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Job /

By Miss Depi
Who am I ?
What is your
father/mother job?
Where does he/she
What do you want
to be in the future?
Find the missing letters to form Diag
names of professions ! nost
1. A person whose job is making and
Test ic
repairing wooden objects and

Cue: C . . . . . . . .

2. A person whose job is to diagnose

and treat dental issues

Cue: D . . . . . .
Find the missing letters to form Diag
names of professions ! nost
3. A person, especially a woman, who
Test ic
is trained to help women deliver their

Cue: M . . . . . .

4. A person who leads you to

sightseeing a tourist object

Cue: T . . . G . . . .
Find the missing letters to form nost
names of professions ! Test ic
5. A person who grows plants
such as rice, corns
Cue: F . . . . .
Pembelajaran Menganalisa - merencanakan -
menulis - mempresentasikan teks
interpersonal pendek sederhana
dengan menggunakan kosakata
spesifik, struktur kalimat sederhana
dan majemuk untuk menyusun
argumen dan menjelaskan suatu
pekerjaan dengan tepat (C4 , C5, C6)

How can you Does ev

What eryone
differenti-ate have
is profession?
some professi
professions? on?
The answers . . .
Meaning Expressions

Profession is •W h a t d o e s
any type of h e / s h e d o ?
work that needs r e do e s
• Wh e
special training
he/s h e w o r k ?
or a particular
skill •H o w d o e s
h e / sh e d o ?
Let's watch
this video!
• Do you know some of
these professions?
• Do you like these
• Can you make a short
description of these
Thank You!

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