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What is WHO?
WHO is not only an abbreviation for world health organization; it more than
that. Founded in 1948 the united agency connected nations, partners and
people to promote the health all over the world in order to keep the world much
safer place to live in. it aims to make sure that everyone attains highest level of
A part of the United Nations that deals with major health issues around the
world. The World Health Organization sets standards for disease control, health
care, and medicines; conducts education and research programs; and publishes
scientific papers and reports. A major goal is to improve access to health care
for people in developing countries and in groups who do not get good health
care. The headquarters are located in Geneva, Switzerland
WHO leads global efforts to expand universal health coverage, directing
and coordinating the world’s response to health emergencies, promoting
healthier lives from pregnancy care through old age. Their Triple Billion
targets outline an ambitious plan for the world to achieve good health for
all using science-based policies and programmers.
Also, it is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters,
shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards,
articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to
countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.
In the 21st century, health is being considered a shared responsibility that
involves equitable access to essential care and collective defense against
..transnational threats
With the boundaries of public health action becoming blurred, WHO is
increasingly operating in a complex and rapidly changing landscape
that extends into other sectors that influence health opportunities and
outcomes. WHO responds to these challenges using a six-point
agenda that addresses two health objectives, two strategic needs, and
two operational approaches. The six points in the agenda are
promoting development; fostering health security; strengthening
health systems; harnessing research, information and evidence;
enhancing partnerships; and improving performance
Human rights are rights we have simply because we exist as
human beings - they are not granted by any state. These universal
rights are inherent to us all, regardless of nationality, sex, national or
ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. They range
from the most fundamental - the right to life - to those that make life
worth living, such as the rights to food, education, work, health, and
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the
UN General Assembly in 1948. The UDHR continues to be the foundation
of all international human rights law. Its 30 articles provide the principles
and building blocks of current and future human rights conventions,
treaties and other legal instruments
The principle of universality of human rights is the cornerstone of
international human rights law. This means that we are all equally
entitled to our human rights. This principle, as first emphasized in
the UDHR, is repeated in many international human rights
conventions, declarations, and resolutions.

Human rights are inalienable. They should not be taken away,

except in specific situations and according to due process. For
example, the right to liberty may be restricted if a person is found
guilty of a crime by a court of law.
Core principles of human rights in WHO
Equality and non-discrimination

The principle of non-discrimination seeks ‘…to guarantee that human

rights are exercised without discrimination of any kind based on race,
color, sex, language, religion, political, or other opinion, national or
social origin, property, birth or other status such as disability, age,
marital and family status, sexual orientation and gender identity,
health status, place of residence, economic and social situation’.
• Types of corruption:
4=Influence peddling
7=Favoritism .
Corruption in
World Health Organization Says Its Staff Perpetrated 'Harrowing' Sexual Abuse In
WHO officials said they knew nothing about the dozens of sexual abuse allegations
against their staff until after The New Humanitarian article. The WHO then convened a
commission to investigate and prepare a report on allegations of sexual exploitation
and abuse during the 2018-2020 Ebola outbreak in the North Kivu and Ituri provinces
of eastern Congo.
The sexual abuse scandal is one of the largest ever documented in the U.N. System.
The commission documented 83 allegations of abuse, including nine allegations of
rape, and verified that the WHO employed at least 21 of the alleged perpetrators
.during the Ebola response

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