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Ms. Roselyn G. Dardo
1.Gain knowledge and understanding of the
function and importance of TOS in
making test questions.
2. Be familiar with the procedure in
developing a table of specification.
3. Develop a Table of Specification based
on the competencies.
1. Group yourselves into 5.
2. Listen to the following statement and decide as
a group if it is TRUE or FALSE.
3. Write your answer on a metacard.
a. A TOS is for students?
b. A teacher may/may not construct TOS after
preparing test questions?
c.TOS is important for PTA’s?
d. TOS is used as guide in making test question?
e. TOS is used in the formulation of the summative test?
1. Which should be done first? TOS or Test

2. What do you think TOS is for?

3. What is the importance of making TOS?

4. What learning have you gained ?


• A chart that gives a summary of topics
to be tested and the amount of weight that
is carried on in the final grade of the test.
• It is prepared as a basis for test
• It ensures that the table is matched between
what is taught and what is tested.
• Provides the teacher with evidence that
a test has content validity and that it
covers what should be covered.
Guidelines and Tips in Constructing a
Classroom Test
1. Use your test specifications as a guide to
test writing
2. Write more test items than needed.
3. Write the test items well in advance of the
testing date.
4. Write each test item so that the performance
described is the intended outcome.
5. Write each test item so that the task to be
performed is clearly defined.

6. Write each test item at an appropriate

reading level.
7. Write each test item so that it does not provide
help in answering other items in the test.
8. Write each item so the answer is one that
would be agreed upon by experts.
9. Write each test item so that it is at the proper
level of difficulty.
10. Whenever a test item is revised,
recheck its relevance.
Gronlund and Lin (1991) .
Steps in Making Table of Specification (TOS)
Step 1- Identify the number of items

To identity the number of items to formulate in every

competency is based on the number of days discussed

• find the constant (k) using, k= total number of

desired items divided by total number of days
the competencies were taught.
• multiply the constant to the number of days
to get the number of items per competency.
Formula: constant (K) = Total no. of desired items
Total no. of days
= 50 = 2
Competency (No. of days)(k) No. of items

1 5 x 2
2 4
3 5
4 4
5 3
6 4 8
Total 25
Step 2. Identifying the number of item per
level of skills (Blooms Taxonomy
and D.O. 8 s.2015)
In getting the number of items per level of
• Knowledge questions; multiply the number of
items per competency to 0.2;

• Understanding/Comprehension questions;
multiply to 0.2;
• Application questions; multiply to 0.2.

• Analysis questions; multiply the number of

items per competency to 0.15;

• Evaluation questions; multiply to 0.15;

• Synthesis questions; multiply to 0.1.

% Level of Question
Compe- No. of
tency items Knowledge Compre- Application Analysis Evaluation Synthesis
(20%) 20% (20%) (15%) (15%) (10%)

1 10 2 (2) 2 (2) 2 (2) 1.5 (2) 1.5 (1) 1 (1)

2 8 1.6 (2) 1.6 (2) 1.6 (1) 1.2 (1) 1.2 (1) .8 (1)

3 10 2 (2) 2 (2) 2 (2) 1.5 (1) 1.5 (2) 1 (1)

4 8 1.6(2) 1.6 (1) 1.6 ( 2) 1.2 (1) 1.2 (1) .8 (1)

5 6 1.2 (1) 1.2 (1) 1.2 (1) .9 (1) .9 (1) .6 (1)

50 1.610(1) 1.610(2) 1.610(2) 1.2 7(1) 1.2 7(1) .8 6(1)
Step 3. Distribute the number of item/skills
Knowledge Compre- Application Analysis Evaluation Synthesis
Compe- hension

1 1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9 10

2 11,12 13,14 15 16 17 18

3 19,20 21,22 23,24 25 26,27 28

4 29,30 31 32,33 34 35 36

5 37 38 39 40 41 42

6 43 44,45 46,47 48 49 50
Step 4. Distribute the number of item/skills
from easy to difficult questions.
Knowledge Compre- Application Analysis Evaluation Synthesis
Compe- hension

1 1 ,2 11 ,12 21 ,22 31 ,32 38 45

2 3 ,4 13 ,14 23 33 39 46

3 5 ,6 15 ,16 24 ,25 34 40 ,41 47

4 7 ,8 17 26 ,27 35 42 48

5 9 18 28 36 43 49

6 10 19 ,20 29 ,30 37 44 50

Knowledge Compre- Application Analysis Evaluation Synthesis

Compe- hension

1 1 ,2 11 ,12 21 ,22 31 ,32 38 45

2 3 ,4 13 ,14 23 33 39 46

3 5 ,6 15 ,16 24 ,25 34 40 ,41 47

4 7 ,8 17 26 ,27 35 42 48

5 9 18 28 36 43 49

6 10 19 ,20 29 ,30 37 44 50
D. APPLICATION (45 minutes)
1. With a forty (40) items test, construct a table of specification
based on the following:
Competency No of Days No. of
Taught Items
1. Identifies polynomials which are special 4
2. Identifies polynomials with common 2
monomial factors
3. Trinomials that are product of two 3
4. Trinomials that are product of squares of 4
a binomial
5. Products of sum and difference of two 4
6. Special products and factors of certain 3
APPENDIX 1. TOS Worksheet
Table of Specification
Knowledge Compre- Application Analysis Evaluation Synthesis
Compe- hension
REFERENCES assessment +of+specification+blooms
Have a nice day!

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