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2ND Report
Kristamia B. Palangyos
 The positivist school opposed the classical school’s understanding of crime. All people are
different, and thus vary in their understanding of right and wrong; this needed to be a
barometer for punishment. The person and not the crime should be punished.
 Cesare Lombroso was the founder of the Italian school of positivist criminology, which argued
that a criminal mind was inherited and could be identified by physical features and defects.
 As used in this presentation, the traditional Chicago School of Criminology refers to work
conducted by faculty and students at the University of Chicago that utilized a macro-sociological
theory called “social disorganization” to understand why crime and delinquency rates are higher in
some neighborhoods than others.
 Hundreds of books and articles have focused upon the history of the Department of Sociology at
the University of Chicago and the major role it played during the late 19th and early 20th centuries
in shaping the general theoretical and analytic foundation of a then-fledgling discipline. In addition,
the department’s influence still can be detected easily in much contemporary criminological
research. This work actually subsumed a wide variety of conceptual and methodological
orientations, and references to a single “Chicago School” of thought overly simplify the rich
intellectual diversity of the department at that time. However, the insights generated in the area of
urban sociology played an especially critical role in the development of American criminology.
 The Chicago School of Criminology is identified with neighborhood
studies of crime and delinquency that focus particularly on the
spatial patterns of such behavior, especially as reflected in maps of
their spatial distributions. However, such a characterization is at best
a caricature of the rich insights that were fostered by the intellectual
context of the University of Chicago that shaped the orientation of
these early criminologists.

Considered the father of criminal law and

modern criminal justice, Beccaria studied
mathematics and economics before
turning to law. His most famous work, On
Crimes and Punishment, was the first
1. Cesare Beccaria
published argument against the death
penalty. Beccaria advocated that the
certainty of punishment worked better as a
deterrent than the severity of the
IMPORTANT  2.Jeremy Bentham

CONTRIBUT  An English philosopher, Bentham’s work ranged from

economics and advocating animal rights, to social
ORS IN THE reform and the founding of welfarism. He had an
influence in reforming schools, prisons, courts, and

FIELD OF England’s Poor Laws, and attempted to codify common

law into statutes. In line with his opinions on
transparency, Bentham’s body was preserved upon his
CRIMINOLO death, and his auto-icon is publicly displayed at
University College London.
IMPORTANT  3.Cesare Lombroso

 Bringing the term born criminal into existence,
Lombroso argued that criminality was inherent,
and could be identified through physical
ORS IN THE characteristics, suggesting criminals were
evolutionary regressions. Lombroso would

FIELD OF categorize criminals into four distinctions:

Criminaloids; Criminals by Passion; Born
Criminals; Occasional Criminals; and by
CRIMINOLO collecting anthropological data, such as
physiological measurements, would create a

GY methodology for predicting criminal behaviour.

 4.Alexandre Lacassagne
 Creating the Lacassagne School of
Criminology in Lyon, France, Alexandre
IMPORTANT Lacassagne was a contemporary and rival of
Lombroso, who came to crime and
CONTRIBUTOR psychology through his work as a physician. It
S IN THE was his belief that criminality was influenced
FIELD OF more by social factors, than hereditary ones;
he would determine his own categories
CRIMINOLOGY concerning criminality: thought; act; and
instinctual. His partial emphasis on
phrenology meant his contributions were
overlooked for some time.
CONTRIBU  5. Enrico Ferri

TORS IN  This time, a student of Lombroso: Enrico Ferri was a radical

socialist, whose most famous work, Criminal Sociology, influenced
Argentina’s 1921 penal code reforms. He advocated making
THE FIELD changes to economics and the social factors that contribute to
criminal behaviour, stating that it is better to prevent crime than

punish it.

 6. Hans Eysenck
 As an opponent of Nazism, Eysenck fled from
Berlin to England as a young man. As a
IMPORTANT psychology professor, his primary field of
CONTRIBUTOR study considered the genetic factors that
S IN THE influence personality. His investigation into
psychoticism gave rise to his interest in
FIELD OF criminology. With the help of his wife, Sybil,
CRIMINOLOGY Eysenck produced a book on crime and
personality, and developed theories on
behavioural therapy and the relation between
personality and intelligence.
 7. Robert D. Hare
 Author of notable criminology books Psychopathy:
Theory and Research and Without Conscience: The IMPORTANT
Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us,
Hare is a Canadian researcher in the field of criminal
psychology. His work looks at psychopathology and S IN THE
psychophysiology, and, from his research into the FIELD OF
qualities of a psychopath, concluded that it may not
be possible to identify murderers. Hare’s 20-item CRIMINOLOGY
checklist is still considered the most reliable metric
for measuring psychopathy.
T  8. Jane Addams

CONTRIBU  Only the second female recipient of the

Nobel Peace Prize, Adams eschewed her

privileged upbringing and traditional
womanly duties to study how society and
poverty influence crime. Known as the

THE FIELD “mother of social work” Addams was an

activist and lecturer in these subjects,
encouraging their study and helping to
OF establish the US settlement house movement
in 1889, with the aim of to combatting crime

through economic security.

 9.Edwin Sutherland
 One of the most influential criminologists of
IMPORTANT the 20th Century, Edwin Sutherland authored
Principles of Criminology, a popular textbook.
CONTRIBUTOR It is from Sutherland we have the term white-
S IN THE collar criminal, and he gave rise to the belief
FIELD OF that delinquency likely resulted from learned
behaviour. He observed that criminal
CRIMINOLOGY behaviour stems from criminal associations,
and suggested social disorganization and
conflict are major contributors to crime.
 William Julius
 A prominent socialist and Harvard alumnus, Julius
studied urban sociology, with particular focus given IMPORTANT
to those factors – especially urban poverty – that
contribute to crime. Much of his work revolves
around racial factors, such as how poverty among S IN THE
black communities influences different crime rates, FIELD OF
with discrimination, education, housing, and
employment being taken into consideration. His CRIMINOLOGY
works The Truly Disadvantaged and The Declining
Significance of Race examine this at greater length.
derived from the Latin root word “Crimen” which means offense and “logos” or “logia” which means to study.

It is a body of knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon, it includes within its three (3 scopes: the making of laws, the breaking of
laws and the reaction of society towards the breaking of laws. (Edwin Sutherland and Donald Cressey, 1934)

Criminology as refers to the scientific study of crimes, criminals, and victims, it also deals with the prevention, and solution of crime

It was introduced by Raffaele Garofalo in 1885 which in Italian is Criminologia.

It was introduced by Paul Topinard in 1887 which in French is Criminologie.

 Criminalistics can be defined as the application of
scientific methods to the recognition, collection,
CRIMINALI identification, and comparison of physical evidence
generated by criminal or illegal civil activity. It also
STICS involves the reconstruction of such events by
evaluation of the physical evidence and the crime

Criminalists have expertise in the forensic Criminologists study the “who, what, when,
science discipline known as criminalistics. where and why” of criminal behavior and crime.
Physical evidence is their domain; crime scenes They conduct research and use statistical
and laboratories their workplace. They identify, analyses to identify criminal behavior patterns
document, collect, test, analyze and preserve all that law enforcement can use to improve
physical evidence pertaining to a crime scene. apprehension rates. Other aspects of their
These forensic scientists then interpret their research centers on understanding society's
findings to reconstruct the crime – what perception of various criminal acts, the
happened before, during and after – and punishments imposed and ways to prevent
establish a correlation with suspects. them.

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