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Government as an institution of
the state is made up of three
organs. Which organ makes laws?
2. This is a major characteristic of a
government. The government make
a set of agreed rules which guides it
in the administration of the state.
3. Government as an institution of
the state is made up of three organs.
Which organ interprets the law?
4. It is a tool of rooting orderliness
in a state.
5. Name one function of the
6. Name one function of the
7. Name one function of the
8. Government as an institution of
the state is made up of three organs.
Which organ formulates and
implements policies?
9. It is a feature a government
which refers to: No government is
permanent, particularly a
democratic or elective government
which changes through periodic
10. Name one function of the
11. Political scientists have advanced
the four theories to explain the origins
of government as an institution of
state. This theory proposes that the
state evolved over time starting with
the primitive family.
12. Political scientists have advanced
the four theories to explain the origins
of government as an institution of state.
This theory holds that God created the
state and gave certain individuals of
royal birth the divine right to rule.
13. Political scientists have advanced the
four theories to explain the origins of
government as an institution of state.
This theory shows that a specific
population within a given designated
area gave up as much power to a
government as needed to promote the
well-being of all.
14. Political scientists have advanced
the four theories to explain the origins
of government as an institution of
state. This theory proposes that the
state evolved over time starting with
the primitive family.
15. Divine Right Theory is
generally a result of war.
16. In social contract theory, the
community population and the
leader have a contract.
17. In force theory, the state has
power and authority over the territory
while the community receives certain
services such as a safe, crime-free
area in which to live and keep their
rights protected. TRUE/FALSE
18. This is done by high officials of the
government whereby non-existing projects are
financed by the government while non-existing
personnel or pensioners are being paid salaries
& allowances. This practice is rampant in
government agencies involved in formulation
and implementation of programs & projects
particularly in infrastructure and in the granting
of salaries, allowances and pension benefits.
19. This is very rampant, particularly in the
private sector due to the refusal of those
engaged in private businesses to honestly
declare their annual income and to pay the
corresponding taxes to the government.
20. In the construction of infrastructure projects,
contractors have the practice of passing the
work from one contractor to another and in the
process certain percentage of the project value
is retained by each contractor and sub-
contractors resulting to the use of substandard
materials or even unfinished projects.
21. Government officials particularly those
occupying high positions tend to cause the
appointment or employment of relatives and
close friends to government positions even if
they are not qualified or eligible to discharge
the functions of that office.
22. A primitive government is usually
characterized by a society ruled by a
government. TRUE/FALSE
23. The rise of agriculture causes the
evolution of society from a primitive
form of governance. TRUE/FALSE
24. Monarchy comes from the two
Greek words: Mono (people), and
Archy (the rule of); thus, monarchy
also means the rule of the people.
25. It is necessary to choose a religious
leader during the early civilization of
Mesopotamia. TRUE/FALSE
26. Politics comes from the Greek term
Polis which means, “civil force of a
national or local government,
responsible for the prevention and
detection of crime and the maintenance
of public order”. TRUE/FALSE
27. He is the philosopher who posited
the idea that humans are political
28. He is the philosopher who
supported the idea of a democratic
29. He is the philosopher who stated
that the object of politics is virtue;
therefore, societies must be governed
by a “Philosopher-King”.
30. Government deprives a person
from his personal freedom according to
Greek political philosophers.
31. The word “Republic” comes from
the Greek words Re (go back)and
Publika (people), meaning “Going
back to the people”. TRUE/FALSE
32. Senatus Popolusque Romanos is
translated into English as “The Senate
and the People of Rome”.
33. In the Roman Empire, the military
becomes a lifetime professional.
34. According to Virgil, the goal of
Rome’s Military strength is to spare the
conquered and war down the pride.
35. The rise of population means the
rise of Roman Economy.
36. The rise of population means the
rise of Roman Economy.
37. Absolute Monarchy is defined as
supreme power in both lawmaking and
policy making. TRUE/FALSE
38. The invention of Printing Press
increases the resources of the
government, allowing laws and
policies to be printed and reproduced.
39. It is defined as an oppressive
government using brute force.
40. A Russian Marxist philosopher who
criticized Imperialism as the highest
form of capitalism.
41. Media, Religion, Education:
Ideological State Apparatus (ISA);
Military forces, Armed personnel:
42. Working Class: Proletariat; Ruling
Class: __________.
43. Complete the Hegelian dialectic
pattern: Thesis, _________, Synthesis
44. It is a characteristic of good
governance which refers to All men
and women should have a voice in
decision-making, either directly or
through legitimate intermediate
institutions that represent their
45. It is a characteristic of good
governance which refers to Good
governance requires that institutions
and processes try to serve all
stakeholders within a reasonable
46. It is a characteristic of good governance
which refers to that information is freely
available and directly accessible to those
who will be affected by such decisions and
their enforcement. It also means that enough
information is provided and that it is
provided in easily understandable forms and

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