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English Class
Job Application Letter
By : Sukmayati, M.Pd
What’s on this Chapter?
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Definition and Purpose

Job Application Letter, also known as a Cover

Letter is a formal letter or document sent to an
organization or company in order to apply for a
job. It is usually sent along with a Resume
(Curriculum Vitae) to provide detailed information
on WHY you are qualified for
the posotion you are applying for. Purpose

To apply for a particular position offered by a

company or an organization
How Important Is Your Letter?
Hiring Manager Selects a Candidate Who ...
01 is unique / Interesting

02 take time to make preparation

03 make the Effort to present the

best version of themselves

04 is impressive
Review / Study Format
Review Information
about the company
Use a Effective Job
and position Format Application Letter

Heading Address Opening / Introduction Body

Create the Address the letter Open the Letter Outline your
heading to the hiring by Describing experience and
manager your Interest qualifications

Body Body Closing

Include aspect of Express Close your letter

your Personality Appreciation with Expectation
and contact
Return Address
01 Name, address of the Applicant: (St, for Street, Rd
for Road, Sq for Square, Pl for Place, Ave for Avenue)

Letter Head/Heading
02 Place and Date (where and when it is written)

Inside Address
03 Name, Company and Job title (If any), Address, and
postal code of the recipient

Greeting / Salutation
04 Dear Mr.Smith / Dear Human Resource Manager/
Dear Sir / Madam (Unknown name)
Introduction / Opening
05 Your Purpose, Position to apply, Source of the
Information, your Interest.

Body / Content of the Letter

06 Experience. Qualification, Personality,
07 Expectation for being called, contact number / email.

Complimentary Close and Signature

08 Short polite closing, ends with a comma.
Eg: Sincerelly yours, yours faithfully, yours truly.
George Smith
Steve Jones St No 15 Return Address

London, September 5, 2018 Letter head/heading

Helen Jones
Principal of St. Mary School
185 West Parkway Boulevard, Inside Address
Coppell, TX, United States
(214) 496-6100

Dear Ms. Jones Greeting/salutation

I'm writing this letter to apply for a position of a History teacher in your esteemed school. The position was advertised in
"The National Herald" dated July 2020. I am interested in the field of academics and love to deal with young minds. Introduction

I have been in the field of teaching for the last five years. I have taught in schools in and around Texas. I have honors in History from
Texas University. I have completed a Diploma in Elementary Education. I use various methods to teach history to young kids.
These methods are planning excursions, showing movies on historical characters, slide show, etc. This helps the students in understanding
the nuances of the subject. Body/content
I can handle a class of forty students. I can work in a team as I have good interpersonal skills. I like to work in various sports
and cultural committees in school which help in overall personality development of the students. I am patient and can work under stress.
I manage to finish the assigned work in tight schedules. I leant that your school is the most favorite and presticious one im this state.
strongly believe that I can contribute and optimize my skills and help your school In progress.

If given an opportunity, I will surely optimize it and help the school in progress of students. You can contact me on phone at (972) closing
502-4400 or email - Attached please find my Curriculum Vitae. I will get back to you in a week's t
ime to know the status of my application.I am waiting for a positive reply from your side look so that I can meet you personally for a
n interview.
Complimentary Close
Yours truly,
George Smith Signature
I. Personal Identity
Name : Sukmayati, M.Pd
Place/Date of Birth : Meureudu, December 15, 1969
Address : Laksamana Malahayati Street No.23, Baet, Great Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia
Religion : Islam
Sex : Female
Marital Status : Married
Phone Number : 085260110539
Email :

II. Education Background

2003-2006 : Master Degree of Language Education at Syiah Kuala University
1988 – 1995 : Undergraduate Degree of Language Education at Syiah Kuala University
1985 – 1988 : Senior High School number 1 Lhokseumawe
1982-1985 : Junior High School number 1 Lhokseumawe
1976 – 1982 : Elementary School Number 6 Lhokseumawe

III. Overseas Trainings

September 2006 : Two months Teacher Training on Fall Best Practice Institute in Hawaii
and New York
June 2005 : TOT on Communication Skills in RELC in Singapore
Mart 2003 : Teacher Traini9ng on Text Book Writing and Curriculum Development in
The University of Malaya, Malaysia
IV. Domestic Trainings
June 2018 : ToT on National Instructor in Medan
September 2017 : ToT on National Instructor in Cisarua, West Java
V. Work Experience
2008-Now : English Teacher of Labschool Unsyiah
2000-2008 : English Teacher of SMAN Banda Aceh
2006-now : Instructor / Facilitator at various teacher trainings all over Aceh province.

VI. Skills : Active English; oral and written

Excellent Computer Skills on Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Power Point

VII. Achievement : 1. Runner up in Teacher’s Competition in Banda Aceh (2018)

2. Runner up in National Teachesr’ Olimpiade Competition (2018)
3. First Champion in Teacher;s Competition (2016)

VIII. Books : 1. English Text Book (An integration of Islamic Value and Aceh Local Wisdom) -2018
2. Antology entitled “Jejak Pengasuhan Orang tua” -2020
3. Antology entitled “Parenting Story” - 2020
4. Antology entitled “ I love Aceh” -2020

References : 1. Dr. Usman Kasim, M.Ed, (Lecture of Unsyiah )

2. Dr Nasir Usman, M.Pd (School Principal of SMA Labschool Unsyiah )
3. Syaridin, S.Pd, M.Pd ( Former Head of Aceh Province Education Department)

My Contact : Mobile : 085260110539

Email :
Instagram :@sukmayati2020
youtube Channel :sukmayati sofyan

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