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CE Department

Self Introduction
Rafia Akter
Academic Qualification
M.Phil Program (ongoing), University of Dhaka

M.S.S in Sociology, University of Dhaka (Thesis)

B.S.S in Sociology, University of Dhaka
Course outline
O Nature, scope and perspectives of sociology;

O Techniques of social research and research methods;

O Culture and civilization;

O Socialization and personality development;

O Globalization;

O Media and individual;

O Social organization and social problem;

O Social stratification;

O Industrial revolution,

O Capitalism and socialism;

O Work and economic life;

O Environment and human activities;

O Climate change and global risk;

O Population and human society

Course Evaluation

Class Test (CT) = 20%

Mid term = 15%
Class observation (cl obsn) = 05%
Term end final exam( TEFE) = 60%
Total = 100%
O Globalization, according to sociologists, is an
ongoing process that involves interconnected
changes in the economic, cultural, social, and
political spheres of society.

O As a process, it involves the ever-increasing

integration of these aspects between nations,
regions, communities, and even seemingly isolated
Factors Contributing to Globalization

O Information and Communication

Information flows
O Economic Factors
Transnational corporation
Electronic economy
O Political changes
Information and Communication
O Cable Technology

O Development of fibre-optic cables

O Satellite (1960s)

O Facilitate the compression of time and space

O Global society

O Global assistance
Economic factors
Transnational corporations
O Weightless Economy

O Consumer based economy

O Flexible organizational pattern

O Global market

O Global commodity chain

Global Commodity Chains
O Global citizen
O Most profitable toy in the
O Designed in USA
O It begins her life in Saudi
Arabia for ethylene
O She gets hair from japan,
dress from China
Political Globalization
O  Democratization of the world,

O creation of the global civil society,

O and moving beyond the centrality of the 

O The creation and existence of the United Nations

 has been called one of the classic examples of

political globalization
O the emergence of the concept of global governance.

O European Union

stands out as the world's most ambitious attempt to

integrate sovereign states into a united political
body. As the EU evolved from a free trade zone into
a political union, member states have moved up
parts of the decision making process to a supra-
national level, eroding national sovereignty
Culture and Civilization
Culture is a unique possession of man.

Man is a cultural being

“Culture is the complex whole that consists of

all the ways we think and do and everything we
have as members of society”
Rebert Bierstedt
Characteristics of Culture
1. Culture is learnt
2. Culture is social
3. Culture is shared
4. Culture is transmissive
5. Culture is continuous
6. Culture is dynamic and adaptive
7. Culture varies from society to society
Elements of Culture

Cognitive element


Values and norms

Components of Culture
Civilization is a complex and evolved form of
Gillin and Gillin
Civilization refer to those devices and
instruments by which nature is controlled
Definition of Socialization

Man is not born social

“Socialization is the process by which the
individual learns to conform to the norms of the
W.F Ogburn
The Process of Socialization

Socialization is a continuous process


Development of the “self”

Types of Socialization

1. Primary socialization

2. Anticipatory Socialization

3. Developmental Socialization

4. Re socialization
Agent of Socialization
O Family and parents

O Peers group

O Educational institutions

O Mass media communication

O Religion
C.H Cooley’s Looking-Glass Self”

“Self” represents one’s personality

Cooley coined two primary propositions:
1. The mind is social

2. Society is mental
Self and society are twin-born
Our ideas, loyalties, attitudes and points of view
are derived from others. These are viewed as the
“looking-glass self”

Three main element:

1. Our appearance to the other person
2. People’s judgment of that appearance

3. Self feeling such as- pride and mortification

Thank You
That’s all

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