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Homeroom Guidance Module Grade 12

DPE 105 Task Sheet Learn how to cope with Peer Pressure
Guidance & Counseling with SPEd Title of the Topic
1st Term Year 2022
Section 2 Learning Objectives:
Submitted by:
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
Group 3 1.Define the word peer, pressure and peer pressure
Baylosis, Jinky C. 2.Discuss the difference between positive and
Degamo, Jesus I. negative peer pressure
Diamante, Carl Jay P. 3.Know the cause and effect of peer pressure and
Diaz, Genelyn D. how to handle it
Ditan, Miro S.
Franco, Gesetzstelle L.
4.Use strategies to cope with peer pressure
Gayas, Priscilla B. Suggested Total Time Allotment: 45 Minutes
Matias, Maria Geline C.  
Materials Needed:
Submitted to:
Computer/Laptop/Cellphone with internet
Dr. Catherine Ross D. Degula, LPT, RPm, RGC access
Instructor Notebook / Clean Sheet of Paper
Coping Peer Pressure Strategies Handout
Hence, learning how to cope with pressure is greatly needed
Introduction: 5 Minutes nowadays, especially during this time of pandemic. You need to
assess who you have been with, people that surrounds you and how
In this module, peer pressure is being highlighted. In your day they influence your life. It will show you then how you present and
and age there is a constant change in family, school, protect yourself. (Bradley, Cohen, Prinstein M. 2015)
environment and community. You have to be mindful on your
strength and weaknesses as it plays a vital role in acquiring
personal safety skill. The difference between positive and negative peer pressure
In general, teenagers spend more time with peers. Peer pressure Positive Peer Pressure Negative Peer Pressure
is described to have a positive and negative impact on
individuals and even without effect to a person because peer Pushing a friend to study Drinking alcohol while
pressure is continuous learning (Gulati, 2017) harder so they can get underage
Peer - Peer is a person who is the same age or has the same
better grades
social position or the same abilities as other people in the group Influence a good behavior Smoking that lead to
Pressure - is the use of persuasion, influence t make someone addiction
do something
Peer Pressure - a feeling that one must do the same things as Saving money / Experimenting with drugs
other people of one's age and social group encouraging friends to do
Negative Peer Pressure usually involves influence that sways the same
people toward risky activity such as criminal behavior,
Disapproving of bigoted Being encouraged to fight
underage drinking, drug use, and an overall unhealthy lifestyle.
jokes or gossiping someone
Positive Peer Pressure is when someone's peers encourage them
to do something positive or push them to grow in a beneficial Discouraging illegal or Skipping school
way.  risky behavior, like under-
age drinking or smoking.
Peer pressure is often seen during the Signs that you are experiencing peer
adolescence stage of teenagers because they pressure include;
often seek comfort among their peers and
intend to do what their peers do without
knowing if it is good or bad for them.  Avoiding school or other social situations
Adolescence is a period of an individual that  Being very image-conscious1
is transitory when a child reaches the point of
changing its childhood to adulthood (Adeniyi  Changes in behavior
& Kolawole, 2015).
 Expressing feeling like they don't fit in
You give in to peer pressure because you
wanted to be liked or for you to fit in. Or you  Low moods2
just go along. In some point, it can decrease  Making social comparisons
self-confidence and lead to poor academic
performance, distancing from family  Trouble sleeping
members and friends, or an increase in
depression and anxiety.  Trying out new hair or clothing styles
Structured Learning Activity: 20 Minutes

Great Escapes Just like you study for a test or practice before a
game, it’s a good idea to prepare for the
Objective: challenges of peer
Students will: One of the best things you can do is to come up
with a few “great escapes” - responses you can
• develop verbal responses to use in
have ready to use if you ever find yourself in a
negative peer pressure situation
sticky situation.
• practice refusal skills to cope with peer   
pressure. And guess what? They don’t necessarily have to
be true – they just have to get you out of an
uncomfortable situation safely.
For each scenario on the “Great Escapes”
handout, come up with three responses that make
 Computer/Laptop/Cellphone with it clear you’re not participating.
internet access
 Great Escapes Handout, pen or pencil
Guide/Process Assessment: 15 Minutes Application of the Lesson
Affective Assessment is a measurement of a student’s 1. A friend of yours has started smoking. He wants you to
attitude, interest, and values. try it out too. How will you act in such a situation? Will
  you try it out, or explain to him as to why he should not be
1. How does the activity make you feel? doing it?
2. Is this lesson important to you in what way?
3. What experiences have you had in the past that you can 2. All your friends are going for a late-night movie. One of
relate towards the topic? your friends will not be able to come, as his parents are not
  permitting him. What will you do in such a situation?
Cognitive Assessment is used to determine an individual’s
general thinking and reasoning abilities. 3. A friend of yours has failed in an examination because he
  never liked the subject. He insists on quitting, as he is very
4. Do you agree that there are 2 types of peer pressure disheartened. How will you tackle this situation?
(Negative and Positive)?
5. Do you find yourself having difficulties with going along Evaluation – TILT stands for Today I Learned To
with your peers?
6. What might happen if you always want to fit in all
To conclude the lesson and topic “Learn how to
  Cope with Peer Pressure”.
Experience of the Activity Write an essay about what you have learned today. 1
  paragraph with 5 sentences.
7. What did you learn that will help you act reasonably and
effectively in your life?
8. Rate the activity experience.
9. Describe the activity in one word.

1. Brown B. Bradford. Adolescents’ 4. Chen, X. and Chang, L. (2003). Effects

Relationships with Peers. In: Lerner Richard of the peer group on the development of
M., Laurence Steinberg., editors. Handbook of social functioning and academic
Adolescent Psychology. Wiley; New York: achievement: a longitudinal study in
2004. pp. 363–394. [Google Scholar] [Ref list] Chinese children. Child
2. Mattessich, M. & Hosley, R. (2004). Family Development, 79(2), 235-251.
and relationships count. Berkeley Heights: 5. Kindermann T. (1993). Natural peer
Enslow Publishers groups as contexts for individual
development: The case of children’s
3. Chen, J.(2008). Grade-level differences: motivation in school. Developmental
relations of parental, teacher, and peer support Psychology 29, 970–977
to academic engagement and achievement Lerner R.M., Freund A.M., De Stefanis I.,
among hong Kong students. School Habermas T. (2001).
Psychology International. 6. Understanding developmental regulation
in adolescence: The use of the selection,
optimization, and compensation model.
Human Development 44, 29–50

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