Learing Styles JA

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Learning Styles

What are learning styles?
Information enters your brain through three
methods: sight, hearing, and touch. The one
which you use the most is called your
learning style.
Visual Learners learn by sight
Auditory Learners learn by hearing
Tactile Learners (kinesthetic) learn by touch
Visual Learners

Visual learners are better able to retain

information when it’s presented to them in a
graphic depiction, such as arrows, charts,
diagrams, symbols, and more.
Visual learners prefer the use of images, maps,
and graphic organizers to access and understand
new information.
Auditory Learners

Auditory learners best understand new

content through listening and speaking in
situations such as lectures and group
Aural learners use repetition as a study
technique and benefit from the use of
mnemonic devices.
Tactile or Kinesthetic Learners

Students who are kinesthetic learners best understand

information through tactile representations of
These students are hands-on learners and learn best
through figuring things out by hand (i.e. understanding
how a clock works by putting one together).
Reading & Writing

Students with a strong reading/writing preference

learn best through words.
These students may present themselves as
copious note takers or avid readers, and are able to
translate abstract concepts into words and essays.
Other Types of Learning

1. Logical/analytical learners: You prefer

using logic, reasoning and systems.
2. Social (interpersonal): You prefer to learn
in groups or with other people.
3. Solitary (intrapersonal): You prefer to work
alone and use self-study.
4. Nature learners: You prefer to learn when
in contact with nature.
Learning Styles and Teaching
Remember to use a variety of learning
modalities when planning lessons.

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