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Topic/Content Topic thoroughly
covered in an
interesting and
creative manner.
Made excellent
persuasive statement.
Product Effectively showed
desired action during
and at end of
advocacy video
Basic Camera Skills Footage steady and in
focus; no headroom
or alignment errors
Shots Creative shots used
for a purpose: basic
sequence, matching
action, over the
shoulder, plus a
variety of distances
and angles
Editing Shots left in serve a
purpose; transitions
and special effects
used when necessary
Effective use of time Class time used
effectively to create a
successful project
Sound Effective use of
sound, music, sound
effects audio.
Voice levels are
consistent, and
Time 45 seconds – 1
Treatment/Script Script showed
effective use of Pre-
Production planning.
Storyboard Storyboard is
thorough and
descriptive. Well

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