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;Present and Past

Simple and Progressive

Exercise 13
Correct the errors in verb forms.
2. I’m not knowing Sam’s wife.
3. My roommate usually watch television, listen to
music, or going out in the evening.
4. When I turned the key, the car was starting.
5. Air is consisting of oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases.
2. I don’t know Sam’s wife.
3. My roommate usually watches television, listens to music, or goes out in the evening.
4. When I turned the key, the car started.
5. Air consists of oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases.
Cont…Exercise 13
6. The children drawed some pictures in school this
7. Right now Sally in the kitchen eating breakfast.
8. While I’m driving home last night, I heared a strange
noise in the engine.
9. A: What you are talking about?
B: I talking about the political situation in my country.
6. The children drew some pictures in school this morning.
7. Right now Sally is in the kitchen eating breakfast.
8. While I was driving home last night, I heard a strange noise in the engine.
9. A: What are you talking about?
B: I am talking about the political situation in my country.
Exercise 2. Warm-up. (page 13)

Part I. Read each sentence and circle yes or no. If the

information is not true, restate it.
1. I read a newspaper every day. Yes/No
2. I am sitting next to someone from Asia. Yes/No
3. The sun revolves around the earth. Yes/No
Part II. Answer the questions.
4. Which sentence discusses a general truth?
5. Which sentence talks about a daily habit?
6. Which sentence talks about something that is happening
right now?
The present simple

Animals give us milk and meat.

Computers save us a lot of time and effort.

The present simple is used to talk about situations that aren’t

connected to time and always true(in the past, now and in the
future), it’s an all time tense or timeless.
It’s also used to express general truths.

Give similar examples.

Cont…The present simple
I take a shower every morning.
I get up early.
My watch keeps good time.
I watch television most weekends.

The present simple is used to express habitual and

repeated actions.

Give similar examples.

Cont…The present simple
In this book, the author describes how to stay
healthy. He also talks about keeping fit.
The present simple is often used in
summaries, such as book or film reviews.

Give similar examples.

Cont…The present simple
I work at sports shop. (It’s a permanent job)
They live in a very nice flat.
The present simple is used for a routine or
situation that we see as permanent.
I always make silly mistakes in exams. (=I
make silly mistakes in every exam)
Always with the present simple means ‘every
Cont…The present simple
I think the weather is so hot today.
I like it.
Why don’t we go out?
We use the present simple in thoughts and
feelings and in negative questions with why to
make a suggestion.
Give similar examples.
Cont…The present simple
I promise I’ll visit you.
I totally agree with you.
The new term starts next week.
The present simple is used in phrases like I
promise, I agree, etc.

Give similar examples.

Cont…The present simple
In the present simple we use the verb without an ending
• You know the answer.
• Most children like ice-cream.
But with the third person singular(after he, she, it) the verb
ends in s or es
• It gets cold in winter.
• Mona catches the early train.
(after s, sh, ch, o and x we add es)
(passes, washes, catches, goes, mixes)
The present progressive (continuous)

I’m reading a book on wild animals.

The present progressive describes what is
happening now(at the time of speaking) or in
the extended present.

Give similar examples.

Cont…The present progressive
I’m working at a sports shop for six weeks.
At the moment they are living in a very small
The present progressive is also used for a
routine or situation that we see as
temporary(for a short period)
Give similar examples.
Cont…The present progressive
I’m always making silly mistakes.(= I make silly
mistakes too often)
We can use always with the present
progressive to mean ‘very/too often’ or to
express a negative reaction or situation as in:
He’s always asking silly questions. I wish he’d
Give similar examples.
Exercise 4. (page 15)

Complete the sentences with the simple present or the

present progressive form of the verbs in parentheses.
2. Kristin (wash) ___ her hair every other day or
3. Tony (sit, usually)____in the front row during
class, but today he (sit) ____ in the last row.
4. Please be quiet. I (try) .______ to concentrate.
2. Washes 3. usually sits . . .is sitting 4. am trying
Cont…Exercise 4. (page 15)

5. (you, lock, always) ________the door to your apartment when

you leave?
6. I wrote to my friend last week. She hasn’t answered my letter yet.
I (wait, still)
____ for a reply.
7. After six days of rain, I’m glad that the sun (shine) _____ today.
8. Every morning, the sun (shine) _____ in my bedroom window and
(wake) ____ me up.

5 Do you always lock 6. am still waiting 7. is shining 8. shines . . . wakes
Exercise 7. Warm-up. (page 15)

Choose the correct completions.

1. The chef is in his kitchen right now. He _______
a. cooks b. is cooking
2. He _______some soup.
a. tastes b. is tasting
3. It _______ too salty.
a. tastes b. is tasting
4. He _______ it.
a. doesn’t like b. isn’t liking
State verbs and action verbs
STATES( Stative /non-action verbs)
A state means something staying the same
The flat is clean.
.The farmer owns the land
.The box contained old books
.State verbs cannot usually be progressive
The farmer is owning the land.
Cont… State verbs and action verbs

An action means something happening.
I’m cleaning the flat.
The farmer is buying the land.
Action verbs can be simple or progressive.
He put the books in the box.
He was putting everything away.
Some state verbs
consist of believe be
deserve depend on contain
know hate exist
matter love like
need own mean
resemble remember prefer
understand seem

See your book page 16.

State or action ?
Sometimes we can use a verb
.either for a state or for an action
STATES (simple tenses) ACTIONS(simple or progressive)
I think you’re right.(=believe) I’m thinking about the problem.
We’re having lunch.(= eating)
We have three cars.(=own)
I’m coming from Palestine. (=travelling
I come from Palestine(=live) I usually come on the plan.
I see your problem.(=understand)
Ali is seeing the doctor. (=meeting)
Do you see that house?(=have in sight)
I see Ali quite often.
This picture looks nice.
She appears very nervous.(=seems) I’m looking at his picture.
She appeared/was appearing in a film.
The bag weighs five kilos.
They weighed/were weighing my bag.
The coat fits.(=is the right size) I’m fitting a lock to the window.
Exercise 8. Let’s talk. (page 17)

Discuss the differences in meaning of the italicized verbs in each group of

1. a. These flowers smell good,
b. James is smelling the flowers.
2. a. I think Roberto is a kind man.
b. I am thinking about this exercise.
3. a. I see a butterfly. Do you see it too?
b. Alex is seeing a doctor about his headaches.
c. Jack and Ann are seeing each other. They go out together every
4. a. Astrid looks cold. I ’ll lend her my coat,
b. Tina is looking out the window. She sees a butterfly.
Cont…Exercise 8. Let’s talk. (page 17)

5. a. Sue is feeling the cat’s fur.

b. The cat’s fur feels soft.
c. I m not feeling well today.
d. I feel that it is important to respect other people’s opinions.
6. a. I remember my first teacher. Do you remember yours?
b. Aunt Sara is looking through an old picture album.
She is remembering the wonderful days of her childhood.
7. a. The children want a snack. They’re hungry,
b. Like many kids, our children are often quite noisy when they
play. They’re playing right now in the next room. Hmmm.
They’re being awfully quiet. What do you suppose they’re doing?
8. a. Our son is appearing in a school play this week,
b. The grocer is weighing the bananas. He appears to be busy.
’The verb ‘be
Look at these examples with the verb be about how people behave.
Permanent Quality
Ali is very sociable person.
That man is an idiot.
Temporary Behavior
Mona is being very sociable today.
You are being an idiot this morning.(= You’re behaving like an idiot)
We use am/are/is being only to talk about behavior, not about other things.
I’m better now, thanks.
Are you ready?
Is anyone interested?
I like/ I’m liking etc
We can use some state verbs in the progressive to talk about a short period of
Permanent State (simple present)
I love/enjoy parties.
I like school.
Holidays cost a lot of money.
Short Period (Progressive)
I’m loving/enjoying this party.
I’m liking school better much now.
This trip is costing me a lot of money.
Sometimes we can use either the simple or the progressive with no difference in
You look well, OR You’re looking well.
We feel a bit sad, OR We’re feeling a bit sad.
Exercise 9. (page 17)

Choose the correct completions.

1. This isn’t my notebook. It _______to Mai.
a.) belongs b. is belonging
2. Ask Ahmed for your notebook. He _______it.
a. has b. is having
3. Your notebook is over there. Ahmed _______it.
a. holds b. is holding
4. Look at Olga. She’s smiling and dancing. She _______a good time.
a. has b. is having
5. Relax. You don’t have to tell me any more about it. I _______you.
a. believe b. am believing
6. Dinosaurs became extinct a long time ago. They _______anymore.
a. don’t exist b. aren’t existing
2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. a
□ Exercise 10. (page 17)

Complete the sentences. Use the simple present or the present progressive of the verbs in parentheses.

1. Look. It (begin) ____ to rain. Unfortunately, I (have,

not*)_____my umbrella with me. I (own, not) ____ an
umbrella. Spiro is lucky. He (wear) ____ a raincoat. I (wear)
____a waterproof hat on rainy days.
2. Right now Martha is in the science building. The chemistry
experiment she (do) ____ is dangerous, so she (be) _____very
careful. She (want, not) ____ to spill any of the acid. She (be,
always) ._____ careful when
she does a chemistry experiment.
1. is beginning . . . don’t have . . . don’t own . . . is wearing . . . wear
2. is doing . . . is being . . . doesn’t want . . . is always
Cont…□ Exercise 10. (page 17)

3. Right now I (look) _____ at Nicole. She (look)

_______ angry. I wonder what’s the matter. She
(have) ______ a frown on her face. She certainly
(have, not) _____ any fun right now.
4. A: How (you, like) ______ the soup? (it, need)
______ more garlic?
B: No, it (taste) ______ delicious. It (remind)
______ me of my grandmother’s soup.
3. am looking . . . looks . . . has . . . isn’t having 4. A: do you like . . . Does it need B: tastes . . . reminds
Cont…□ Exercise 10. (page 17)

5. A: What (you, look) _____ at?

B: You! You (look) _____ like your father.
A: (you, think) ______ so? Many people tell me I (resemble) _____ my
B: I (see) _____ your father’s face when I look at you.
6. Right now I (look) ____ around the classroom. Yoko (write) ____ in her
book. Carlos (bite) _____ his pencil.
Wan-Ning (scratch) ____ his head. Ali (stare) ____ out the window. He
(seem) ____ to be daydreaming, but perhaps he
(think) ____ hard about verb tenses. What (you, think) ____Ali (do) ____?

5. A: are you looking B: look A: Do you think . . . resemble B: see 6. am looking . . . is writing . . . is biting . . . is scratching . . . is staring . . . seems . . . is
thinking . . . do you think . . . is doing
Regular Verbs: Pronunciation of - ed Endings

Final -ed has three different

pronunciations: /t/, /d/, and /əd/.
The schwa /ə/ is an unstressed vowel sound.

It is pronounced like a in alone in normal,

rapid speech (e.g., She lives alone.).
Final -ed is pronounced /t/
after voiceless sounds.
(a) Voiceless sounds are made
looked -look/t/ by pushing air through
clapped - c lap /t/ your mouth; no sound
missed -miss/t/ comes from your throat.
watched -watch/t/ Examples of voiceless
finished - finish/t/ sounds: “k,” “p,” “s," “ch,”
laughed -laugh/t/ “sh," “f.”
Final -ed is pronounced /d/
after voiced sounds.
(b) Voiced sounds come from
smelled - smell/d/ your throat. If you touch
saved - save/d/ your neck when you make
cleaned - clean/d/ a voiced sound, you can
robbed - rob/d/ feel your voice box vibrate.
played - play/d/ Examples of voiced sounds:
“l," “v,” “n,” “b,” and all
vowel sounds.
Final -ed is pronounced /əd/
after “t” and “d” sounds.
(c) The sound /əd / adds a
decided - decide/əd/ whole syllable to a word.
needed - need/əd/ compare:
wanted - want/əd/
looked = one syllable -
invited - invite/əd/
smelled = one syllable -
needed = two syllables -
Exercise 23, p. 28
/Əd/ /d/ /t/
accepted believed chased
needed complained fixed
requested died missed
played pushed
rained thanked
worried worked
Exercise 24 (page 28)

.Practice pronouncing the - e d endings

surfed the internet __ __ washed clothes __combed my hair
translated some words __ typed an email __ brushed my teeth __
added some numbers __ worked on a computer __ cooked breakfast __
cleaned my room __ exercised __ waited for a bus __
listened to music __ talked on the phone __ walked to school __
.Exercise 25, p. 28

1. Rita stood under a tree when it began to rain.

2. Rita was standing under a tree when it began
to rain.
Simple Past
Past progressive

Refer to your book page 29

Exercise 26. Let’s talk. (page 29)

Choose the question or statement you would expect the speaker to say.
Discuss your answers. Work in pairs, in small groups, or as a class.

1. When I went to bed late last night, I noticed

that the light was on in your bedroom,
a. Were you reading? b. Did you read?
2. Jane’s cousin was at the party last night.
a. Were you meeting him? b. Did you meet him?

1. a 2.b
Cont…Exercise 26. Let’s talk. (page 29)

3. A small airplane flew over our house several

times last night.
a. We were sitting out on the patio, and it made us
b. We sat out on the patio, and it made us nervous.
4. I’m not sure if I met Carol Jones at the party last
night. Describe her for me.
a. What was she wearing? b. What did she wear?
3. a 4. b
Exercise 27, p.30
Complete the sentences. Use the simple past or the past progressive of the verbs in parentheses

2. I (call) ____ Roger at nine last night, but he (be,

not) ________at home. He (study) ________ at the
3. I (hear, not) _______ the thunder during the storm
last night because I (sleep) ________ .
4. It was beautiful yesterday when we went for a
walk in the park. The sun (shine) _______ . A cool
breeze (blow) ______ .The birds (sing)_______.
2. called . . . wasn’t . . . was studying 3. didn’t hear . . . was sleeping 4. was shining . . . was blowing . . . were singing
Cont…Exercise 27, p.30
5. My brother and sister (argue) _____ about
something when I (walk) _____ into the room.
6. I got a package in the mail. When I (open)
_______ it, I (find) ______ a surprise.
7. While Mrs. Emerson (read) ____ the little boy
a story, he (fall) _____ asleep, so she (close)
____ the book and quietly (sneak) _____ out of
the room.
5. were arguing . . . walked 6. opened . . . found 7. was reading . . . fell .. . closed . . . sneaked/snuck
Cont…Exercise 27, p.30
8. A: (you, hear) _______ what the teacher just
B: No, I {listen, not) ______ . I (think) ______
about something else.
9. I really enjoyed my last vacation. While it
(snow) ______ in Iowa, the sun (shine) ______in
Florida. While you (shovel) ______ snow in Iowa
all last week, I (lie) _____on a beach in Florida.
8. A: Did you hear B: wasn’t listening . . . was thinking 9. was snowing . . . was shining . . . were shoveling . . .was lying
Exercise 28 (page 31 )

Complete the sentences with the given verbs and the words in parentheses. Use the simple past or the past progressive.

1. call, wait
A: Why weren’t you at the meeting?
B: I ______ for an overseas call from my family.
A: (they)__________________________?
B: Yes. It was wonderful to hear from them.
2. break, cross, slip
A: How (you) ______your arm?
B: I _____on the ice while
I _____ the street in front of the dorm.
1. A: was waiting B: Did they call 2. A: did you break B: slipped . . . was crossing
Cont…Exercise 28 (page 31 )

3. find, look, park

A: You’re late again! You were supposed to be here ten minutes ago. Where were
B: I _______ for a place to park.
A: (you) ______ one?
B: Well, yes and no. I _______ my car illegally.
4. ask, decide, look, see, work
A: How did it go? (you)_____ the manager for a raise when you _____ her
B: No, she ___ on a big presentation for next week. She_______ pretty busy. I
_________ to wait until later.

3. B: was looking A: Did you find B: parked 4. A: Did you ask . . . saw B: was working . . . looked . . decide
Cont…Exercise 28 (page 31 )

5. drive, get, happen, keep, pay, see

A: I had a bad day yesterday.
B: Oh? What _____
A: I ______ a traffic ticket.
B: Really? That’s too bad. What was it for?
A: For running a red light. I _______ home and
(not) _______ attention to the road. I (not)
____the red light and just _____ driving.
5. B: happened A: got. . . was driving . . . wasn’t paying . . . didn’t see . . . kept
Exercise 33. (page 33)

Check ( / ) the sentences that are correct. What do you notice about the use of
always with verb tenses in these sentences?
1. __ Nadia is always talking on the phone when I’m trying to
2. __ Frank always studies in the library after school.
3. __ My friends always do their homework together.
4. __ Our math teacher is always giving us surprise quizzes.

All the sentences are correct. Always can also be used with the present progressive.
Using Progressive Verbs with Always
Refer to your book page 33
Exercise 36. Warm-up. (page 33)

Read the two short dialogues. What do you notice about the word order?
How is the focus different?

1. A: What was Hans doing when you arrived?

B: He was reading a book in bed.
2. A: Where was Hans when you arrived?
B: He was in bed reading a book.

In A, the focus is on the activity. In B, the focus is on the place.

Using Expressions of Place with
Progressive Verbs
Refer to Your Book page 33
Exercise 37, p. 34
Use the given verbs and expressions of place to complete the dialogues. Use usual word order if the focus is on an activity in progress. If the focus is on the person’s location, put the expression of place between
be and the -ing verb.

3. watch TV\ in his bedroom

A: Where was Jim when you got home?
B: He was ________________________________
4. watch TV \ in his bedroom
A: What was Jim doing when you got home?
B: He was _________________________________
5. take a nap \ on the couch in the living room
A: What’s Kurt doing?
B: He’s _____________________________________
3. in his bedroom watching TV. 4. watching TV in his bedroom. 5. taking a nap on the couch in the living room.
Exercise 37, p. 34
6. take a nap \ on the couch in the living room
A: Where’s Kurt?
B: He’s _______________________
7. attend a conference \ in Singapore
A: Where’s Ms. Chang this week?
B: She’s _______________________
6. on the couch in the living room taking a nap. 7. attending a conference in Singapore.
Exercise 38, p.35
Correct the errors.

1. Breakfast is an important meal. I’m

always eating breakfast.
2. While I was working in my office
yesterday, my cousin stops by to visit
1. Breakfast is an important meal. I always eat breakfast.
2. While I was working in my office yesterday, my cousin stopped by to visit me.
Exercise 38, p.35
3. Yuki staied home because she
catched a bad cold.
4. My brother is looks like our father,
but I am resembling my mother.

3. Yuki stayed home because she caught a bad cold.

4. My brother looks like our father, but I resemble my mother.
5. Jun, are you listen to me? I am talk
to you!
6. While I was surfing the internet
yesterday, I was finding a really
interesting Web site.
5. Jun, are you listening to me? I am talking to you!
6. While I was surfing the internet yesterday, I found a really interesting Web site.
7. Did you spoke English before you were come
8. Yesterday, while I was working at my
computer, Shelley was suddenly coming into the
room. I wasn’t knowing she was there. I was
concentrate hard on my work. When she
suddenly speak, I am jump. She startle me.
7. Did you speak English before you came here?
8. Yesterday, while I was working at my computer, Shelley suddenly came into the room. I didn’t know she was there. I was
concentrating hard on my work. When she suddenly spoke, I jumped. She startled me.

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