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Name: Tejeswani
Class: 9th  C
Admission no. : 4255
     Disaster management can be defined as the organization of resources and responsibilities for
dealing with all humanitarian aspects for emergencies, in particular preparedness, response and
recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters. 
• Disaster management include:
1. Types of disaster
2. Disaster prevention
3. Disaster preparedness
4. Disaster relief
5. Disaster recovery
• What is disaster?
     A disaster is a destructive event that occurs suddenly and involves loss of life and property. 
1. Types of disaster
(i) Natural Disaster
(ii) Man-made Disaster

(i) Flood ( natural disaster )

          A flood is a overflow of a large amounts of
water beyond its normal limits, especially over what is
normally dry land.

How flood causes: It caused by cloud bursting, bursting

of dams, or tsunamis. Any flood is preceded by a
threat period known as the probability period.

Protection against flood: Shut off electrical wires and

switches, furnance, gas, and water and disconnect
applications if safe. Move to a higher place. Raise
large appliances up on wood or cement blocks. Stay
calm and listen for evacuation, boil water or other
advisories from authorities.

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(ii) Earthquake  (natural disaster)

An earthquake is a sudden tremor or movement of the earth's crust, which usually orginates at or
below earth's crust.

Protection against earthquake: Drop down onto your hands and knees before the earthquake knocks
you down. Cover your head and neck underneath a sturdy table or desk. Hold on to your shelter until
the shaking stops. If you get an alert early of earthquake so move to the safer place with all
necessary items. Or get ready for the pandemic with all necessary needs.

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A drought is a period below- average precipitation in a given region, resulting
in prolonged shortages in its water supply, whether atmospheric, surfaces
(iii) Drought  water or ground water.
Causes of droughts: Lack of rainfall, surface water flow, and global warming.
(natural disaster) Protection: Check your well pump periodically. Plant natives, ground covers,
shrubs and trees, or small plants. Install irrigation devices. Use mulch to
retain moisture in the soil.

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1. Biological and Chemical
Disaster (man-made disaster)
     An important type of man-made disaster
is biological disaster. Such disaster are
caused by microorganisms that cause
epidemics. People can control the spreading
of these disaster by ensuring hygenic
conditions and taking preventive measures.
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Chemical disaster is another man-made

disaster. Chemical and radioactive leakages
are also result of human error and result in
for reaching damages.
           Biological Disaster might be caused by epidemics, accidental release of virulent microorganism(s)
or Bioterrorism (BT) with the use of biological agents such as anthrax, smallpox, etc.
         One of the top causes for chemical accidents in the workplace is due to the use of inappropriate
as it leads to equipment malfunctions.

        Protections: (a) People can control the spread of these diseases by ensuring hygenic conditions
and taking preventive measures.
         (b) Clothing reduces the risk of mosquitoes biting if the cloth is sufficiently thick or loosely
         (c) Mats, coils and aerosols have been used extensively for personal protection against


                     PROTECTION SIGNS 

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