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Meeting 10

Yuni Awalaturrohmah Solihah

General English
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Comparative Degree
01 It is used to compare two objects, especially people, places, things
or etc.

02 Superlative Degree
It is used to compare three or more objects, especially people,
places, things or etc.
Rules of Comparative Degree

Add +er for one syllable Add more+ for two or more Add +than to compare
adjective, syllabels two objects

Ex. Smaller, bigger, smarter Ex: more beautiful, more Ex : ........ smarter than........ ;
expensive …..more expensive than…….
Rules of Superlative Degree

Add +the ..... est for one Add the most+ for two or
syllable adjective, more syllabels adjective

Ex: the smallest, the biggest, Ex: the most beautiful,

the smartest. the most expensive.
Irregular Comparative
Adjective Forms
Good – better – the best/well Old – elder – the eldest
Much/many – more – the most Far – further – the furthest

Little – less – the least Bad – worse – the worst

Late – later – the latest/the last

Adjective ending in –y becomes –i

Examples :
easy – easier – the easiest
heavy – heavier – the heaviest
Fill in the blanks!!!
1. He’s .............................................. I’ve ever met. (boring)
2. The restaurant is ................................. usual. (crowded)
3. It was .............................................. of the year. (cold)
4. Traveling by train is ................................................. travelling by bus. (attractive)
5. I think it’s ........................................ fil I’ve ever seen. (bad)
6. To phone is .................................... write a letter. (easy)
7. The weather is ........................................... yesterday. (good)
8. What is ...................................... thing you’ve ever done? (unusual)
9. Tennis is ..................................... football in Indonesia. (unpopular)
10. I got up ...................................... my brother. (early)
Fill in the blanks!!!
Julia : “Hi, I’m Julia. I’m 22 years old. I got up at 6.15”
Andrew : “Hello, my name is Andrew. I’m 24. I got up at 7.45”
Caroline : “Hi, I’m Caroline and 20 years old. I got up at 7.15”

(Age) : Caroline is ................................................................. of them.

Andrew is .............................................................. Julia.
Julia is ............................................................. Caroline.
Andrew is ....................................................... of them.
(Time) : Caroline got up ........................................................... Andrew.
Andrew got up ........................................................... Julia.
Julia got up ........................................................... of them.
Andrew got up ..................................................... of them.

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