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Product Life cycle

By: Kimora,Tinashe,Cdykka,Jahiel,Stephen
What is a Product
A product life cycle is the length of
Life cycle? time from a product first being
introduced to consumers until it is
removed from the market.

A product's life cycle is usually broken

down into four stages; introduction,
growth, maturity, and decline.
Product introduction

During the introduction stage, the owner launches the product to

the market. It's during the introduction stage that research and
development of the product occur, and large investments are made
to introduce the product to the market. The primary goal of the
introduction stage is to gain market demand for the product.
Product Growth

The growth stage is the period during which the product

eventually and increasingly gains acceptance among
consumers, the industry, and the wider general public. During
this stage, the product or the innovation becomes accepted in
the market, and as a result sales and revenues start to increase.
Product Maturity

The maturity stage of the product life cycle shows that sales will
eventually peak and then slow down. During this stage , sales growth
will start to slow down, and the product has already reached
widespread acceptance in the market.
Product decline
The decline stage of the product life cycle is
the terminal stage where sales drop and production
is ultimately halted. Profitability will
fall, eventually to the point where it is no longer
profitable to produce, and production will stop.

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