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For all purpose

pengandaian (If) 2 &

These sentences are not based on the If I knew where she lived, I would go and see
actual situation. In type 2 conditional her.
sentences, the time is now or any time and
the situation is hypothetical.


If I were you, I would give up smoking. He could go to the concert if you gave him
your ticket.

The present conditional of any verb is composed of two elements:
would + the infinitive of the main verb, without "to"

To go : present conditional
Conditional clauses consist of two sentences. One is a clause that starts with if, which is called as ‘if clause’. The other is called
the Main clause. Each sentence has a verb. It is important to know which tenses are to be used in these clauses and they play a
big role in determining the meaning of the sentence. Detailed information for the type 3 is given below:

Form of The Type 3 :

The tense in if clause is generally past perfect tense; the tense in main clause is generrally modal perfect ( would + have + V3 )
The tense in if clause is generally past perfect tense; the tense in main clause is generrally modal perfect ( would + have + V3 )

Although there are different uses which we will specify below;

Using Type 3:

The conditional sentences indicate us a possible condition and its probable result. It means that the expected actions depends on a condition. If
Clauses – Type 3 is used to express the past and the impossible situations that can no longer be changed. In other words, The condition
specified in the clause is imaginary or unreal or impossible condition in the past that did not happen.

Type 3 is often used to express criticism or regret;

If he had talked to me, I would have listened to him. ( but he didn’t talk to me )
If it had rained last weekend, we would have stayed at home. ( but it didn’t rain last weekend)
If she had saved enough money, she would have bought a new bicycle. ( but she didn’t save enough money )



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