Blended Words

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Blended Words

are words made up of small words

combined as one.
Here is a list of common blended words that we
often used.

blow + spurt = blurt

smoke + fog = smog
emotion + icon = emoticon
pain + sting = pang
forty + night = fortnight
of + the + clock = o’clock
Here is a list of common blended words that we
often used.

sweep + wipe = swipe

telephone + marathon = telethon
flame + glare = flare
twist + fiddle = twiddle
internal + communication = intercom
huge + monstrous = humongous
Answer letter B.

Example: smoke + fog = smog

Choose your answer in letter A.

Answer letter C.

1. The woman was so angry that she blurt out bad
words. (blow + spurt)

Choose your answer in letter A.

Sound devices or Figures of Speech:
 Onomatopoeia – is the use of words that name the
He always slurps his soup.

What sound did you make when you slurp your soup?

The name of that sound is called Onomatopoeia.

Answer letter A.
Write the words that name the sounds.

1. honk
Sound devices or Figures of Speech:
 Alliteration – is the repetition of the same
beginning consonant sound of several words in a
She sells shells at the seashore.

What letter is being repeated?

Answer letter B.

healthy hairy horses

pretty pink pen
Sound devices or Figures of Speech:
 Assonance – is the repetition of the vowel sounds
in several words in a line to increase feelings.
The baker bakes a cake.

What vowel sound is being repeated?

Answer letter C.

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