitable use of
rights for all individuals.
According to Senator Jose W. Diokno, social justice is a
system of law that’s eeks to attain the following
•Respect our rights as individuals and as people.
•Eliminate poverty as quickly as our resources and
abilities would allow.
•Provide everyone with their basic material needs; then
improve their standard of living;
•Change institutions and structures to address inequalities
Answer the following questions using your critical and analytical thinking skills.

1. Do you believe at present in the speedy trial of cases by the

courts? Support your answer.
2. Are human rights fully observed by government officials and
law enforcement agencies under President Duterte’s
Administration? Defend your answer.
3. Is there an actual and complete social justice in the
Philippines today? Defend your answer and support it with the

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