Islamic Worldview

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Merits & benefits of Worldview

① Providing a consistent and comprehensive explanation of the order of creation, reality,

universe, life, and human experience.
② It gives meanings to human life by supporting justifying what they do and achieve.
③ It motivates people to accomplish their actions, plans and establish a deep relationship
with things around them.
④ It shapes the values of human thought, actions, and attitudes.
⑤ It helps the process of adaptation and adjustment to face the reality of life.
⑥ It strengthen human interaction and recognition by providing common ground for a
common understanding
⑦ Integrating - organizing and systematizing perceptions of reality into an overall design
⑧ Promoting commitment and responsibility among people and make them conscious of
their duty towards themselves and their societies.
My Worldview
Western Definitions
The Big Relations
“The Islamic views on the issues of
universe, creator, prophet-hood,
society, man, and hereafter. The
collective frame of reference derived
from the revelation through
exercising our intellectual efforts. This
frame of reference provide us with
correct and consistent answers to the
ultimate questions pertinent to the
issues of God, unseen, man, universe,
and life”. (Naqib al-Atas)
“A ‘worldview’ IS NOT merely the mind’s view of the

physical world and of man’s historical, social, political and
cultural involvement in it as reflected, …the worldview of
Islam IS NOT based upon philosophical speculation
formulated mainly from observation of the data of sensible
experience, of what is visible to the eye; NOR is it restricted
to kawn, which is the world of sensible experience, the
world of created things. If such expressions are now in use
in Arabic in contemporary Muslim thought, it only
demonstrates that we are already being unduly influenced by
the modern, secular Western scientific conception of the
world that is restricted to the world of sense and sensible
experience. Islam does not concede to the dichotomy of the
sacred and the profane; the worldview of Islam encompasses
both al-dunya and al-akhirah, in which the dunya-aspect
must be related in a profound and inseparable way to the
akhirah-aspect, and in which the akhirah-aspect has ultimate
and final significance”

Source: Naqib al Atas: Islamic philosophy: an introduction

The Scope of Human Relations
Prophetic Illustration: Establishing Devine Order |Boarding on The Ship

Narrated An-Nu`man bin Bashir:

The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, "The example of the person abiding by
Allah's orders and limits (or the one who abides by the limits
and regulations prescribed by Allah) in comparison to the one
who do wrong and violate Allah's limits and orders is like the
example of people drawing lots for seats in a boat. Some of
them got seats in the upper part while the others in the lower
part ; those in the, lower part have to pass by those in the upper
one to get water, and that troubled the latter. One of them (i.e.
the people in the lower part) took an axe and started making a
hole in the bottom of the boat. The people of the upper part
came and asked him, (saying), 'What is wrong with you?' He
replied, "You have been troubled much by my (coming up to
you), and I have to get water.' Now if they prevent him from
doing that they will save him and themselves, but if they leave
him (to do what he wants), they will destroy him and
themselves.” (Bukhari)
Origin of Man
The Big Story of Human:
• Being endowed by the ability to understand the life through a simple

Worldview sets of ideas id the form of a worldview is one of the bounties Allah
has bestowed on human beings. Without being capable to capture

Bless the whole picture of life, man will face enormous problems to
survive and complete his mission on earth. 

All Names • According to the Qur’an, The first man (Adam) sent down to the
earth was thought “all the names” or “al Asma’ Kullaha” which

carry the abstract images of things created around him.
• The original worldview or perception of the creator, human being,

the world is pure monotheistic by nature (Tawhid).
• Different worldviews existed and made by a human being which
stand in different position of Tawhid are to be considered
deviations from the original revelation-based worldview.
Contrasting THE ISLAMIC western worldview

Islamic w. Western w.
Divine (Allah centered) Human Experience (human centered)
One belief system (monotheism) Multiple ideologies/ beliefs (pluralism)
Absolute and perfect Relative & imperfect
Permanent Ever-changing
Clear & simple Complicated & unclear
True and it will remain False and it will collapse
Compatible with sound human nature Can / cannot be compatible with human nature

Protective (peace and justice) Harmful (creating and promoting conflicts)

Man: A Khalifah
• QUR’AN: “Remember (when) your Lord said to the angels:31 “I am setting on the
earth a vicegerent.” The angels asked: “will you set therein one who will cause
disorder and corruption on it and shed blood, while we glorify You with Your
praise (proclaiming that You are absolutely free from any defect and that all praise
belongs to You exclusively,) and declare that You alone are all-holy and to be
worshipped as God and Lord?” He said: “surely I know what you do not know.”
(QUR’AN, 2, 30)
• QUOTATION“As a term, khilafah or vicegerency denotes improving the earth, on
(vicegerent) the basis of knowledge of things and the laws of creation (which we wrongly call
the “laws of nature”), and ruling on the earth according to the dictates of God, thus
establishing justice. Carrying out this duty requires scientific knowledge and
Source: Ali Unal, The Qur’an with annotated Interpretation with Modern English (p. 76)
ILM (Knowledge)
• QUR’AN“Having brought him into existence,) God taught Adam the names, all of them.32
Then (in order to clarify the supremacy of humankind and the wisdom in their being created
and made vicegerent on the earth), He presented them (the things and beings, whose names had
‘ILM been taught to Adam, with their names) to the angels, and said, “Now tell Me the names of
Gifted these, if you are truthful (in your praising, worshipping, and sanctifying Me as My being God
Knowledge and Lord deserves)” (Q, 2: 31).
• QUOTATION: “The knowledge of things was given to Adam in summarized form and then,
during the course of history, was taught to the Messengers in relative detail according to the
mission of each. That is why the Messengers became also the forerunners of scientific
knowledge and progress, in addition to their being guides in spirituality and morality. The
Qur’ān, which consummates all the previous scriptures, sheds light on future scientific studies
and discoveries, and indicates their final point of advancement in its narrations of the miracles
of the Messengers”.
Source: Ali Unal, The Qur’an with annotated Interpretation with Modern English (p. 76)

Iblis (Satan)
Arena of Trial
“And (remember) when we said to the angels: “Prostrate before
Adam!” They all prostrated, but Iblis did not; he refused, and grew
Ends (Results) arrogant, and dis- played himself as an unbeliever) (Q, 2, 34).
“O Adam! dwell you, and your spouse, in the Garden, and eat (of the
fruits) thereof to your hearts’ content where you desire, but do not
approach this tree,38 or you will both be among the wrongdoers. (Q, 2,
“But satan40 (tempting them to the forbidden tree despite our
forewarning,) caused them both to deflect therefrom and brought them
out of the (happy) state in which they were. And we said, “Go down, all
of you, (and henceforth you will live a life,) some of you being the
enemies of others. There shall be for you on the earth a habitation and
provision until an appointed time.(Q, 2: 36)
QUR’AN “(Aware of his lapse and in the hope
of retrieving his error, rather than attempting
to find excuses for it,) Adam received from his
Restore Lord words that he perceived to be inspired in
& Making him (because of his remorse, and he pleaded
Amendment of through them for God’s forgiveness). In return,
He accepted his repentance. He is the one who
Our actions
accepts repentance and returns it with liberal
forgiveness and additional reward, the All-
Compassionate (especially towards His
believing servants)” (Q, 2: 37).
When divine guidance
Al-huda is followed • QUR’AN “we said: “Go down, all of you, from there!” (and executed our order).
If, henceforth, a guidance (like a Book through a Messenger) comes to you from
Me, and whoever follows My guidance (and turns to Me with faith and worship),
they will have no fear (for they will always find My help and support with them),
nor will they grieve.” (2: 38).
• QUR’AN “But those who disbelieve and deny our signs (the verses of the
revealed Book of guidance, as well as the signs in both their inner world and the
outer world establishing My existence and unity and other pillars of faith), they
will be the companions of the Fire; they will abide therein” (2: 39).
When divine guidance
Al-huda is NOT followed
For Your Life
Read the whole Surah al-Baqarah and Reflect | Pounder | the
story of Man and the meaning of life.

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